Past Updates
April 2024
African History
Addis Ababa (Getahun Benti)
Ancient Egypt and Southwest Asia (Jana Mynářová)
Cartography in Colonial Africa (Lindsay Frederick Braun)
Combat Games in the Black Atlantic, 17–19th Centuries (Matthias Röhrig Assunção)
European Slaves in North Africa and North African Slaves in Europe during the Early Modern Period, up to the 1820s (M'hamed Oualdi)
Freedom Suits in the Ibero-Atlantic World (Cristina Nogueira da Silva, Mariana Dias Paes)
History of Malawi (Joey Power)
History of Social Welfare Policy in South Africa (H. Chitonge)
Mechanisms of Enslavement (Daniel B. Domingues da Silva)
Middle Kingdom (Wolfram Grajetzki)
Ogidi Women's Market Protest of 1914 (Tara Hollies)
Political History of Cameroon (Emmanuel M. Mbah)
Politics of Colonial Conservation in Kenya (Martin S. Shanguhyia)
Slave Trade and Urban Slavery on the Swahili Coast from Medieval Times to Abolition (Thomas Vernet-Habasque)
Slavery and the African Diaspora in Spanish America (Sabrina Smith)
Tsitsi Dangarembga (Anne Gulick)
Witchcraft in Liberia (Henryatta L. Ballah)
Women in Djibouti (Amina Saïd Chiré)
Women in the Central African Republic (Juan Fandos-Rius)
Youth Activism in 21st-Century North Africa (Christoph Schwarz)
American History
Dayton, Ohio (Janet Bednarek)
Philadelphia (Timothy J. Lombardo)
The Department Store (Traci Parker)
Toledo (Timothy Messer-Kruse)
Archaeologists and Community Collaboration (Krysta Ryzewski)
Experimental Archaeology (Silje Evjenth Bentsen), revised
Natural Parks: Political, Economic, and Socioecological Relations (Cecilia Paradiso)
Paleoepidemiology (Samantha L. Yaussy)
Theoretical Perspectives in Peruvian Archaeology (Henry Tantaleán)
Asian History
Feminist Student Movement in Japan 1945–1975 (Anna Vittinghoff)
Lothal in the History of the Indian Ocean (Shereen Ratnagar), revised
Partition and the Reorganization of Commercial Networks (Rinchan Ali Mirza)
Reframing Ancient Afghanistan: Pre-Historic and Early Historic Spatial Connections to the Saka-Yuezhi Period (1st Century ce) (Henri-Paul Francfort)
Surrender of Japan’s Empire: Japanese Historiographical Issue (Yukiko Koshiro)
The Chinese in Colonial Myanmar (Yi Li)
Climate Science
A History of Institutional Meteorology in the Philippines, 1865-1972 (Kerby C. Alvarez)
Two Millennia of Natural and Anthropogenic Changes of the Polish Baltic Coast (Andrzej Osadczuk, Ryszard Krzysztof Borówka, Joanna Dudzińska-Nowak)
Amazigh Cultural Movement and Media in Morocco (Abdelmalek El Kadoussi, Bouziane Zaid, Mohammed Ibahrine)
Argumentation and Rhetoric (John Kephart III)
Ethnicity, Identity, and Branding in Post-Communist Romania (Alina Dolea, Arthur Suciu), revised
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Child Sexual Exploitation (Jonah R. Rimer)
Law Enforcement (Angus Nurse)
Law Enforcement and Public Health (Isabelle Bartkowiak-Théron)
The Harms and Crimes Against Plant Species (Esteban Morelle-Hungría, Pablo Serra-Palao)
Economics and Finance
Labor Market Returns to Higher Education (Ghazala Azmat, Jack Britton)
The Hong Kong Housing Market (Lok Sang Ho, Yonglin Wang), revised
Critical Perspectives on Positive Youth Development and Environmental Education (Marianne E. Krasny, Tania M. Schusler, Jesse Delia, Anne Katherine Armstrong, Lilly Briggs)
Curriculum Development (Dominic Wyse, Yana Manyukhina)
Fostering Indigenous Educational Sovereignty in the Navajo Nation (Jon Reyhner, Joseph Martin), revised
Interpreting and Using Basil Bernstein’s Sociology of Education (Henry Kwok, Parlo Singh)
Multiliteracies in Teacher Education (Tala Michelle Karkar Esperat)
Reimagining Arabic in Islamic Schools (Nadia Selim), revised
Religious Liberty in American Public Higher Education (William E. Thro)
Skepticism and Education (Yuya Takeda, Itamar Manoff)
Environmental Science
Economic Value of Water (Dale Whittington, Michael Hanemann)
Ecosystem Services into Water Resource Planning and Management (Phoebe Koundouri, Angelos Alamanos, Kostas Dellis, Conrad Landis, Artemis Stratopoulou), revised
The History of Synoptic Meteorology in the Age of Numerical Weather Forecasting (Kristine C. Harper)
Food Studies
Living Fermented Foods and Drinks (James Read)
Global Public Health
Community Directed Approaches for Health Improvement (William R. Brieger, Bright C. Orji)
International Studies
Analyzing Change in IR Theory (Charlotta Friedner Parrat)
Art and Peacebuilding (Berit Bliesemann de Guevara, Lydia C. Cole)
The Arctic in International Relations (Andreas Østhagen)
Transnational Terrorist Attacks (Seung-Whan Choi), revised
Latin American History
Derivation in Germanic (Stefan Hartmann)
Focus in Chinese (Peppina Po-lun Lee, Yueming Sun), revised
Germanic Languages in Contact in Central and South America (Karoline Kühl)
History of the French Lexicon (Olivier Bertrand)
Register and Enregisterment in Germanic (Jürgen Spitzmüller)
Writing Systems in Modern West Germanic (Martin Evertz-Rittich)
Arab Wests: Maghrib, Europe and the Americas in the Modern Literary Imagination (Ahmed Idrissi Alami)
Law and American Literature (Jeffory A. Clymer), revised
Modern Sudanese Literature (Afis Ayinde Oladosu)
Natural Hazard Science
Waiting for Disaster? Housing Choices and Disaster Knowledge Among Migrants and Refugees in Istanbul's Southwestern Districts (Estella Carpi, Saman Ghaffarian, Ouaees Hommous, Cassidy Johnson)
Behavioral, Cognitive, and Neural Mechanisms of Human Social Interaction (Antonia F. de C. Hamilton)
Jean-René Cruchet (1875–1959) (Olivier Walusinski), revised
Transcriptional Regulation Underlying Long-term Sensitization in Aplysia (Robert J. Calin-Jageman, Theresa Wilsterman, Irina E. Calin-Jageman)
Ions for the Treatment of Tumors (Sandro Rossi)
String Field Theory (Carlo Maccaferri), revised
Planetary Science
Dust Storms on Mars (Melinda Kahre)
Civil-Military Relations in Asia: Between Democratization and Autocratization (Aurel Croissant), revised
Interconnected Asian History and “Open” World Orders (Manjeet S. Pardesi)
The North Korean Nuclear Crisis: A Non-Compensatory Explanation (Uk Heo, Cassidy Welch)
Islamic Bioethics: Abortion (Gilla K. Shapiro, Jonathan K. Crane)
Islamic Bioethics: Agency (Mustansir Mir), revised
Islamic Bioethics: Bioethics in Malaysia (Salilah Saidun)
Islamic Bioethics: Castration (Serena Tolino)
Islamic Bioethics: Circumcision (Zaynab El Bernoussi, Baudouin Dupret)
Islamic Relics (Richard McGregor)
Islamic Society of North America (Iqbal J. Unus)
Jewish Art in the Modern Era (Larry Silver, Samantha Baskind)
The Book of Ecclesiastes (Qohelet) (Thomas M. Bolin)
Theology in Translation: Latin American and Iranian Efforts (Ángel Horacio Molina, Luis Alberto Vittor)
Social Work
Asaga, Fusa (Yomei Nakatani)
Hendry, Charles Eric "Chick" (Hugh Shewell)
Jebb, Eglantyne (Malcolm Payne)
Shannon, Mary Coleen (Catheleen Jordan, Norman H. Cobb, David L. Cory)
Spira, Marcia (Susan F. Grossman, Terry B. Northcut, Michael P. Dentato, Christie Mason, Darby J. Morhardt, Robyn L. Golden, Thomas K. Kenemore, Lauren Spira)
March 2024
African History
Africa and Its Diasporas under Slavery (Walter Hawthorne)
Arab Spring (Ahmed Abushouk)
Archaeology of Caves along the East African Coast (Ceri Shipton, Jim Crowther)
Bori Religion in West Africa (Kari B. Henquinet)
Chinese Images of Africa (Tara Mock)
Documents on South-Central and Southeast Africa to 1890 (Matthew Hannaford)
Food and Agricultural History of Ghana since Pre-colonial Times (Samuel Adu-Gyamfi)
Foreign and Domestic Interest in Agricultural Land in West Africa (Kerstin Nolte, Massa Coulibaly, Peter Narh)
History of Nigeria (Matthew M. Heaton)
History of UNITA in Angola (Justin Pearce)
Islam in Kenya (Hassan Juma Ndzovu)
Kilwa and its Environs (Elgidius B. Ichumbaki, Neema C. Munisi)
Migrations and Mobilities in Sahelian West Africa (David Rickter Rain)
Muhammad ‘Ali of Egypt and Sudan (George Michael La Rue)
Samora Moisés Machel, 1933-1986 (Colin Darch)
Second Intermediate Period (Danielle Candelora)
Slavery in the Mandara Mountains and Lake Chad Basin (Melchisedek Chetima)
The Almohad Empire, c. 1120-1269 (Amira Bennison)
The History of the Makonde of Mozambique (Paolo Israel)
The Kenyan Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission (Ronald C. Slye)
The Négritude Movement (Gemma Bird)
The Origins of Slavery in Cabo Verde and São Tomé and Príncipe (Filipa Ribeiro da Silva)
The Young Women’s Christian Association in Anglophone Africa (Eleanor Tiplady Higgs)
American History
Indentured Servitude in Colonial America (Anna Suranyi)
William McKinley Jr. (Aroop Mukharji)
Language and (Trans)nationalism (Kinga Kozminska)
Language and Colonial Rule (David Tavárez), revised
Language Socialization (Shannon M. Ward)
Asian History
Elephant Management in the Brahmaputra Uplands and Beyond: An Ethnohistorical Approach (Nicolas Lainé)
Language Policy and Planning in Mainland Southeast Asia (David Bradley), revised
The Indus River (David Gilmartin)
The Temporalities of Southeast Asian Historiography (Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan)
Tibetan Exiles in India (Sonika Gupta)
Wa Communities in the China-Myanmar Borderlands (Magnus Fiskesjö)
Were-Tigers of Odisha in Adivasi Folklore (Stefano Beggiora)
Business and Management
Citizen Science and Crowd Science (Marion K. Poetz, Henry Sauermann)
Corporate Governance in Entrepreneurial Firms (Julio De Castro, Jose Lejarraga, Qiong Wu), revised
Internationalization Processes (Catherine Welch, Peter W. Liesch)
Climate Science
Climate change and coastal processes in the Baltic Sea (Tarmo Soomere)
Climate Change and Corporate Strategies (Christopher Wright, Daniel Nyberg, Vanessa Bowden)
Meteorology, Climate, and Health in the United States (Elaine LaFay)
On frequently used terms related to climate change (Guoyu Ren, Hans von Storch)
Social Theory and Climate Change (Robert J. Antonio)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Cyberterrorism (Mehmet F. Bastug, Ismail Onat), revised
Experimental Methods in Criminology (Rylan Simpson)
Measuring Homicide by Police (Matthew Renner)
Participatory Action Research (Tara M. Brown)
The Eurogang Program of Research (Finn-Aage Esbensen, Cheryl L. Maxson), revised
Economics and Finance
Leverage Cycle Theory of Economic Crises and Booms (John Geanakoplos)
Unintended Fertility: Trends, Causes, Consequences (Christine Piette Durrance, Melanie Guldi), revised
Current Trends and Directions in Socioscientific Issues Education Research (Aswathy Raveendran)
LGBTQ+ Students in PK-12 Education (Benjamin A. Lebovitz, Erin K. Gill, Mollie T. McQuillan, Suzanne E. Eckes)
Locus of Control Framework and Teacher Wellbeing (Inga Venema-Steen, Anne Southall)
Sweden and Education as a Market (Lisbeth Lundahl), revised
Environmental Science
Environmental Policy and the Double Dividend Hypothesis (Antonio M. Bento)
Hedging and Financial Tools for Water Management (C. Dionisio Pérez-Blanco), revised
Machine Learning Tools for Water Resources Modelling and Management (Giorgio Guariso, Matteo Sangiorgio)
Review of Rain and Atmospheric Water Harvesting History and Technology (Nathan Ortiz, Sameer Rao)
Water as a Merit Good (Michael Hanemann, Dale Whittington)
International Studies
Contemporary Trends in Militarization and Politics in Africa (Godfrey Maringira)
International Law, Technology, and Gender-Based Violence (Carlotta Rigotti)
Latin American History
Latin American Feminisms (Jocelyn Olcott)
Palm Oil and Afro-Brazilian Cultures (Case Watkins), revised
The Institutional Construction of Intangible Heritage Concept and Policy in Brazil, 1937–2016 (Morena Levy Salama)
Central Italo-Romance (Including Standard Italian) (Elisa De Roberto)
Dialectometry in the Romance Languages: the Salzburg School (Hans Goebl), revised
History of the Occitan and Gascon Lexicon (Hélène Carles, Martin Glessgen)
The AP-Domain in Germanic (Alexandra Rehn, Alexander Pfaff, Svetlana Petrova)
Premodern Multilingual Arabo-Islamicate Poetics (Rebecca Ruth Gould)
