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date: 10 February 2025

Asian American Ecocriticismlocked

Asian American Ecocriticismlocked

  • Anita MannurAnita MannurDepartment of English, Miami University
  • , and Casey KuhajdaCasey KuhajdaDepartment of English, Miami University


Asian American ecocriticism focuses on providing theoretical frameworks for understanding race and ethnicity in environmental contexts. Attention to Asian American literary criticism can fill crucial critical lacunae in the study of the environment in American studies. Since the early 2000s, ecocritical and environmental studies have conceptualized place, the physical and built environment, not only as an object of study but also as a site from which to launch a critique of how ecocritical studies has centered issues such as climate change and environmental degradation by understanding the intersectional contexts of environmental studies. Asian American ecocriticism in this sense can be understood as a rejoinder to the extant body of work in ecocritical studies in that it demands a vigorous engagement with race, class, and ethnicity in understanding what we think of as the environment.


  • North American Literatures
  • Asian Literatures
  • Fiction

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