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date: 10 February 2025

Systems Approaches for Coastal Hazard Assessment and Resiliencelocked

Systems Approaches for Coastal Hazard Assessment and Resiliencelocked

  • Scott C. Hagen, Scott C. HagenLouisiana State University, Center for Coastal Resiliency
  • Davina L. Passeri, Davina L. PasseriU.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
  • Matthew V. Bilskie, Matthew V. BilskieLouisiana State University, Center for Coastal Resiliency
  • Denise E. DeLormeDenise E. DeLormeLouisiana State University, Center for Coastal Resiliency
  • , and David YoskowitzDavid YoskowitzHarte Research Institute, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi


The framework presented herein supports a changing paradigm in the approaches used by coastal researchers, engineers, and social scientists to model the impacts of climate change and sea level rise (SLR) in particular along low-gradient coastal landscapes. Use of a System of Systems (SoS) approach to the coastal dynamics of SLR is encouraged to capture the nonlinear feedbacks and dynamic responses of the bio-geo-physical coastal environment to SLR, while assessing the social, economic, and ecologic impacts. The SoS approach divides the coastal environment into smaller subsystems such as morphology, ecology, and hydrodynamics. Integrated models are used to assess the dynamic responses of subsystems to SLR; these models account for complex interactions and feedbacks among individual systems, which provides a more comprehensive evaluation of the future of the coastal system as a whole. Results from the integrated models can be used to inform economic services valuations, in which economic activity is connected back to bio-geo-physical changes in the environment due to SLR by identifying changes in the coastal subsystems, linking them to the understanding of the economic system and assessing the direct and indirect impacts to the economy. These assessments can be translated from scientific data to application through various stakeholder engagement mechanisms, which provide useful feedback for accountability as well as benchmarks and diagnostic insights for future planning. This allows regional and local coastal managers to create more comprehensive policies to reduce the risks associated with future SLR and enhance coastal resilience.


  • Resilience
  • Floods
  • Climate Change
  • Sea Level Rise
  • Coastal Storm Surge

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