Natural Hazard Science
A Relational Approach to Risk Communication (Jing Zhu, Raul P. Lejano)
Looking for the Disaster Behind an Earthquake in a Fishing Village in South Pacific Coast of Mexico (Rogelio Josue Ramos Torres), revised
Natural Hazards, Climate Change, and Indigenous Knowledge and Stewardship: Moving Toward a Resilience-based Model (William Nikolakis, Victoria Gay, Russell Myers Ross, Aimee Nygaard)
Crossmodal Plasticity, Sensory Experience, and Cognition (Valeria Vinogradova, Velia Cardin)
Jean-Martin Charcot (1825– 1893) (Olivier Walusinski), revised
Islam, Gender, and Sexualities (Yafa Shanneik)
Muslims across Hispanic and Lusophone Geographies (Paulo Pinto), revised
Pilgrimage Centers and Relics in Catholic Spain (María del Mar Doval Trueba, Barbara von Barghahn)
Theology, Issues in North America (Candace Mixon)
Social Work
Howard, Matthew Owen (Eric L. Garland, Jeffrey M. Jenson)
Jackson, Mae (Vijayan K. Pillai, Julie Nagoshi)
February 2024
African History
"Medieval" Ethiopia (Alessandro Bausi, Jacopo Gnisci)
African Sailors in the Atlantic World (Emma Christopher)
Dar es Salaam (Eric Burton)
Italian Settlers in the Horn of Africa (Antonio M. Morone)
Nampula (Daria Trentini)
Pan-Africanism (Harry Odamtten)
Political Economy of Textiles in the Atlantic Slave Trade (Kazuo Kobayashi)
Southern African Middle Stone Age (Sarah Wurz)
The Biafran War (Ogechukwu E. Williams)
The Portuguese Slave Trade (Arlindo Caldeira)
Veterinary History in Southern Africa (Wesley Mwatwara)
Zubair Pasha (Scopas Poggo)
American History
Female Slaveholders in British America (Christine Walker)
South Asian Migration to the United States, 1700s–2010s (Uzma Quraishi)
United States–Cuba Relations (Asa McKercher)
Battlefield and Conflict Archaeology (Douglas D. Scott)
The Anthropology of Policy (Noémi Lendvai-Bainton, Paul Stubbs), revised
Asian History
Landscape and Nation in North Korea (Robert Winstanley-Chesters)
Legal Pluralism in Myanmar (Helene Maria Kyed), revised
The State-Subject Question in Kashmir (Shahla Hussain)
Zhang Qian (Shujing Wang)
Classical Studies
Arbela (John MacGinnis, David Michelmore)
Climate Science
The Role of temperature inversions in air pollution episodes demonstrated by examples in the Eastern Alps (Austria) (Martin Piringer, Kathrin Baumann-Stanzer)
Communicative Decisions in Families (Rudy C. Pett, Kristina M. Scharp, Yueyi Fan)
Identification and Parasocial Relationships With Video Game Characters (Arienne Ferchaud)
Long-Term Trends in News Content (Edda Humprecht, Linards Udris), revised
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Disparity in Capital Sentencing (Marian R. Williams), revised
Feminist Theory (Rachel Bridges Whaley)
Green Cultural Criminology: Foundations, Variations and New Frames (Anita Lam, Nigel South, Avi Brisman)
Offenders of Environmental Crimes (Rita Faria)
Police, Media, and Popular Culture (Alyce McGovern, Nickie D. Phillips), revised
Race and Re-Entry After Incarceration (Kayla M. Hoskins, Kaelyn Sanders), revised
Virtual Currency, Cryptoassets, and Cybercrime (Tessa Cole, R.V. Gundur)
Economics and Finance
Asset Pricing: Cross-Section Predictability (Paolo Zaffaroni, Guofu Zhou)
COVID-19 and Mental Health: Natural Experiments of the Costs of Lockdowns (Climent Quintana-Domeque, Jingya Zeng), revised
Persistence Change and Segmented Cointegration Testing (Paulo M. M. Rodrigues)
Embedding Sustainability in Teacher Education in Australia (Lisa D. Ryan, Jo-Anne L. Ferreira)
Imaginative Ecological Education: Evolution of a Theory and Practice (Gillian Judson)
Researching Relationships between Rural Education, Space and Social Justice (Hernan Cuervo), revised
Study Circles (Staffan Larsson)
Teacher Education in Poland (Joanna Madalinska-Michalak)
Teaching Self-Efficacy (David B. Morris), revised
The Philosophy of Mathematics Education (Catherine Henney, Kurt Stemhagen)
Environmental Science
A review of alternative water supply systems in ASEAN (Cecilia Tortajada, Kristopher Hartley, Corinne Ong, Ojasvee Arora)
The Environmental History of the Antarctic (Sebastian Grevsmühl)
Food Studies
Mezze and the Lebanese Table (Aïda Kanafani-Zahar), summary
The Ethics of Veganism and Plant-based Diets (Carlo Alvaro), revised
The History and Roots of Tea (Matthew Mauger), summary
Global Public Health
Evaluating Condominial Sewerage Programs: Technology & Community Engagement (Patrícia Campos Borja, Earthea Nance, Luiz Roberto Santos), revised
The Role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Advancing Health Equity (Orlando L. Taylor, Nicole L. Retland, Briana Jeffreys, Elaine Meredith, Melissa E. Wynn, Pamela L. Carter-Nolan)
Using Large Datasets to Measure Health Status and Service Use of Older Adults (Kimberly E. Lind, Magdalena Z. Raban)
International Studies
Economics of International Communication (Stefan H. Fritsch), revised
Ethics of Peacebuilding (Reina C. Neufeldt), revised
Gender and Populism in International Studies (Paula Drumond, Paula Sandrin)
Jihadist Governance in Civil Wars (Aisha Ahmad)
Latin American History
Mental Health and Central American Revolutions (Alexandra Puerto)
Portuguese America and the Vocabulary of Colonial Poverty (1500–1750) (Renato Franco), revised
Juana Manuela Gorriti (Vanesa Miseres)
Natural Hazard Science
A People-Centered Urban Recovery Strategy for Karantina (Beirut, Lebanon) in the Aftermath of the Beirut Port Blast (Howayda Al-Harithy, Batoul Yassine)
Diversity in audiences (Julia Metag, Kira Klinger), revised
Diagnosis and Treatment of Gambling Addiction (Gemma Mestre-Bach, Marc N. Potenza)
Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics (David Wallace)
Islam and Politics in Asia (Robert W. Hefner), revised
Regime Resilience in Malaysia and Singapore Revisited: Ideologically-Bounded Democracies? (Kai Ostwald)
The Politics of Prosecuting Genocide and War Crimes in Asia (John Ciorciari)
Technology and Religion in Ancient Greece and Rome (Tatiana Bur)
January 2024
African History
Ahmadu Bamba (Fallou Ngom)
Aminu Kano (Mohammed Bashir Salau, Oyedele Oluokun)
Archaeology of Senegambia (Sirio Canós-Donnay)
Gender and the Study of Slavery and the Slave Trades in Africa (Vanessa S. Oliveira)
History of Archaeology in Ghana (Wazi Apoh, Samuel Amartey)
History of the Standard Swahili Language (Morgan J. Robinson)
History of Tourism in Colonial Lusophone Africa (João Sarmento)
Joshua Nkomo (Eliakim Sibanda)
Karamoja Historical Perspective (Mustafa Mirzeler)
Routes to Emancipation in Ethiopia (Alexander Meckelburg, Giulia Bonacci)
Slavery and Resistance in West Central Africa (Esteban Salas)
Southern Sudanese Systems of Slavery (Scopas Poggo)
The Archaeology of Nok Culture in Nigeria (2nd/1st Millennium bce) (Gabriele Franke)
The Portuguese Slave Trade (Arlindo Caldeira)
Woman-to-Woman Marriage in West Africa (Bright Alozie)
American History
Asian American Activism (Vivian Truong)
Home-Based Labor (Eileen Boris)
Mining and the Environment (George Vrtis, Kirke Elsass)
Smuggling and Illicit Trade in British America (Andrew Rutledge)
The Harlem Renaissance (Rachel Farebrother)
Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919 (Matthew Oyos)
U.S.-Lebanese Relations (Emily I. Whalen)
Washington, D.C. (Mary-Elizabeth B. Murphy)
Beyond Formal-Informal Dichotomies (Alan Smart, Martijn Koster)
Language Ideologies (Catherine R. Rhodes)
Maritime Archaeology of the Post-Ancient World (1400-1946) (James P. Delgado), revised
Multimodal Anthropology (Nat Nesvaderani), summary
Performativity in Africa (Katrina Daly Thompson, Mwita Muniko)
Platform Capitalism (Maribel Casas-Cortés, Montserrat Cañedo-Rodríguez, Carlos Diz)
Police and Policing (Paul T. Clarke, Julia Hornberger)
The Development of Early Historic Urbanism in South Asia (Reshma Sawant)
Asian History
Bangladeshis in Italy (Andrea Priori)
Bukharan Trade Networks in Eurasia (Erika Monahan), revised
History of the Banda Sea (Hans Hägerdal)
Kachin Communities in Myanmar (Mandy Sadan)
Mobilities Across European Banglascapes (Francesco Della Puppa)
Religion and Environment in Bhutan (Elizabeth Allison)
The Ainu and Japanese Settler Colonialism (Michael Roellinghoff)
The Line of Control in Kashmir (Mato Bouzas)
Zhang Qian (Shujing Wang)
Business and Management
Additive Manufacturing Technology (Christina Öberg)
Machine Learning in Management (Elizabeth Degefe, Krishna Savani, Abhishek Sheetal), revised
Psychic Distance (Lars Håkanson)
Classical Studies
athletics, Greek (Reyes Bertolín Cebrián), revised
diagnosis (Daniel King), revised
Dionysius of Byzantium (Daniel Hanigan)
Dionysius Periegetes (J. L. Lightfoot)
Epic of Erra (Frauke Weiershäuser)
Jerusalem (Avner Ecker), revised
Nabonidus, king of Babylon (Frauke Weiershäuser)
Nebuchadnezzar II (Frauke Weiershäuser)
Nemea (Kim Shelton), revised
Plato, ethical and political thought (Christopher Bobonich), revised
portraiture, Greek (Sheila Dillon), revised
Climate Science
The Genesis and Evolution of European Union Framework Programmes on Climate Science (Elisabeth Lipiatou, Anastasios Kentarchos)
Flow Experiences and Media (Paula T. Wang, Kylie Woodman, René Weber)
Media Ownership and Journalism (Helle Sjøvaag, Jonas Ohlsson), revised
Medical Tourism and Communication (Alicia Mason)
Minga for Indigenous Collective Communication: Indigenous Communication Public Policy in Colombia (Eliana Herrera Huérfano, Amparo Cadavid Bringe, Jair Vega-Casanova)
News Agencies from Telegraph Bureaus to Cyberfactories (Terhi Rantanen), revised
Virtual Reality Horror Games and Fear in Gaming (Tammy Jin-Hsuan Lin)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Cyberstalking Victimization (Erin Faucher, Jaeyong Choi)
Epidemiological Criminology (Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Haylea Hannah)
Habitat Loss (Mònica Pons-Hernández)
Images of Alternative Justice: The Alternative of Restorative Justice (Brunilda Pali), revised
Measuring Violent Crime (Joanne Savage)
National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) (Grant Drawve, Casey Harris, Kaitlyn Campbell)
Online Terrorism and Violent Extremism (Ryan Scrivens, Tiana Gaudette)
Police Legitimacy, Procedural Justice, and Formal Social Control (Robert E. Worden, Beau P. Holladay, Sarah J. McLean)
Speciesism and the Non-human (Ragnhild Sollund)
The Eurogang Program of Research (Finn-Aage Esbensen, Cheryl L. Maxson), revised
The Harms and Crimes of Logging and Deforestation (José Luis Carpio-Domínguez)
Economics and Finance
A Review of the Effects of Pay Transparency (Emma Duchini, Stefania Simion, Arthur Turrell)
Earnings Inequality in Latin America: A Three-Decade Retrospective (Manuel Fernández, Gabriela Serrano), revised
Foreign Exchange Intervention (Helen Popper)
The Empirics of Network Models (Pedro CL Souza)
Critical Policy Discourse Analysis in Higher Education (Jane Mulderrig)
Early Jesuit Visions of Education (Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Ana Jofre)
Imaginative Ecological Education: Evolution of a Theory and Practice (Gillian Judson)
Researching Relationships between Rural Education, Space and Social Justice (Hernan Cuervo), revised
Study Circles (Staffan Larsson)
Teacher Education in Poland (Joanna Madalinska-Michalak)
Teaching Self-Efficacy (David B. Morris), revised
Environmental Science
Ecological Water Management in Cities (Timothy Beatley), revised
Statistical Scaling of Randomly Fluctuating Hierarchical Variables (Shlomo P. Neuman, Monica Riva, Alberto Guadagnini, Martina Siena, Chiara Recalcati)
The Environmental History of the Antarctic (Sebastian Grevsmühl)
Transcontinental meteorology infrastructures from Ancient Mesopotamia to the Early Modern Age (Robert-Jan Wille)
Food Studies
Class Mobility and Occupational Change (Alex Korsunsky), summary
Colonial Era Food and Spice (Amanda E. Herbert), summary
Culinary Tourism (Alicia Kennedy), summary
Food and Religious Rituals (Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus), summary
