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date: 09 February 2025

Gender Differences in Risk Perception: A Reviewlocked

Gender Differences in Risk Perception: A Reviewlocked

  • Misse Wester, Misse WesterIndependent
  • Evelyn Salas AlfaroEvelyn Salas AlfaroIndependent
  • , and Phu Doma LamaPhu Doma LamaIndependent


Men and women perceive risks differently. This difference is systematic and shows that women have a higher risk perception for most risks compared to men. In particular, women are more concerned with environmental and climate related risks than men. One explanation put forth to account for these differences is that women by nature of their sex or gendered role are more oriented toward nurturing and caring, making them more in tune with nature. Possible explanations for why men have a significantly lower perception of risk have not received equal attention. There has also been an assumption that risk perception will influence preparedness, thus a high-risk perception should lead to a better preparedness. However, the relationship between perception and preparedness is not linear. Women’s higher risk perception does not lead to them being better prepared since women lack decision-making power or access to resources in many contexts. While it is important to include women in all stages of risk management, it is important to remember that not all women are the same, nor can women alone change the risk landscape. Instead, more attention needs to be devoted to the role of men and masculinities in order to better understand and address differences in risk perceptions and risk management strategies.


  • Risk Assessment
  • Gender Issues

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