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date: 21 January 2025

Digital Shakespearelocked

Digital Shakespearelocked

  • Toby MaloneToby MaloneState University of New York at Oswego
  • , and Brett Greatley-HirschBrett Greatley-HirschSchool of English, University of Leeds


Digital publishing, from early ventures in fixed media (diskette and CD-ROM) through to editions designed for the Web, tablets, and phones, radically transforms the creation, remediation, and dissemination of Shakespearean texts. Likewise, digital technologies reshape the performance of William Shakespeare’s plays through the introduction of new modes of capture and delivery, as well as the adaptation of social media, virtual reality, video gaming, and motion capture in stage and screen productions. With the aid of the computer, Shakespearean texts, places, and spaces can be “modeled” in new and sophisticated ways, including algorithmic approaches to questions of Shakespearean authorship and chronology, the virtual 3D reconstruction of now-lost playhouses, and historical geospatial mapping of Shakespeare’s London.


  • British and Irish Literatures
  • Film, TV, and Media
  • Middle Ages and Renaissance (500-1600)
  • Theater and Drama
  • Print Culture and Digital Humanities

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