Genocide and Food in Postcolonial Narratives (Jonathan Bishop Highfield), summary
Indian Ocean Trade (Jeremy Simmons), summary
Living Fermented Foods and Drinks (James Read), summary
Natural Food (Michael Kideckel), summary
Social and Biocultural Dimensions of Children’s Food (Tina Moffat), summary
Spices in the Ancient World (Matthew Cobb), summary
The History of Cookbooks (Henry Notaker), summary
The Tasting Menu (Alison Pearlman), summary
Global Public Health
Contraceptive Technology (Timothee Fruhauf, Holly A. Rankin)
Dementia Caregiver Interventions (Laura N. Gitlin), revised
Ensuring the Public Value of Long-Term Care Services (Joseph E. Ibrahim)
Gender and Reproductive Health Empowerment (Shannon N. Wood, Robel Yirgu, Celia Karp)
Health and Health Care Access Among Diverse Groups of Elders in the United States: An Intersectionality Approach (Sadaf Arefi Milani, Kyriakos S. Markides)
International Studies
Definitions of Geopolitics (Igor Kovac)
Evolution of International Organization as Institutional Forms and Historical Processes since 1945: “Quis Custodiet ipsos custodies?” (Jacques F. Fomerand), revised
Friendship in International Politics (Kristin Haugevik), revised
International Organization and Health/Disease (Kelley Lee, Julia Smith), revised
International Relations of the Pacific Islands (William Waqavakatoga, Joanne Wallis)
International Relations, Big Data, and Artifical Intelligence (Ehud Udi Eiran)
Peace: A Conceptual Survey (Paul F. Diehl), revised
Peacekeeping Economies (Kathleen M. Jennings)
The History of International Organization(s) (Bob Reinalda), revised
The Politics of Digital (Human) Rights (Ben Wagner, Andy Sanchez, Marie-Therese Sekwenz, Sofie Dideriksen, Dave Murray-Rust)
Latin American History
Islam in Latin America (Silvia Montenegro)
Peyote (Alexander Dawson), revised
Public and Private in Everyday Spaces of Water Use in Jalisco during the 19th and 20th Centuries (Lourdes Sofía Mendoza Bohne)
The Age of Indigenous-Mestizo Rebellions in 18th-Century Peru (Scarlett O'Phelan Godoy)
The 'Arid Sertões' and the Climate Issue in the 19th-Century Brazilian Empire (Gabriel Pereira de Oliveira)
The Caribbean Frontier During World War II (Jose L. Bolívar Fresneda)
Enregisterment (Asif Agha)
Ibero-Romance I: Portuguese and Galician (Inês Duarte), revised
Recent Impact of English on Other Germanic Languages (Eline Zenner)
Segmental Phenomena in Germanic: Vowels (Arjen Versloot)
Spanish in Contact With English in the United States (Phillip M. Carter, Rachel Varra)
Environmental Justice (Rebecca McWilliams Ojala Ballard), revised
Pre-1952 Egyptian Drama, Popular Theater, and Cultures of Performance (Raphael Cormack)
Wandering Jew (Lisa Lampert-Weissig)
Natural Hazard Science
Disaster Epistemology, Vulnerability, and Mitigation in Guatemala (Roberto E. Barrios)
Economic impacts assessment: Indirect impact estimation (Yasuhide Okuyama), revised
Neural Processing of Speech Using Intracranial Electroencephalography: Sound Representations in the Auditory Cortex (Liberty S. Hamilton)
The Natural Scene Network (Diane Beck, Dirk B. Walther), revised
Understanding How Humans Learn and Adapt to Changing Environments (Daphne Bavelier, Aaron Cochrane)
Circuit Model of Quantum Computation (James Wootton)
Dark Matter (Timothy Sumner), revised
Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics in the Nineteenth Century (Chen-Pang Yeang)
Experimentation in Physics in the 20th and 21st Centuries (Allan Franklin, Ronald Laymon)
Fluid-Gravity Correspondence (Mukund Rangamani)
Impedance-Induced Beam Instabilities (Mauro Migliorati)
Philosophical Issues in Early Universe Cosmology (Adam Koberinski, Chris Smeenk)
Progress in Gamma Detection for Basic Nuclear Science and Applications (J. Simpson, A. J. Boston)
Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ions (D. Luo, N. M. Linke)
The Nuclear Physics of Neutron Stars (Jorge Piekarewicz)
Ultimate Colliders (Vladimir D. Shiltsev)
Planetary Science
Mars Atmospheric Entry, Descent, and Landing: An Atmospheric Perspective (Michael Mischna)
Legal Repression in Russia (Katerina Tertytchnaya, Madeleine Tiratsoo), revised
Russian Legal System and Use of Law (Katheryn Hendley)
Russian Populism (Neil Robinson)
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp) (Anthony P. Morrison, Lisa J. Wood)
Indigenous Knowledges (Paul L. Gareau, Molly Swain)
Islamic Bioethics: Bioethics in Egypt (Baudouin Dupret, Zaynab El Bernoussi), revised
Rahman, Fazlur (Ebrahim Moosa)
Sufism in the Modern World (Marcia Hermansen)
Social Work
Disaster Mental Health (Leia Y. Saltzman, Regardt J. Ferreira, Tonya C. Hansel)
Ewalt, Patricia Alice Littlefield (Sadye L. M. Logan)
Global Development Actors (Public, Private, Corporate) (Smitha Rao, Javier Reyes-Martinez, Carlos Guzman)
Indian Americans: Overview (Rachel John, Vithya Murugan, Isha Desai)
December 2023
African History
Archaeology of the Past Two Thousand Years in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Gavin Whitelaw, Aron D. Mazel)
Early Factionalism in Zimbabwe's Liberation Struggle (Brooks Marmon)
Eduardo Mondlane (Livio Sansone)
History of the Mount Kilimanjaro Area (Matthew V. Bender)
Meroe and Aksum (Alemseged Beldados)
The Petrostate in Africa (Omolade Adunbi)
Women and Mining in Africa (Blair Rutherford, Doris Buss)
American History
Asian American Activism (Vivian Truong)
Mining and the Environment (George Vrtis, Kirke Elsass)
Washington, D.C. (Mary-Elizabeth B. Murphy)
Anthropological Approaches to South American Rock Art (Marcela Sepúlveda, Leonardo Páez, María Pía Falchi, Liz Gonzales)
Language and Violence (Robin Conley Riner), revised
Language Ideologies (Catherine R. Rhodes)
The Development of Early Historic Urbanism in South Asia (Reshma Sawant)
Asian History
Japanese Textiles in East Africa (Hideaki Suzuki)
Business and Management
Additive Manufacturing Technology (Christina Öberg)
Machine Learning in Management (Elizabeth Degefe, Krishna Savani, Abhishek Sheetal), revised
Psychic Distance (Lars Håkanson)
Classical Studies
Archytas of Tarentum (Carl Huffman), revised
climate (Ruben Post), revised
Jerusalem (Avner Ecker), revised
Journalism of the Populist Movement (Timothy Vest Klein)
Propaganda and Journalism (Mira Sotirovic), revised
The Rhetoric of Sport (Michael L. Butterworth)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Juries in Film and Television (Nancy S. Marder), revised
The Harms and Crimes Against Marine Wildlife (Alison Hutchinson)
The Harms and Crimes of Mining (Yuliya Zabyelina)
The Harms and Crimes of Waste (Lieselot Bisschop, Karin van Wingerde)
Economics and Finance
Econometric Methods for Business Cycle Dating (Máximo Camacho Alonso, Lola Gadea)
Happiness and Productivity in the Workplace (Mahnaz Nazneen, Daniel Sgroi), revised
Biotypology, Body, Sex, Gender, and Sports in the Formation of Physical Education Teachers in Uruguay, 1948 -1967 (Paola Dogliotti Moro, Evelise Amgarten Quitzau)
Pedagogical Renewal and Teacher Training in Spain in the Early 20th Century (Jordi Garcia Farrero, Àngel Pascual Martín)
Reforming Approaches to Persistent Bullying in Schools (Deborah M. Green, Barbara A. Spears, Deborah A. Price)
School-Based Mindfulness Interventions (Rosalyn H. Shute), revised
International Studies
Coup Research (Clayton L. Thyne, Jonathan Powell, Benjamin Leo), revised
Definitions of Geopolitics (Igor Kovac)
Evolution of International Organization as Institutional Forms and Historical Processes since 1945: “Quis Custodiet ipsos custodies?” (Jacques F. Fomerand), revised
International Relations, Big Data, and Artifical Intelligence (Ehud Udi Eiran)
The Politics of Digital (Human) Rights (Ben Wagner, Andy Sanchez, Marie-Therese Sekwenz, Sofie Dideriksen, Dave Murray-Rust)
Construction-Based Research in China (Xu Yang, Randy J. Lapolla)
Differential Object Marking in the Romance Languages (David Gerards), revised
Functional Specialization Across the Visual Cortex (Erez Freud, Tzvi Ganel, Galia Avidan)
Statistics, Computation, and Coding in the Retina (Gregory Schwartz), revised
The Emergence of Modern Cosmology (Helge Kragh), revised
Planetary Science
Terrestrial Planets: Interior Structure, Dynamics, and Evolution (Doris Breuer, Tilman Spohn)
Contemporary Visual Art and Religion (Dominic Colonna)
Fazlur Rahman Khan: Structural Engineer (Mahjoub Elnimeiri), revised
Fiqh Council of North America (Zainab Alwani)
Sufism in the Modern World (Marcia Hermansen)
Social Work
Global Development Actors (Public, Private, Corporate) (Smitha Rao, Javier Reyes-Martinez, Carlos Guzman)
November 2023
American History
Dallas (Patricia Evridge Hill)
Detroit (Ryan S. Pettengill)
El Paso (Alberto Wilson)
Home-Based Labor (Eileen Boris)
Smuggling and Illicit Trade in British America (Andrew Rutledge)
The Harlem Renaissance (Rachel Farebrother)
Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919 (Matthew Oyos)
U.S.-Lebanese Relations (Emily I. Whalen)
Anthropology of the Balkans (Ognjen Kojanić)
Early Settlement in the High Andes (Randall Haas), revised
Implications of ancient DNA for understanding Human Evolution (Sloan R. Williams)
Multimodal Anthropology (Nat Nesvaderani), summary
Narrative in Sociocultural Studies of Language (Sabina M. Perrino)
Performativity in Africa (Katrina Daly Thompson, Mwita Muniko)
Platform Capitalism (Maribel Casas-Cortés, Montserrat Cañedo-Rodríguez, Carlos Diz)
Police and Policing (Paul T. Clarke, Julia Hornberger)
Asian History
Karakorum (Timothy May)
Pre-war Anarchism in Japan (Nadine Willems), revised
The Wakhan Quadrangle (Hermann Kreutzmann)
Business and Management
Corporate Social Entrepreneurship (Elisa Alt), revised
The Application of Real Option Approach in International Business Research (Tailan Chi, Yan Huang)
The Liability of Foreignness (Jesper Edman)
Classical Studies
adoption, Greek (Pietro Cobetto Ghiggia), revised
Archytas of Tarentum (Carl Huffman), revised
climate (Ruben Post), revised
Dionysius of Byzantium (Daniel Hanigan)
Dionysius Periegetes (J. L. Lightfoot)
Epic of Erra (Frauke Weiershäuser)
Jerusalem (Avner Ecker), revised
Nabonidus, king of Babylon (Frauke Weiershäuser)
Nebuchadnezzar II (Frauke Weiershäuser)
Nemea (Kim Shelton), revised
portraiture, Greek (Sheila Dillon), revised
Climate Science
The Genesis and Evolution of European Union Framework Programmes on Climate Science (Elisabeth Lipiatou, Anastasios Kentarchos)
Argentina and a Racism Hidden in Plain Sight (Sergio Caggiano)
Celebrity Politics and Cultural Studies within the United States and United Kingdom (Mark Wheeler), revised
Conflict in Family Communication (John P. Caughlin, Emily Gerlikovski)
Flow Experiences and Media (Paula T. Wang, Kylie Woodman, René Weber)
Medical Tourism and Communication (Alicia Mason)
Virtual Reality Horror Games and Fear in Gaming (Tammy Jin-Hsuan Lin)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Juries in Film and Television (Nancy S. Marder), revised
The Harms and Crimes Against Marine Wildlife (Alison Hutchinson)
The Harms and Crimes of Mining (Yuliya Zabyelina)
The Harms and Crimes of Waste (Lieselot Bisschop, Karin van Wingerde)
Economics and Finance
Immigration and International Trade (Katharina Erhardt, Andrea Lassmann)
Real-Time Transaction Data for Nowcasting and Short-Term Economic Forecasting (John W. Galbraith), revised
Time Consistent Policies and Quasi-Hyperbolic Discounting (Łukasz Balbus, Kevin Reffett, Łukasz Woźny)
What Drives HIV in Africa? Addressing Economic Gender Inequalities to Close the HIV Gender Gap (Aurélia Lépine, Henry Cust, Carole Treibich)
English Education in the United States (Ashley Boyd)
Multilingualism in Monolingual Schools and the German Example (Ingrid Gogolin)
Public and Private Dimensions of Food Education in Early 20th Century Argentina (Angela Aisenstein, María Liliana Gómez Bidondo)
Race, Social Justice, and University Language Programs from an International Perspective (Elisa Gavari Starkie, Paula Tenca Sidotti)
