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date: 11 February 2025

Climate Change Impacts on Natech Risklocked

Climate Change Impacts on Natech Risklocked

  • Xiaolong Luo, Xiaolong LuoSichuan University
  • Dimitrios Tzioutzios, Dimitrios TzioutziosNorwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Maria Camila Suarez-PabaMaria Camila Suarez-PabaNational Unit for Disaster Risk Management
  • , and Ana Maria CruzAna Maria CruzKyoto University Disaster Prevention Research Institute


Natech events are natural hazard–triggered technological accidents, which often cause hazardous material releases, fires, or explosions. In the past decades, the number of Natech events has trended upward. Many researchers emphasize that the observed trend could be attributed to climate change due to climate change’s influence on the growing frequency, duration, and severity of natural hazards. Apart from logical reasoning, however, there is limited direct evidence to support this surmise. To understand how climate change impacts Natech risk, this article specifically focuses on the history of scholarly understanding of climate change and Natech risks. It identifies gaps in current research and highlights the necessity for advanced risk management approaches. Finally, recommendations for future policy directions are provided, proposing adaptive strategies and active stakeholder engagement to mitigate the heightened Natech risks resulting from climate change.


  • Risk Management
  • Climate Change

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