ORE of Physics Available via Subscription and Perpetual Access

January 30, 2024

On January 30, after a successful free period during development, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Physics has been made available via subscription and perpetual access to libraries and institutions worldwide.

Working with an international community of scholars, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Physics provides a collection of in-depth, peer-reviewed summaries on a variety of topics across physics. Developed in partnership with the American Institute of Physics and led by Editor in Chief Professor Brian Foster, this research encyclopedia offers background and critical perspectives for researchers who are seeking an authoritative grounding in unfamiliar physics subjects.

The following physics articles will remain free to access which means you can sample summaries from a diverse range of topics today:

Browse all ORE physics articles

The Oxford Research Encyclopedias (OREs) offer long-form overview articles written, peer-reviewed, and edited by leading scholars. The OREs are available by annual subscription or individual purchase to libraries and institutions, so ask your librarian if you have access. If you don’t, then recommend this essential resource to your librarian today. If you're a librarian, explore Subscriber Services to learn how to provide access to the OREs for your institution.