Sociological Institutionalism and Education Scholarship (Callie Cleckner, Tim Hallett)
Study Circles (Staffan Larsson)
Teaching Self-Efficacy (David B. Morris), revised
Environmental Science
Smart One Water: An Integrated Approach for the Next Generation Sustainable and Resilient Water Systems (Sunil K. Sinha, Meghna Babbar-Sebens, David Dzombak, Paolo Gardoni, Bevlee Watford, Glenda Scales, Neil Grigg, Edgar Westerhof, Kenneth Thompson, Melissa Meeker)
Global Public Health
Diabetes in South Asians (Sara Garduño‐Diaz, Santosh Khokhar)
Health Wearable Tools and Health Promotion (Arul Chib, Caining Li, Sapphire Lin), revised
Mass Shootings as a Global Phenomenon (Jason Silva)
Risky Sexual Behaviors: Trends among Young People (10-24 years) in Four East African Countries (Fredrick E. Makumbi, Sarah Nabukeera, Justine N. Bukenya, Simon Peter Sebina Kibira)
International Studies
Africa and the International Criminal Court (Westen K. Shilaho)
Civilian Victimization During Conflict (Alexander B. Downes, Stephen Rangazas)
Conflict Management and Peacebuilding in Asia (Monalisa Adhikari, Yuji Uesugi)
Critical Theory: International Relation's Engagement with the Frankfurt School and Marxism (Faruk Yalvaç), revised
Human Rights in ASEAN (Randy W. Nandyatama)
Human Rights in East Asia (Ñusta Carranza Ko)
International Organization and Health/Disease (Kelley Lee, Julia Smith), revised
International Relations of the Pacific Islands (William Waqavakatoga, Joanne Wallis)
Peace: A Conceptual Survey (Paul F. Diehl), revised
Peacekeeping Economies (Kathleen M. Jennings)
The History of International Organization(s) (Bob Reinalda), revised
Latin American History
Indigenous Slavery in the Atlantic (Miller Shores Wright)
Nueva Cádiz de Cubagua and the Pearl Fisheries of the Caribbean (Fidel Rodríguez Velásquez, Oliver Antczak), revised
Public and Private in Everyday Spaces of Water Use in Jalisco during the 19th and 20th Centuries (Lourdes Sofía Mendoza Bohne)
The Age of Indigenous-Mestizo Rebellions in 18th-Century Peru (Scarlett O'Phelan Godoy)
The 'Arid Sertões' and the Climate Issue in the 19th-Century Brazilian Empire (Gabriel Pereira de Oliveira)
The Caribbean Frontier During World War II (Jose L. Bolívar Fresneda)
Negative Polarity Items in Chinese (Bo Xue, Haihua Pan)
Number Marking in Nouns and Adjectives in the Romance Languages (Franck Floricic), revised
Pronominal and Expletive Subjects in Germanic (Gunther De Vogelaer)
Recent Impact of English on Other Germanic Languages (Eline Zenner)
Spanish in Contact With English in the United States (Phillip M. Carter, Rachel Varra)
19th-Century Spirit Photography (Cheryl Spinner)
Environmental Justice (Rebecca McWilliams Ojala Ballard), revised
Pre-1952 Egyptian Drama, Popular Theater, and Cultures of Performance (Raphael Cormack)
Neural Oscillations in Audiovisual Language and Communication (Linda Drijvers, Sara Mazzini)
Visual Perception in the Human Brain: How the Brain Perceives and Understands Real-World Scenes (Clemens G. Bartnik, Iris I. A. Groen), revised
Historical Injustice (Robert Huseby), revised
Religion in 21st Century Political Philosophy (Sune Lægaard)
Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp) (Anthony P. Morrison, Lisa J. Wood)
Iconography and Iconology (Davor Džalto)
Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama), Indonesia (Muhamad Ali), revised
Muslim Chaplains in North America (Harvey Stark)
Shi'i Communities and Networks in North America (Liyakat Takim)
Social Work
Chikahisa, Paul (Sadye L. M. Logan)
Disaster Mental Health (Leia Y. Saltzman, Regardt J. Ferreira, Tonya C. Hansel)
Ewalt, Patricia Alice Littlefield (Sadye L. M. Logan)
Indian Americans: Overview (Rachel John, Vithya Murugan, Isha Desai)
October 2023
African History
Archaeology of the Last Two Thousand Years in Namibia (John Kinahan)
Egyptology and African History (Juan C. Moreno García)
Joseph Kony and the Lord's Resistance Army (Tim Allen)
Pepetela (Alexandra Santos)
The Kololo Kingdom in the Upper Zambezi (Walima T. Kalusa)
American History
Indigenous Peoples and the Environment to 1890 (Marsha Weisiger)
Motherhood in Early America (Nora Doyle)
New York City (Matthew Vaz)
Prisoners of War in the American Revolution (Susan Brynne Long)
San Jose and "Silicon Valley" (Glenna Matthews)
Smuggling and Illicit Trade in British America (Andrew Rutledge)
The Harlem Renaissance (Rachel Farebrother)
Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919 (Matthew Oyos)
A Reappraisal of the Chalcolithic of Central and Deccan India (Shweta Deshpande, Esha Prasad)
Anthropology of the Mediterranean (Laia Soto Bermant, Sarah Green), revised
Earthen Tumuli Archaeology in West Africa (Sonja Magnavita)
Implications of ancient DNA for understanding Human Evolution (Sloan R. Williams)
Multimodal Anthropology (Nat Nesvaderani), summary
Performativity in Africa (Katrina Daly Thompson, Mwita Muniko)
Platform Capitalism (Maribel Casas-Cortés, Montserrat Cañedo-Rodríguez, Carlos Diz)
Police and Policing (Paul T. Clarke, Julia Hornberger)
Asian History
Developing Afghanistan since 1950 (Robert Rakove)
Indus Valley: Early Commercial Connections with Central and Western Asia (Dennys Frenez), revised
Business and Management
Business History in International Business (Teresa da Silva Lopes)
Corporate Social Entrepreneurship (Elisa Alt), revised
The Liability of Foreignness (Jesper Edman)
Classical Studies
painting, Greek (Dimitris Plantzos), revised
Climate Science
The Genesis and Evolution of European Union Framework Programmes on Climate Science (Elisabeth Lipiatou, Anastasios Kentarchos)
Cognitive and Interactive Mechanisms for Mutual Understanding in Conversation (Ashley Micklos, Marieke Woensdregt)
Critical Communication Pedagogy: Toward "Hope in Action" (Deanna L. Fassett, C. Kyle Rudick), revised
News Sources and Journalist–Source Interaction (Caroline Fisher), revised
The Ethnic Heritage of Party Politics and Political Communication in Lusophone African Countries (Susana Salgado, Afonso Biscaia)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Deterrence and Sanction Certainty Perceptions (Timothy C. Barnum, Daniel Nagin)
Juries in Film and Television (Nancy S. Marder), revised
The Harms and Crimes Against Marine Wildlife (Alison Hutchinson)
The Harms and Crimes of Waste (Lieselot Bisschop, Karin van Wingerde)
Economics and Finance
Central Bank Monetary Policy and Consumer Credit Markets (Xudong An, Larry Cordell, Raluca A. Roman, Calvin Zhang)
Peer Effects in Education (Andrés Barrios-Fernandez), revised
The Implications of Pupil Rank for Achievement (Richard Murphy, Felix Weinhardt)
21st Century Learning Spaces and Pedagogical Change (Jill Colton)
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) for Student Well-being (Karen Moran Jackson, Rosemary Papa)
Biliteracy Development in a Dynamic and Changing World (Iliana Reyes)
Bourdieu and Education (Michael Grenfell), revised
Critical Digital Pedagogy in the Platform Society (Earl Aguilera, Christina Salazar)
Curriculum: Local, National, Transnational, and Global (Sybil Durand, Nina Asher)
Ethnographic Methods for Researching Innovative Education (Karen Borgnakke), revised
Indigenous Language Revitalization (Anne Marie Guerrettaz, Mel M. Engman)
Matching Performance Assessment to Teacher Capabilities: The Bridge between Teacher Performance/Evaluation and Student Learning (Robert Morris)
Race and Student Evaluation (LaVada Taylor)
Relational Pedagogy (Mary Jo Hinsdale, Ann-Louise Ljungblad), revised
Social Innovation Pedagogies and Sustainable Models for Future Entrepreneurs, Intraprenuers, and Citizens (Roisin Lyons, Rahmin Bender-Salazar)
Urban School Reform in the United States (Tiffanie Lewis-Durham, Craig Peck), revised
Environmental Science
Smart One Water: An Integrated Approach for the Next Generation Sustainable and Resilient Water Systems (Sunil K. Sinha, Meghna Babbar-Sebens, David Dzombak, Paolo Gardoni, Bevlee Watford, Glenda Scales, Neil Grigg, Edgar Westerhof, Kenneth Thompson, Melissa Meeker)
Global Public Health
Disability and Rural Health (Rayna Sage, Genna Mashinchi, Craig Ravesloot)
Maternal Health and Well-Being (Samuel Akombeng Ojong, Cheryl A. Moyer, Bridgette Wamakima, Marleen Temmerman), revised
International Studies
Canadian Foreign Policy in Historical Perspectives (Kim Richard Nossal)
Gender Expertise in International Organizations (Özlem Altan-Olcay)
Middle Powers (Marion Laurence)
Strategic Use of Law in Global Politics (Kyle Reed)
Latin American History
Charque and Tasajo (Salt Cured Beef) as an Atlantic Commodity in the 18th and 19th Centuries (Jonas Vargas)
Recuperative Archives, Critical Resistance, and the History of the Senses in the Atlantic World (Andrew Kettler), revised
The Atlantic Forest During Colonial Brazil (Marcelo Dias)
The Farrapos War (Rio Grande Do Sul, 1835-1845) (Gabriel Aladrén)
Venality and Colonial Administration in Iberian America (Roberta Stumpf)
Binding in Germanic (Eric Reuland, Martin Everaert)
Phonological Variation and Change in Latin American Spanish (Pedro Martín-Butragueño, Érika Mendoza), revised
Segmental Phenomena in Germanic: Consonants (Samantha Litty, Joseph Salmons)
The Locative Existential Construction in Chinese (Yang Gu, Jie Guo)
The Syntax of Causatives in the Romance Languages (Fabienne Martin)
The Politics and Aesthetics of Utopian Literature: From the “Golden Age” Myth to the Renaissance (Antonis Balasopoulos)
The Interaction of Perception and Memory (Emma Megla, Wilma A. Bainbridge)
Contractualism (Rahul Kumar), revised
Causal Attribution (Ahogni N'gbala, Denis Hilton)
Development of Visually Guided Action (Peter Vishton)
Electronic Communication (Anita Blanchard, Jordan Duran, Jeremy Lewis)
Group Socialization (Geoffrey J. Leonardelli)
Informal Work (Mahima Saxena)
Numerical Cognition (Avishai Henik, Aviv Avitan)
Bodhisattva-bhūmi (John Powers)
Islamic Women's Organizations in North America (Samaneh Oladi Ghadikolaei), revised
Muhammad, Elijah and Sr. Clara Muhammad (Rosetta E. Ross)
Social Work
Racism and Accountable Policing for Black Adults in the United States (Robert O. Motley Jr., Christopher Baidoo)
September 2023
African History
History of Lesotho (Motlatsi Thabane)
History of Primary and Secondary Education in Malawi (Steve Sharra, Rachel Silver)
Indigenisation and black economic empowerment in Sub-Saharan Africa since the late 1950s (Musiwaro Ndakaripa)
Malaria in Africa (James C. McCann)
North Africa Under Byzantium (Jonathan P. Conant)
Refugees in East Africa (Joanna Tague)
Women in Kenya (Sacha Hepburn)
American History
Arab American Theater (Hala Baki)
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (Chloe E. Taft), revised
Indigenous Peoples and the Environment since 1890 (Marsha Weisiger)
Phoenix (Elizabeth Tandy Shermer)
Archaeologies of Gender and Childhood in South Asia (Supriya Varma, Jaya Menon)
Ideology and Practice in Academic Approaches to Language Revitalization (Sarah Shulist), revised
The Cupisnique-Chavín Religious Tradition in the Andes (Hugo C. Ikehara-Tsukayama)
Asian History
Modern Japanese Fisheries and the Global Seafood Market (William M. Tsutsui)
Trade, Buddhism and the Kushan Connection: Exchange Across the Pamir Knot and the Making of the Silk Roads, 2nd Century BCE to 5th Century CE (Tomas Larson Høisæter), revised
Business and Management
Blame: Stakeholder Judgments that Impact Organizations and Entrepreneurs (Varkey Titus, Izuchukwu Mbaraonye)
Board Processes and Performance: The Impact of Directors' Social and Human Capital (Morten Huse), revised
Corporate Governance and the Multinational Enterprise (Roger Strange)
Entrepreneurial Passion (Charles Y. Murnieks, Melissa S. Cardon)
For-Purpose Enterprises and Hybrid Organizational Forms: Implications for Governance and Strategy (Marco S. Giarratana, Martina Pasquini)
Paradox Theory and Corporate Governance: A Systems Perspective (Timothy J. Hargrave)
