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date: 08 February 2025

Alfonso Reyeslocked

Alfonso Reyeslocked

  • Víctor Barrera EnderleVíctor Barrera EnderleUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


The work of Alfonso Reyes represents a watershed in modern Hispano-American literature thanks not only to his contributions to the genres of essays and poetry, but also his role in the process of specialization of the role of the writer and intellectual in the public sphere. His path represents a shift from the 19th-century “man of letters” to the modern intellectual. Alfonso Reyes was part of the Ateneo de la Juventud generation (the first modern intellectual association in Mexico), and after these formative years, he took on (and reformed) the main literary currents of Hispano-American modernism and complemented them with the underlying concerns of his generation, such as the search for professionalization in literature and the creation of modern cultural and educational policies.


  • Latin American and Caribbean Literatures

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