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date: 13 February 2025

Hormones and Animal Communicationlocked

Hormones and Animal Communicationlocked

  • Eliot A. BrenowitzEliot A. BrenowitzUniversity of Washington, Departments of Biology and Psychology


Animals produce communication signals to attract mates and deter rivals during their breeding season. The coincidence in timing results from the modulation of signaling behavior and neural activity by sex steroid hormones associated with reproduction. Adrenal steroids can influence signaling for aggressive interactions outside the breeding season. Androgenic and estrogenic hormones act on brain circuits that regulate the motivation to produce and respond to signals, the motor production of signals, and the sensory perception of signals. Signal perception, in turn, can stimulate gonadal development.


  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Motor Systems
  • Neuroendocrine and Autonomic Systems
  • Sensory Systems

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