The Concept, Treatment and Future of Language in Contemporary Business and Management (Terry Mughan)
The Impact of Corporate Governance on Firms' International Strategies (Gabriele Galli, Antonio Majocchi)
The Impact of Diversity Training Programs in the Workplace and Alternative Bias Reduction Mechanisms (Alexandra Kalev)
Classical Studies
slavery, Roman (Ulrike Roth), revised
Cognitive Skills Acquired from Video Games (Emma G. Cunningham, C. Shawn Green)
Mediating Multiculturalism in Postcolonial Southeast Asia (Jason Vincent A. Cabañes)
Perceptions of the Childfree (Elizabeth A. Hintz, Rachel Tucker)
Political Economies of Media Technologies (Vincent Mosco), revised
Public Service Journalism (Jackie Harrison), revised
The Hierarchy of "Othering": Belarusian Media Practitioners' Accounts (Galina Miazhevich)
The Public Sphere and Journalism (Anthea Garman), revised
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Cybercrime Perpetration Theories (Theodore Curry)
Image-Based Sexual Abuse (Asher Flynn), revised
News Media and African Genocide (Joachim J. Savelsberg, j. Siguru Wahutu), revised
Structural Equation Modeling (John Wooldredge)
Use of Force in Policing (Ian T. Adams, Geoffrey P. Alpert)
Economics and Finance
Economic History of the Middle East, 622-1914 (Timur Kuran)
Explaining The Mathematics Gender Gap: The Role of Stereotypes (Pilar Cuevas Ruiz, Ismael Sanz, Almudena Sevilla), revised
Macroprudential Policies and Global Finance (Stijn Claessens, Aaron Mehrotra, Ilhyock Shim)
Publication Bias in Asset Pricing Research (Andrew Y. Chen, Tom Zimmermann)
Stochastic Volatility in Bayesian Vector Autoregressions (Todd E. Clark, Elmar Mertens)
The Economic Benefits of Education for the Reduction of Crime (Joel Carr, Oliver Marie, Sunčica Vujić)
Unobserved Components Models (Joanne Ercolani)
Anti-Oppression Education (Tonya D. Callaghan, Jamie L. Anderson, Caitlin A. Campbell, Nicole Richard)
COVID-19 and Pupils’ Learning (Katharina Werner, Ludger Woessmann)
Critical Media Literacy in Teacher Education, Theory, and Practice (Jeff Share, Tatevik Mamikonyan, Eduardo Lopez), revised
Critical Participatory Action Research, Critical Discourse Analysis and Praxis (Nicolina Montesano Montessori)
Critical Qualitative Research and Educational Policy (Madeline Good, Sarah Diem)
Intelligence (Robert J. Sternberg), revised
Reading Comprehension, Language, and Theory of Mind Skills in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children (Kaye Scott, Louise Paatsch)
School Choice Policies in Postapartheid South Africa (Bekisizwe S. Ndimande)
Self-Directed Education—Unschooling and Democratic Schooling (Peter Gray), revised
Teachers’ Knowledge for the Digital Age (Margaret L. Niess), revised
University Social Responsibility (Montserrat Vargas Vergara)
Global Public Health
Psychosocial Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease in African Americans (Amy L. Ai, Hoa B. Appel, Sabrina L. Dickey)
International Studies
Biopower and International Relations (Angélica Guerra-Barón), revised
Cultural Genocide in Law and Politics (Alana Tiemessen)
Digital Diplomacy (Kristin Anabel Eggeling)
Regional Organizations and Conflict Management in Africa: The Case of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in the Horn of Africa Region (Kasaija Phillip Apuuli)
The Dependency Research Programme: Its Latin American Origins and Global Contemporary Applications (Stefano Palestini)
Latin American History
Antislavery and Abolition in the Spanish American Mainland (Marcela Echeverri)
Chilean-Chinese Relations (Maria Montt Strabucchi), revised
The Welsh Colony in Patagonia (Marcelo Gavirati)
Diatheses in Germanic (Simon Kasper)
Foot Structure in Germanic (Joshua Booth, Aditi Lahiri), revised
The History of Variationist Germanic Linguistics (Frans Gregersen)
Indigenous Sámi Literature (Kaisa Ahvenjärvi)
Post-War Soviet Yiddish Literature (Gennady Estraikh), revised
Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace (Ståle Valvatne Einarsen, Kari Wik Ågotnes)
Christian Sacred Architecture (David Bains)
Christian Zionism in the United States, 1930-2020 (Sean Durbin), revised
Creole and Indigenous Muslims in Venezuela (Philipp Bruckmayr)
Interfaith Marriage in North America and Abroad (Reeshma Haji)
Islamic Feminist Movement in North America (Sumit Sharma)
Palestinian Muslim Communities in Colombia (Felipe Medina Gutiérrez, Odette Yidi David)
Social Work
Dangel, Richard (Charles H. Mindel)
Minuchin, Salvador (Catheleen Jordan, David Cory)
Specht, Harry (Neil Gilbert), revised
August 2023
African History
African Slaves and the Persian Gulf (Hideaki Suzuki)
Akan Slavery in Africa and the Atlantic (Pierluigi Valsecchi)
Historical Demography: Methods (Harri Siiskonen)
History and Politics of the Kenya Archives (Riley Linebaugh)
Modernist Planning in South Africa (Stephen Sparks)
Mombasa (Justin Willis)
Ritual Enslavement in West Africa (Michael Odijie)
Women in Beauty Cultures and Aesthetic Rituals (Oluwakemi Balogun)
American History
Labor and Black Power (Austin McCoy)
Los Angeles (Jessica M. Kim)
Milwaukee (Amanda I. Seligman)
San Francisco (Ocean Howell)
Anthropology of Modern Traces (Paul Wenzel Geissler)
Energy Anthropology Scholarship, Practice, and Advocacy (Mari Clarke)
Social Media (Kendra Calhoun)
The Ethnoarchaeology of Coffee in Ethiopia (Worku Derara Megenassa)
Asian History
Capitalism, Growth, and Social Relations in the Middle East: 1869-1945 (Kaleb Herman Adney, Michael O'Sullivan)
Humanitarian Aid and Development Assistance in Afghanistan since 1979 (Jennifer L. Fluri, Rachel Lehr)
The Sino-Tibetan Borderlands (Stéphane Gros)
The Umbrella Movement of Hong Kong (Edmund W. Cheng)
Business and Management
(Multi)Collinearity in Behavioral Sciences Research (Dev K. Dalal)
Categorization Theory (Judith A. Clair, Mary M. Struzska-Tyamayev)
Design Thinking in Business and Management: Research History, Themes, and Opportunities (Jarryd Daymond, Eric Knight)
From Absorptive Capacity in International Business to Strategic Flexibility of Multinational Corporations (Carine Peeters)
Subsidiary Governance and Strategy in the Multinational Enterprise (Niall O'Riordan, Paul Ryan, Ulf Andersson)
Classical Studies
architects (John R. Senseney), revised
centaurs (Alan H. Griffiths, Christopher Burden-Strevens, Aedan Weston), revised
emotions (Douglas Cairns), revised
female life-course (Kelly Olson)
Martial, Latin poet (Luke Roman), revised
Mylitta (Mary Frazer), revised
Nicomachus (4) Flavianus, Virius, Roman senator, c. 340–394 CE (Gavin Kelly), revised
Plato, life and work, c. 429–347 BCE (Julia Annas), revised
sanctuaries, Greek (Margaret M. Miles), revised
Alternative Media and Ethnic Politics in Kenya (Susan M. Kilonzo, Catherine Muhoma)
Conflict and Newspapers (de)-escalation of the North-South Polarization of Polio-eradication in Nigeria: Implications for Sustainable Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Initiatives (Olusola Oyeyinka Oyewo, Ayanfeoluwa Oyewo)
Dark Participation: A Critical Overview (Thorsten Quandt, Johanna Klapproth)
Media and Ethnolinguistic Minorities: Framing the Tonga and Nambya in Selected Zimbabwean Mainstream Newspapers (Albert Chibuwe, Phillip Mpofu)
Media Depictions of Sexual Attitudes (Keren Eyal)
National Identity and Inter-Ethnic Relations in Madagascar (Faniry Ranaivo Rahamefy, Nhamo A. Mhiripiri)
Queer Melodrama (Cora Butcher-Spellman)
Race and Ethnicity in Post-Colonial Zimbabwean and Zambian Cinema (Oswelled Ureke, Basil Hamusokwe)
Race and Political Communication in Brazil: The Afro-Brazilian Electorate of Salvador (Antonio José Bacelar da Silva, Adelmo dos Santos Filho, Marieli de Jesus Pereira, Eduardo Joselito da Costa Ribeiro)
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Communication in Africa: An Intersectional Perspective (Kristin Skare Orgeret)
Reflection on Digital Cities (Mika Yasuoka, Toru Ishida)
Rhetorical Field Methods/Rhetorical Ethnography (Roberta Chevrette, Jenna Hanchey, Michael Lechuga, Aaron Hess, Michael K. Middleton)
Stepchild-Stepparent Relationships and Resilience (Bailey M. Oliver-Blackburn)
Support Seeking (Ningxin Wang, Wanming Ning, Anran Mao)
The Ethnic Undercurrents in the Ethiopian Media (Terje Skjerdal)
The Impact of Televangelism on Christian Beliefs and Cultural Values in Tanzania (Kaanaeli Kaale, Joyce Bazira)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Critical Challenges to Police Officer Wellness (Brooke McQuerrey Tuttle, Daniel M. Blumberg, Konstantinos Papazoglou), revised
Identity Theft (Dylan Reynolds)
International Criminology: Concept, History, Developments, and Institutions (Gema Varona, José Luis de la Cuesta), revised
Life Events Calendar Method (Jennifer Roberts)
Militarization of Law Enforcement in America (Frederic Lemieux)
Organizational and Organized Cybercrime (Yongyu Zeng, David Buil-Gil)
Policing Violent Extremism in Canada and the United States (Sara K. Thompson)
Predictive Policing in the United States (Fei Yang), revised
Social Engineering (Kevin F. Steinmetz, Cassandra Cross)
The Harms and Crimes of Water Theft and Pollution (Katja Eman)
Economics and Finance
An Analysis of COVID-19 Student Learning Loss (Harry Patrinos, Emiliana Vegas, Rohan Carter-Rau)
Corporate Governance Implications of the Growth in Indexing (Alon Brav, Andrey Malenko, Nadya Malenko)
Housing and Macroeconomics (Charles Ka Yui Leung)
Leverage in Private Equity Real Estate (Jacob S. Sagi, Zipei Zhu)
The History of Central Banks (Eric Monnet)
The Role of Incentives for Improving Students’ Motivation and Performance (Andreas Fidjeland)
Trade Liberalization and Informal Labor Markets (Lourenço S. Paz, Jennifer P. Poole)
A Transnational History of Intellectual Exchanges with the United States and the Shaping of Latin American Education (Rafaela Rabelo)
Ethnic Minority Education in China (Mei Wu, MaryJo Benton Lee, Forrest W. Parkay, Paul E. Pitre)
Examining Challenges and Possibilities in the Objective of a Decolonized Education (Marlon Lee Moncrieffe)
Ojibwe Language Education in Minnesota and Wisconsin (Mary Hermes)
Shadow Education as Sociological Field (Karen Dooley)
Sociology of Gender and Education (Mohammad Naeimi, Jón Ingvar Kjaran)
Systemic Supports for Antiracist Practice in International Baccalaureate Classrooms (Whitney M. Hegseth)
Environmental Science
Groundwater Development Paths in the US High Plains (Renata Rimšaitė, Nicholas Brozović)
Infiltration of Water into Soil (John Nimmo, Rose Shillito), revised
Global Public Health
Behavioral Interventions to Reduce and Prevent Racial Bias (Nicole Farmer, Alyssa Baginski, Talya Gordon), revised
First Trimester Medication Abortion: Public Health Challenges and Clinical Guidance (Devanshi Somaiya, Candace Lew)
Implementation and Dissemination of Evidence-based Programs for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Conditions in Older Adults: Theoretical Perspectives and Case Examples from the United States (Marcia G. Ory, Chinelo K. Nsobundu, Yeka W. Nmadu)
Indigenous Health Policy (Ian Anderson, Kate Silburn)
Intervention Approaches for Osteoarthritis (Susan Hughes, Cheryl Der Ananian, Andrew DeMott)
Priming Healthcare for Health Equity Management (Ebbin D. Dotson, Kimson E. Johnson, Jada Irving)
Urban Guerrilla Gardening and Health (Alec Thornton)
International Studies
Civil Resistance (Hardy Merriman)
Disaster Diplomacy (Carmela Lutmar, Adedayo L. Abah)
Drivers of Religious Extremism in South Asia (Zahid Shahab Ahmed)
Economics and Conflict: Moving Beyond Conjectures and Correlations (Gerald Schneider), revised
International Law and World Order: Theoretical Perspectives (Dennis R. Schmidt)
International Organizations and Respect for International Law (Kendall W. Stiles), revised
International Relations and the 19th Century Concert System (Tobias Lemke)
Peace, Pacifism, Non-Violence: 21st Century Developments (Aidan Gnoth, Richard Jackson)
Risk Preferences and War (Christopher Schwarz, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita)
The Politics of (In)visibility: Geopolitics and Subaltern Bodies (Francine Rossone de Paula)
Trust and International Organization (Kendall W. Stiles), revised
Latin American History
Photography in Uruguay, 1840–1985 (Magdalena Broquetas)
Potatoes (Rebecca Earle)
The Mediterranean and the Atlantic, 1400-1700 (Teofilo F. Ruiz)
The Puerto Rican Nationalist Party (Margaret Power)
Argument Marking in Romance (Alexandru Nicolae)
Critical Applied Linguistics (Alastair Pennycook)
Degree Expressions in Chinese (Linmin Zhang)
Gender Systems in Germanic (Jenny Audring)
History of the Italian Lexicon (Paolo D’Achille)
Language Crossing and the Global Southern Gaze (Cristine Severo, Sinfree Makoni, Ashraf Abdelhay)
Luxembourgish (Peter Gilles)
Morphological and Syntactic Variation and Change in European Spanish (María José Serrano)
Object-Fronting in Archaic Chinese (Victor Junnan Pan, Yihe Jiao)
Phonetics of Emotion (Yi Xu)
The Semantics of Chinese Wh-Phrases (Qianqian Ren, Haihua Pan)
(Post)colonial Anglophone Indigenous Fiction of the Pacific Islands (Emma Ngakuravaru Powell, Rebecca H. Hogue)
The Image of the Karaites in 19th- and 20th-Century Literature (Mikhail Kizilov)
The Latin American Crime Novel (Glen S. Close)
Yiddish in Interwar Berlin (Marc Caplan)
Natural Hazard Science
Extending a Gendered Lens to Reduce Disaster - and Climate-Related Risk in Southern Africa (Kylah Forbes-Biggs, Darren Lortan)
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging (Jessica A. Bernard, Tracey H. Hicks)
Drosophila Reward Circuits (John S. Hernandez, Tariq M. Brown, Karla R. Kaun), revised
Investigating Learning and Memory in Humans (Evangelia G. Chrysikou, Elizabeth Espinal, Alexandra E. Kelly)
The Insect Central Complex (Stanley Heinze)
Nucleon Clustering in Light Nuclei (Martin Freer)
Planetary Science
Liability and Patent Protection for Space Activities in China (Guoyu Wang, Xiao Ma)
Culture and Personality Assessment (Fanny M. Cheung)
Human Movement, Kinesthesia, and Dance (Roger Smith), revised
Language Development (Carolyn Quam, Teresa Roberts)
Self-Motives (Aiden P. Gregg)
Thirty Years of American Psychosomatic Medicine, 1917-1947 (Theodore M. Brown)
Buddhist Wall Paintings (Sonya S. Lee)
Hanson, Hamza Yusuf (Walaa Quisay)
History of Muslims in Canada (Jennifer A. Selby)
Indigenous Religions in Brazil (Mark Münzel)
Kabbalah in Art and Architecture (Batsheva Goldman-Ida)
Materiality and the Study of Indigenous Religions (Amy R. Whitehead)
Pioneers of Islam in North America (Earle Waugh)
Shari’a, Legal Pluralism, and Muslim Arbitration Tribunals in the West (Bryan S. Turner, James T. Richardson)
The Making of the Arab Caribbean, c.1870-1930 (Jacob Norris)
Visual Arts: Renaissance (Heidi J. Hornik)
Social Work
Dissociative Identity Disorder (Gregory L. Nooney)
Glasser, Paul (Raymond Sanchez Mayers, Kathleen J. Pottick)
Human Needs: Overview (Michael A. Dover), revised
International Aid, Relief, and Humanitarian Assistance (Carmen Monico, Karen Smith Rotabi, Taghreed Abu Sarhan), revised
Mental Health: Adolescents (Craig Winston LeCroy)
August 2023
African History
African Slaves and the Persian Gulf (Hideaki Suzuki)
Akan Slavery in Africa and the Atlantic (Pierluigi Valsecchi)
Historical Demography: Methods (Harri Siiskonen)
History and Politics of the Kenya Archives (Riley Linebaugh)
Modernist Planning in South Africa (Stephen Sparks)
Mombasa (Justin Willis)
Ritual Enslavement in West Africa (Michael Odijie)
Women in Beauty Cultures and Aesthetic Rituals (Oluwakemi Balogun)
American History
Labor and Black Power (Austin McCoy)
Los Angeles (Jessica M. Kim), revised
Milwaukee (Amanda I. Seligman)
San Francisco (Ocean Howell)
Anthropology of Modern Traces (Paul Wenzel Geissler)
Energy Anthropology Scholarship, Practice, and Advocacy (Mari Clarke), revised
Social Media (Kendra Calhoun)
The Ethnoarchaeology of Coffee in Ethiopia (Worku Derara Megenassa)
Asian History
Capitalism, Growth, and Social Relations in the Middle East: 1869-1945 (Kaleb Herman Adney)
Humanitarian Aid and Development Assistance in Afghanistan since 1979 (Jennifer L. Fluri, Rachel Lehr), revised
The Sino-Tibetan Borderlands (Stéphane Gros)
The Umbrella Movement of Hong Kong (Edmund W. Cheng)
Business and Management
(Multi)Collinearity in Behavioral Sciences Research (Dev K. Dalal)
Categorization Theory (Judith A. Clair, Mary M. Struzska-Tyamayev), revised
Design Thinking in Business and Management: Research History, Themes, and Opportunities (Jarryd Daymond, Eric Knight)
From Absorptive Capacity in International Business to Strategic Flexibility of Multinational Corporations (Carine Peeters)
Subsidiary Governance and Strategy in the Multinational Enterprise (Niall O'Riordan, Paul Ryan, Ulf Andersson)
Classical Studies
architects (John R. Senseney), revised
centaurs (Alan H. Griffiths, Christopher Burden-Strevens, Aedan Weston), revised
emotions (Douglas Cairns), revised
female life-course (Kelly Olson)
Martial, Latin poet (Luke Roman), revised
Mylitta (Mary Frazer), revised
Nicomachus (4) Flavianus, Virius, Roman senator, c. 340–394 CE (Gavin Kelly), revised
Plato, life and work, c. 429–347 BCE (Julia Annas), revised
sanctuaries, Greek (Margaret M. Miles), revised
Alternative Media and Ethnic Politics in Kenya (Susan M. Kilonzo, Catherine Muhoma)
Conflict and Newspapers (de)-escalation of the North-South Polarization of Polio-eradication in Nigeria: Implications for Sustainable Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Initiatives (Olusola Oyeyinka Oyewo, Ayanfeoluwa Oyewo)
Dark Participation: A Critical Overview (Thorsten Quandt, Johanna Klapproth)
Media and Ethnolinguistic Minorities: Framing the Tonga and Nambya in Selected Zimbabwean Mainstream Newspapers (Albert Chibuwe, Phillip Mpofu)
Media Depictions of Sexual Attitudes (Keren Eyal)
National Identity and Inter-Ethnic Relations in Madagascar (Faniry Ranaivo Rahamefy, Nhamo A. Mhiripiri)
Queer Melodrama (Cora Butcher-Spellman)
Race and Ethnicity in Post-Colonial Zimbabwean and Zambian Cinema (Oswelled Ureke, Basil Hamusokwe)
Race and Political Communication in Brazil: The Afro-Brazilian Electorate of Salvador (Antonio José Bacelar da Silva, Adelmo dos Santos Filho, Marieli de Jesus Pereira, Eduardo Joselito da Costa Ribeiro)
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Communication in Africa: An Intersectional Perspective (Kristin Skare Orgeret)
Reflection on Digital Cities (Mika Yasuoka, Toru Ishida)
Rhetorical Field Methods/Rhetorical Ethnography (Roberta Chevrette, Jenna Hanchey, Michael Lechuga, Aaron Hess, Michael K. Middleton)
Stepchild-Stepparent Relationships and Resilience (Bailey M. Oliver-Blackburn)
Support Seeking (Ningxin Wang, Wanming Ning, Anran Mao)
The Ethnic Undercurrents in the Ethiopian Media (Terje Skjerdal)
The Impact of Televangelism on Christian Beliefs and Cultural Values in Tanzania (Kaanaeli Kaale, Joyce Bazira)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Critical Challenges to Police Officer Wellness (Brooke McQuerrey Tuttle, Daniel M. Blumberg, Konstantinos Papazoglou), revised
Identity Theft (Dylan Reynolds)
International Criminology: Concept, History, Developments, and Institutions (Gema Varona, José Luis de la Cuesta), revised
Life Events Calendar Method (Jennifer Roberts)
Militarization of Law Enforcement in America (Frederic Lemieux)
Organizational and Organized Cybercrime (Yongyu Zeng, David Buil-Gil)
Policing Violent Extremism in Canada and the United States (Sara K. Thompson)
Predictive Policing in the United States (Fei Yang), revised
Social Engineering (Kevin F. Steinmetz, Cassandra Cross)
The Harms and Crimes of Water Theft and Pollution (Katja Eman)
Economics and Finance
An Analysis of COVID-19 Student Learning Loss (Harry Patrinos, Emiliana Vegas, Rohan Carter-Rau)
Corporate Governance Implications of the Growth in Indexing (Alon Brav, Andrey Malenko, Nadya Malenko), revised
Housing and Macroeconomics (Charles Ka Yui Leung)
Leverage in Private Equity Real Estate (Jacob S. Sagi, Zipei Zhu)
The History of Central Banks (Eric Monnet)
The Role of Incentives for Improving Students’ Motivation and Performance (Andreas Fidjeland)
Trade Liberalization and Informal Labor Markets (Lourenço S. Paz, Jennifer P. Poole)
A Transnational History of Intellectual Exchanges with the United States and the Shaping of Latin American Education (Rafaela Rabelo)
Ethnic Minority Education in China (Mei Wu, MaryJo Benton Lee, Forrest W. Parkay, Paul E. Pitre)
Examining Challenges and Possibilities in the Objective of a Decolonized Education (Marlon Lee Moncrieffe)
Ojibwe Language Education in Minnesota and Wisconsin (Mary Hermes)
Shadow Education as Sociological Field (Karen Dooley)
Sociology of Gender and Education (Mohammad Naeimi, Jón Ingvar Kjaran)
Systemic Supports for Antiracist Practice in International Baccalaureate Classrooms (Whitney M. Hegseth)
Environmental Science
Groundwater Development Paths in the US High Plains (Renata Rimšaitė, Nicholas Brozović)
Infiltration of Water into Soil (John Nimmo, Rose Shillito), revised
Global Public Health
Behavioral Interventions to Reduce and Prevent Racial Bias (Nicole Farmer, Alyssa Baginski, Talya Gordon)
First Trimester Medication Abortion: Public Health Challenges and Clinical Guidance (Devanshi Somaiya, Candace Lew), revised
Implementation and Dissemination of Evidence-based Programs for the Prevention and Management of Chronic Conditions in Older Adults: Theoretical Perspectives and Case Examples from the United States (Marcia G. Ory, Chinelo K. Nsobundu, Yeka W. Nmadu)
Indigenous Health Policy (Ian Anderson, Kate Silburn)
Intervention Approaches for Osteoarthritis (Susan Hughes, Cheryl Der Ananian, Andrew DeMott)
Priming Healthcare for Health Equity Management (Ebbin D. Dotson, Kimson E. Johnson, Jada Irving)
Urban Guerrilla Gardening and Health (Alec Thornton)
International Studies
Civil Resistance (Hardy Merriman)
Disaster Diplomacy (Carmela Lutmar, Adedayo L. Abah)
Drivers of Religious Extremism in South Asia (Zahid Shahab Ahmed)
Economics and Conflict: Moving Beyond Conjectures and Correlations (Gerald Schneider), revised
International Law and World Order: Theoretical Perspectives (Dennis R. Schmidt)
International Organizations and Respect for International Law (Kendall W. Stiles), revised
International Relations and the 19th Century Concert System (Tobias Lemke)
Peace, Pacifism, Non-Violence: 21st Century Developments (Aidan Gnoth, Richard Jackson)
Risk Preferences and War (Christopher Schwarz, Bruce Bueno de Mesquita)
The Politics of (In)visibility: Geopolitics and Subaltern Bodies (Francine Rossone de Paula)
Trust and International Organization (Kendall W. Stiles), revised
Latin American History
Photography in Uruguay, 1840–1985 (Magdalena Broquetas)
Potatoes (Rebecca Earle), revised
The Mediterranean and the Atlantic, 1400-1700 (Teofilo F. Ruiz)
The Puerto Rican Nationalist Party (Margaret Power)
Argument Marking in Romance (Alexandru Nicolae)
Critical Applied Linguistics (Alastair Pennycook), revised
Degree Expressions in Chinese (Linmin Zhang)
Gender Systems in Germanic (Jenny Audring)
History of the Italian Lexicon (Paolo D’Achille)
Language Crossing and the Global Southern Gaze (Cristine Severo, Sinfree Makoni, Ashraf Abdelhay)
Luxembourgish (Peter Gilles)
Morphological and Syntactic Variation and Change in European Spanish (María José Serrano)
Object-Fronting in Archaic Chinese (Victor Junnan Pan, Yihe Jiao)
Phonetics of Emotion (Yi Xu)
The Semantics of Chinese Wh-Phrases (Qianqian Ren, Haihua Pan)
(Post)colonial Anglophone Indigenous Fiction of the Pacific Islands (Emma Ngakuravaru Powell, Rebecca H. Hogue)
The Image of the Karaites in 19th- and 20th-Century Literature (Mikhail Kizilov), revised
The Latin American Crime Novel (Glen S. Close)
Yiddish in Interwar Berlin (Marc Caplan)
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging (Jessica A. Bernard, Tracey H. Hicks)
Drosophila Reward Circuits (John S. Hernandez, Tariq M. Brown, Karla R. Kaun), revised
Investigating Learning and Memory in Humans (Evangelia G. Chrysikou, Elizabeth Espinal, Alexandra E. Kelly)
The Insect Central Complex (Stanley Heinze)
Nucleon Clustering in Light Nuclei (Martin Freer)
Planetary Science
Liability and Patent Protection for Space Activities in China (Guoyu Wang, Xiao Ma)
Culture and Personality Assessment (Fanny M. Cheung)
Human Movement, Kinesthesia, and Dance (Roger Smith), revised
Language Development (Carolyn Quam, Teresa Roberts)
Self-Motives (Aiden P. Gregg)
Thirty Years of American Psychosomatic Medicine, 1917-1947 (Theodore M. Brown)
Buddhist Wall Paintings (Sonya S. Lee)
Hanson, Hamza Yusuf (Walaa Quisay), revised
History of Muslims in Canada (Jennifer A. Selby)
Indigenous Religions in Brazil (Mark Münzel)
Kabbalah in Art and Architecture (Batsheva Goldman-Ida)
Materiality and the Study of Indigenous Religions (Amy R. Whitehead)
Pioneers of Islam in North America (Earle Waugh)
Shari’a, Legal Pluralism, and Muslim Arbitration Tribunals in the West (Bryan S. Turner, James T. Richardson)
The Making of the Arab Caribbean, c.1870-1930 (Jacob Norris)
Visual Arts: Renaissance (Heidi J. Hornik)
Social Work
Dissociative Identity Disorder (Gregory L. Nooney)
Glasser, Paul (Raymond Sanchez Mayers, Kathleen J. Pottick)
Human Needs: Overview (Michael A. Dover), revised
International Aid, Relief, and Humanitarian Assistance (Carmen Monico, Karen Smith Rotabi, Taghreed Abu Sarhan), revised
Mental Health: Adolescents (Craig Winston LeCroy)
July 2023
African History
Archaeology of Christianity in Ethiopia and Eritrea (Tania C. Tribe)
Development in Lesotho (John Aerni-Flessner)
Global Abolitionist Movements (Benedetta Rossi)
Literary Representations of Slavery (Raquel Kennon)
Slavery in Egypt Under the Mamluks (Adam Ali)
American History
The California Missions (Steven W. Hackel)
Maritime Archaeology (James P. Delgado), summary
Popular Infrastructures in West Africa (Brenda Chalfin), revised
Asian History
Inland Trade in the Mughal Empire (Shalin Jain), revised
Jadidism, Modernity, and Islamic Communities of Imperial Russia (Edward J. Lazzerini)
Pastoralism in Mongolia (Sandagsuren Undargaa)
The History of Badakhshan from the 7th to the 19th Century (Daniel Beben)
Business and Management
An Institutional Perspective on Corporate Governance (Ilir Haxhi)
De-Internationalization: The Other Side of Internationalization (Gabriel R. G. Benito), revised
Developing Leaders: What We Can Learn From the Education, Adult, and Human Resource Development Paradigm (Wei-Wen Vera Chang)
Classical Studies
Ashurbanipal, son of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, 668–c. 631 BCE (Jamie Novotny)
Column of Trajan, reception of (Elizabeth R. Macaulay)
Hellenic philosophy, Arabic and Syriac reception of (Dimitri Gutas)
Isaeus (1), Athenian speech-writer, c. 420–340s BCE (Brenda Griffith-Williams), revised
Livius Andronicus, Lucius, c. 280/270–200 bce (Thomas Biggs, Gesine Manuwald, H. D. Jocelyn), revised
meteorology (Liba Taub), revised
Pantheon, reception of (Elizabeth R. Macaulay)
shipwrecks, ancient (Deborah N. Carlson), revised
triumphal arches, reception of (Kimberly Cassibry)
zooarchaeology (Michael MacKinnon)
Climate Science
Perspectives from Coastal Ecosystems Through the Lens of Climate Change (Kristy A. Lewis, Giovanna McClenachan, Kristin DeMarco, Jennifer Salerno, Katherine Thompson)
Aging Grandparents and Grandchildren and Communication (Quinten Bernhold)
Animal Rhetorics (Jeremy Gordon)
Estrangement and Impact on Family Communication (Kristina M. Scharp)
Gender in Rhetorical Theory (Faber McAlister), revised
Propaganda and Rhetoric (John Oddo)
Psychoanalysis in Rhetorical Theory (Christian Lundberg)
Queer Intercultural Communication (Gust A. Yep, Ryan M. Lescure, Sage E. Russo), revised
Race and Affect in Digital Media Cultures (Donya Alinejad)
Relational Dialectics Theory (Kristina M. Scharp)
The Geopolitics of Infotainment (Lindsay H. Hoffman, Gilbert K. Rotich)
Economics and Finance
360 Thinking in Local Governance Advances Sustainability, Economic Prosperity, and Equity (Lori DiPrete Brown)
Assessments in Education (Hans Henrik Sievertsen), revised
Forecasting Electricity Prices (Katarzyna Maciejowska, Bartosz Uniejewski, Rafal Weron)
Human Capital in a Historical Perspective (Gabriele Cappelli, Leonardo Ridolfi, Michelangelo Vasta)
International Trade and Labor Markets (Greg Wright)
Tariffs and the Macroeconomy (Xiangtao Meng, Katheryn N. Russ, Sanjay R. Singh)
1964 Freedom Schools in the United States (Kristal Moore Clemons)
Leadership that Bridges Arts and Social-Emotional Learning (Marco A. Nava, Imelda L. Nava, Jan Kirsch)
Systems Theory Approaches to Researching Educational Organizations (Raf Vanderstraeten)
Teacher Education in India (Sunil Behari Mohanty)
Global Public Health
Newborn Mortality (Li Liu, Lucia Hug, Diana Yeung, Danzhen You)
International Studies
Global Distributive Justice (Kevin K W Ip), revised
Language and Borders (Devika Sharma)
Liberal Peacebuilding and its Critiques (Pol Bargués)
Teaching International Relations With Case Studies (Ralph G. Carter), revised
Territorial and Institutional Settlements in the Global South (Allison McCulloch, Eduardo Wassim Aboultaif)
Latin American History
Ecological Ideas and Historical Construction of the Brazilian Cerrado (Sandro Dutra e Silva)
Muslims in Brazil (Omri Elmaleh), revised
The Fall of the Inca Empire (R. Alan Covey)
Urbanization in Argentina, 16th to 19th Centuries (Melisa Pesoa)
Acoustic Theories of Speech Perception (Melissa Redford, Melissa Baese-Berk)
Acquisition of Inflection in Romance Languages (Christophe Parisse), revised
Peculiarities of Raeto-Romance Word Formation (Matthias Grünert)
Raeto-Romance: Romansh, Ladin, Friulian (Luca Melchior)
Reconstructing Proto-Germanic (Martin Joachim Kümmel)
Sentence Fragment Ellipsis in Chinese (Audrey Yen-hui Li, Ting-chi Wei)
Sluicing and Predicate Ellipsis in Chinese (Audrey Yen-hui Li, Ting-chi Wei)
Southern Gallo-Romance: Occitan and Gascon (Andres M. Kristol)
Verb Positions and Basic Clause Structure in Germanic (Jan-Wouter Zwart)
Bildungsroman (Anne Rüggemeier)
Hoax, Fraud, Plagiarism, Forgery (Julia Luisa Abramson), revised
Natural Hazard Science
Extending a Gendered Lens to Reduce Disaster - and Climate-Related Risk in Southern Africa (Kylah Forbes-Biggs, Darren Lortan)
Spatial Cognition in Rodents (Freyja Ólafsdóttir)
Inclusion, Exclusion, and Marginalization of Group Deviants (José Marques, Isabel R. Pinto), revised
Minority Influence and Social Change (Amber M. Gaffney)
Perceptual Learning: Perception and Experience (Barbara Anne Dosher, Zhong-Lin Lu)
Social Identity Theory (Amber M. Gaffney, Michael A. Hogg)
Statistical Learning (Louisa Bogaerts, Noam Siegelman, Ram Frost)
Time Perception in Development (Yarden Kedar)
Bible and Film (Richard Walsh)
Intention in the Pali Suttas and Abhidharma (Karin Meyers), revised
Introduction to Zhentong (Extrinsic Emptiness) (Michael R. Sheehy)
Islam and Pop Culture in North America (Sophia Rose Arjana)
Islamic Bioethics: Biobanking (Mamoun Ahram, Khalid Bani Ahmad)
Mongolian Buddhism in the Yuan Dynasty (Brian Baumann)
Social Work
Moser, Mentona (Andrea Schmelz)
Sarri, Rosemary (Richard P. Barth, Michael Sherraden)
June 2023
African History
Forms of Slavery in the Great Lakes States (East Africa) (Michael W. Tuck)
Italy and the Hafsids in the Medieval Period (Joel Pattison), revised
Kenneth Kaunda (Andy DeRoche)
Landscapes of Colonial Detention Sites (Anaïs Angelo)
Middle Passage (Anita Rupprecht)
Women in Chad (Eline Rosenhart, Germaine Remadji Guidimbaye)
Women in Tanzania (Tanganyika and Zanzibar) (Marjorie Mbilinyi)
American History
Atlanta (Jessica Ann Levy)
Slave Conspiracies in the British Colonies (James F. Dator), revised
Food Consumption and Power: Nourishment and Identity (Carla Guerrón Montero, Joan Gross)
Literacy (Laura Sterponi, Jenny Zhang), revised
The New Commons (Katharina Bodirsky)
Asian History
Inland Trade in the Mughal Empire (Shalin Jain), revised
Business and Management
A Multilevel Perspective on Corporate Governance: Firm, Industry, and Macro Environments (Alessandro Zattoni, Hans van Ees)
Individualism-Collectivism: A Review of Conceptualization and Measurement (Chao C. Chen, Ali F. Unal), revised
Innovation in Artificial Intelligence: Illustrations in Academia, Apparel, and the Arts (Andreas Kaplan)
The Evolution of the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) Construct: Dominant Research Questions and Conversational Shifts (Patrick Kreiser, Jeffrey G. Covin, Matthew J. Fox, Ignacio Godinez Puebla, Shawn Enriques)
Classical Studies
Achilles (Jonathan S. Burgess), revised
eisangelia (Edward Harris), revised
robots and cyborgs in antiquity (Rocki Wentzel)
Climate Science
CO₂ in the Atmosphere: Growth and Trends Since 1850 (Michel Ramonet, Abhishek Chatterjee, Philippe Ciais, Ingeborg Levin, Mahesh Kumar Sha, Martin Steinbacher, Colm Sweeney)
CO₂ in the Surface Ocean (Peter Landschützer), revised
Aging Grandparents and Grandchildren and Communication (Quinten Bernhold)
Animal Rhetorics (Jeremy Gordon)
Estrangement and Impact on Family Communication (Kristina M. Scharp)
Gender in Rhetorical Theory (Faber McAlister), revised
Propaganda and Rhetoric (John Oddo)
Psychoanalysis in Rhetorical Theory (Christian Lundberg)
Queer Intercultural Communication (Gust A. Yep, Ryan M. Lescure, Sage E. Russo), revised
Race and Affect in Digital Media Cultures (Donya Alinejad)
Relational Dialectics Theory (Kristina M. Scharp)
The Geopolitics of Infotainment (Lindsay H. Hoffman, Gilbert K. Rotich)
Economics and Finance
Mismatch in Higher Education (Gill Wyness)
An Overview of Historical Transitions in Politics of Education in Spain (Gonzalo Jover, Mariano González-Delgado)
Public Schooling and Democracy in the United States (Sarah M. Stitzlein), revised
Student Voice, Inequalities, and Class (Rachel Finneran, Eve Mayes, Rosalyn Black)
Teach For America (Spencer J. Smith)
Trauma-Informed Practice in Early Childhood Education (Elspeth Stephenson)
Environmental Science
Groundwater Models (Timothy M. Weigand, Matthew W. Farthing, Casey T. Miller)
Virtual Water (Martin Keulertz, Francesca Greco, David Dent), revised
Global Public Health
Global Trends in Life Expectancy and Healthy Life Expectancy (Emmanuelle Cambois, Géraldine Duthé, France Meslé)
Managing the Paradox of Conflictual Policy and Strategy Regarding Health of Irregular Migrants: Perspective from Europe and Africa (Ursula Trummer, Michela Martini, Sabelo Mbokazi), revised
International Studies
International Relations in West Africa (Azeez O. Olaniyan)
(Non-)Local Dependencies in Germanic (Augustin Speyer)
Further Contributions to Romance Dialectometry (John Nerbonne), revised
Language Ideologies (Susan Gal)
Planetary Science
Landslides in the Solar System (Maria Teresa Brunetti, Silvia Peruccacci)
Large Volcanic Channels of the Inner Solar System (David W. Leverington), revised
Well-being at Work (Malgorzata Kozusznik, Aida Soriano, José M. Peiró)
Assault Sorcery and Religion (Pamela Stewart, Andrew Strathern)
Caribbean, Islam in (Ken Chitwood), revised
Ertegun, Ahmet (Shalom Goldman)
Ethics and Buddhism (Jessica Locke)
Idol and Idolatry (Stacy Boldrick)
Indigenous Religions in Brazil (Mark Münzel)
Islamic Bioethics: Animal Research (Magfirah Dahlan-Taylor)
Media Interactions with Muslims (Nofret Berenice Hernandez Vilchis)
Muslims and Education in North America (May Al-Fartousi)
Muslims and Literature in North America (Adam Yaghi)
Religious Reflexivities (Sarah Shah)
Tantric Revival in China (Cody R. Bahir)
The Expansion of African American Muslim Movements beyond the USA (Philipp Bruckmayr)
Social Work
Gender Identity and Gender Expression (Jama Shelton)
May 2023
African History
Musics of the Black Atlantic: Highlife, Rumba, and Afrobeat (Jonathan Reynolds)
Obafemi Awolowo (Insa Nolte)
Slavery and Forced Labor in Madagascar (Gwyn R. Campbell)
Women in Eritrea (Milena Belloni)
American History
Antisemitism in US History (Britt P. Tevis)
Climate and Climate Change in Early America (Matthew Mulcahy)
Racial Inequality and Its Remedies in the US Labor Market (Randall L. Patton)
The History of Jewish Women in the United States (Joyce Antler)
A Postcolonial Approach to the Right to the City (Lucas Amaral de Oliviera, Bruna Triana)
Anthropology of the Mediterranean (Laia Soto Bermant, Sarah Green), summary
Ceramic Ethnoarhaeology in Africa: Status and Scope (Per Ditlef Fredriksen)
Copper and Copper Alloys at the Time of the Kingdoms of Ghana and Mali (Laurence Garenne-Marot)
Language and Health (Steven P. Black)
Risk and Finance (Horacio Ortiz)
Sign Languages (Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway, Kristin Snoddon)
Asian History
Constructing Nations in Soviet Central Asia (Adeeb Khalid)
Defining Chinese Commodities in the Early Modern Era: A Historical and Conceptual Analysis (Ronald C. Po)
Business and Management
Entrepreneurial Teams (Nicola Breugst)
International Initial Public Offerings (Christina Maria Muehr, Thomas Lindner)
Perspectives on Help-Receiving in the Workplace: Review and Rocommendations (Victoria S. Scotney, Cavan V. Bonner, Louis Tay)
Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior (Alexander Newman, Shenjiang Mo, Matthew Lupoli)
Classical Studies
art, funerary, Greek (Nathan T. Arrington), revised
Calpurnius Siculus (Yelena Baraz), revised
Catullus (1), Gaius Valerius (Julia Haig Gaisser, Gail Trimble), revised
Circus Maximus (Marialetizia Buonfiglio)
Cleopatra VII, 69–40 BCE (Christelle Fischer-Bovet), revised
Hades (A. Henrichs, Ellie Mackin Roberts), revised
Laodice (2), Seleucid queen, wife of Antiochus (2) II, c. 285–unknown (Monica D'Agostini), revised
Lucian, of Samosata (Manuel Baumbach), revised
mobility, economic (Claire Holleran)
Plato, knowledge and its objects (Julia Annas), revised
Pontius Pilatus (Helen K. Bond), revised
pottery, Roman (Kevin Greene), revised
Quintilian, Roman advocate and rhetorician, 1st century CE (Curtis Dozier), revised
rabbis (Hayim Lapin), revised
slavery, Greek (David Lewis), revised
temple, Greek (Philip Sapirstein)
Climate Science
Opportunities and Drawbacks for Alpine Tourism Under Climate Change (Franz Prettenthaler, Christoph Neger)
The Development of Fish Stocks and Fisheries in the Baltic Sea Since the Last Glaciation (Henrik Svedäng)
Collaboration in Organizations (John G. McClellan)
Kuaer Theory (Ryan M. Lescure)
Queer Men's Bodies and Digital Media (Jamie Hakim)
Representations of Drag Culture (Niall Brennan)
Sound Studies and Speech Rhetoric (Justin Eckstein)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Group-Based Trajectory Modeling (Thomas W. Wojciechowski)
The Harms and Crimes Against Terrestrial Wildlife (NonHuman Animals) (Rebecca W.Y. Wong)
Theory and Green Criminology (Kimberly L. Barrett, Rachelle F. Marshall)
Economics and Finance
Education and Social Mobility (Helena Holmlund, Martin Nybom), revised
Financial Bubbles in History (William Quinn, John Turner)
African Centered Education (Kmt G. Shockley)
Chicana Feminist Epistemology in Higher Education (Christina Torres García)
Chinese Heritage Language Schools in the United States (Shizhan Yuan)
Higher Education Equity and Justice (Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret)
Writing (Danielle S. McNamara, Laura K. Allen, Andrew Potter), revised
Environmental Science
Citizen Science and Biodiversity (Sander Turnhout, Wessel Ganzevoort)
Environmental and Cultural Flows in Aotearoa and Australia (Erin O'Donnell, Elizabeth Macpherson)
Food Sovereignty (Mieke van Hemert)
Philosophy of the Anthropocene (Sébastien Dutreuil, Pierre Charbonnier)
Politics of Local Community Engagement in Transboundary Water Negotiations (Isabela Espindola, Pilar Villar)
Recreation Use Values for Water-Based Recreation (John Loomis, Lucas Bair)
Wastewater Reclamation and Recycling (Soyoon Kum, Lewis S. Rowles)
Global Public Health
Investing in Community Organizations That Serve Marginalized Populations (Margarita Alegria, Lauren Cohen, Ziqiang Lin, Michelle Cheng, Sheri Lapatin Markle)
Membrane Filtration (Maryna Peter)
Social Medicine and the Social Sciences in Latin America: Conceptual Tensions for the Transformation of Public Health in the 20th Century (Arachu Castro)
The Intersections of Resistance and Health (Ryan Essex)
Urban Health and Disaster Resilience (David Sanderson, Ronak Patel, Kelsey Gleason)
International Studies
Annexation (Brendan O'Leary)
Genealogies of Intersectionality in International Relations (Celeste Montoya, Kimberly Killen)
Indigenous Rights in International Law (Cher Weixia Chen), revised
Process Tracing Methods and International Studies (Derek Beach)
Refugee Protection, Securitization, and Liminality (Yvonne Jazz Rowa)
The Geopolitics of Race, Empire, and Expertise at the ICC (Oumar Ba, Kelly-Jo Bluen, Owiso Owiso)
Latin American History
Montoneros: The Rise and Fall of the Argentine Guerrilla (Esteban Campos)
Paraguayan Science and the Environment: A Historical Survey (Robert W. Wilcox)
Ellipsis in the Romance Languages (José M. Brucart, Ángel J. Gallego, Javier Fernández-Sánchez)
Liheci ‘Separable Words’ in Mandarin Chinese (Kuang Ye, Haihua Pan)
Norwegian (Agnete Nesse)
Orthography and the Sociolinguistics of Writing (Mirka Honkanen)
Relative Clauses in the Romance Languages (Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati)
Spanish and Portuguese Outside Europe (J. Clancy Clements)
The Language of Medicine in the Romance Languages (Pius ten Hacken)
Asian-Latin American Literature (Ignacio López-Calvo)
Cuban Revolutionary Literature (Lanie Millar)
Health, Medicine, and Literature in the American Context (Lisa Diedrich)
Literature, the Book, and the Bible in the Renaissance (Rachel Willie)
Mario Bellatin (Héctor Jaimes)
Transcolonial Studies (Olivia C. Harrison)
Natural Hazard Science
Disaster Risk and Decision-Making (Jeroen Warner, Art Dewulf)
Resilient Health Structures and Services (Nebil Achour), summary
Free Electron Lasers (Zhirong Huang), summary
Planetary Science
Industry and Agency Contracts and Procurement (Ingo Baumann, Jan Helge Mey, Erik Pellander)
State Responsibility and Commercial Space Activities (Danielle Ireland-Piper, Makaela Fehlhaber, Alana Bonenfant)
The Qaidam Basin as a Planetary Analog (Jiannan Zhao, Yutong Shi, Long Xiao)
Human-Computer Interaction (Amon Rapp)
Music Perception (Marcus T. Pearce)
Syntax (Jonathan R. Brennan)
Arts and Ethics: Questions (David Fenner)
'Ashura and Azadari (Vernon James Schubel), revised
Islamic Bioethics: Milk Banks (Anke Iman Bouzenita)
Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Muhammad U. Faruque)
The Book of Isaiah (Jacob Stromberg)
The Revival of Animism in the 21st Century (Kocku von Stuckrad)
The Study of Indigenous Religions (Gregory D. Alles)
Social Work
Charles, Millie (Rebecca Chaisson)
April 2023
African History
Grace Ogot (J. Roger Kurtz)
History of Higher Education in Kenya (Michael Mwenda Kithinji)
Omar ibn Said (Mbaye Lo)
American History
Baltimore (David Schley)
Archaeological Heritage Management in Tanzania (Richard Bigambo)
Language and White Supremacy (Jennifer Roth-Gordon)
Language Contact (Sandhya Narayanan), summary
The Archaeology of Igboland, Southeastern Nigeria (Chioma Vivian Ngonadi)
The Archaeology of Soapstone Figurines in West Africa (Kola Adekola)
Asian History
Afghan Circulations in the Persianate World, c. 1000–1800 (Hannah Archambault)
Charismatic Megafauna in Southeast Asia (Faizah Binte Zakaria)
Infrastructure Development in Xinjiang (Alessandro Rippa)
JVP and Youth Militancy in the South of Sri Lanka (Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri)
Rajput Kingship (Arik Moran)
Tantra in South Asia (Hugh B. Urban)
The Bon Religious Practice in Bhutan (Kelzang T. Tashi)
The Dutch East India Company in South Asia (Guido van Meersbergen)
The Influence of Central Asia on Horse Use (Pamela Crossley)
Timurid Commercial Relations with China (Ralph Kauz)
Turkey: A Historical Overview (Gavin Brockett)
Business and Management
Recontextualization in International Business (Mary Yoko Brannen)
Classical Studies
animals, knowledge about (Pietro Li Causi), revised
Antonius, Marcus (2), Roman consul and triumvir, 83–30 BCE (Kathryn Welch), revised
cross-dressing (Vassiliki Panoussi)
glass, Greek (Katherine A. Larson)
mythography (R. Scott Smith)
Priscian, 5th–6th cent. bce (Thomas J. Keeline), revised
Psellos, Michael (Stratis Papaioannou), revised
women in philosophy (Sophia Connell), revised
Climate Science
Climate Change and Imaginaries of Democracy (Amanda Machin)
The Role of the IPCC in Climate Science (Gerald A. Meehl)
Homonormativity (Dawn Marie D. McIntosh)
"Race," Inequality, and Education in the Czech Republic (Dana Moree, Alena Kosak Felcmanova, Magdaléna Karvayová)
Dialogic Pedagogies (Christine Edwards-Groves)
Interdisciplinary Expansion and the History of Education in Sweden (Johannes Westberg)
Navigating Change: Pacific Islanders, Race, Sport, and Pipelines to Higher Education (Keali'I Kukahiko)
Racial Violence in the United States (Darius D. Prier)
The Global Response of Universities and Colleges to the COVID-19 Pandemic and their Post-Pandemic Futures (Gwilym Croucher)
Theater, Drama, Education, and Pasifika Youth in Aotearoa New Zealand (Michelle Johansson)
Global Public Health
Big Data and Urban Health (Mark Stevenson, Jason Thompson, Thanh Ho)
Homelessness and Vaccination Strategies: Problems and Potential Solutions to Vaccinate Vulnerable Populations (Elena Mitevska, Priyanka Gill, Monty Ghosh)
Managing Pain Within Vulnerable Populations of Seniors With Chronic Care Issues (Patricia Schofield)
International Studies
World-Systems Analysis (Robert A. Denemark, Smriti Upadhyay)
Latin American History
Cattle in Latin American History (Andrew Sluyter)
Conspiracy Theories in Latin American History (Luis Roniger)
Public Health in Uruguay, 1830–1940s (Anne-Emanuelle Birn, Raquel Pollero)
The Putumayo Atrocities (Angus Mitchell)
The Spanish Lake: Pirates, Privateers, and the Contest for the Pacific Ocean (Elizabeth Montañez-Sanabria)
Chinese Dou Quantification (Yuli Feng, Haihua Pan)
Danish (Eva Skafte Jensen)
Etymology and the Lexical Core of Germanic (Robert Mailhammer)
Nominal Inflectional Morphology in Germanic: Adjectives (Hans-Olav Enger)
Swedish (Erik M. Petzell)
Arabic and the Postfrancophone Poetics of Maghrebi Literatures (yasser elhariry)
Magnetoreception and Bird Navigation (Roswitha Wiltschko, Wolfgang Wiltschko)
Impedance-Induced Beam Instabilities (Mauro Migliorati), summary
Self-Polarization in Storage Rings (Eliana Gianfelice-Wendt), summary
The Emergence of Modern Cosmology (Helge Kragh), summary
Planetary Science
Infrared Remote Sensing of the Martian Atmosphere (Anna Fedorova, Oleg Korablev)
Planetary Spectroscopy (Alian Wang)
The Concept and Study of Implementation (Peter Hupe), revised
History of Muslims in the United States (Yasmine Flodin-Ali)
Muslim Cinema in North America (Irum Shiekh)
Terrorism and Violence in North America (Atiya Husain)
The Violence at Jonestown (Rebecca Moore)
Social Work
Yuichi, Nakamura (Tatsuru Akimoto)
March 2023
African History
Agricultural Slavery in Africa (Marco Gardini)
Hausa Diasporas and Slavery in Africa, the Atlantic, and the Muslim World (Camille Lefebvre)
History of Ghana (David Owusu-Ansah)
Marxists of the Maghreb: Leftist Parties and Movements of North Africa (Matt Buehler, Matthew R. Jones)
Post-Slavery (Baz Lecocq, Lotte Pelckmans)
The History of Togo and the Togolese People (Marius Kothor, Benjamin N. Lawrance)
Women in Ghana (Akosua Adomako Ampofo, Deborah Atobrah)
Central African Copper (Nicolas Nikis)
Glass Beads of 7th to 17th Century CE Sub-Saharan Africa (Marilee Wood)
Resilience and Early States in Southern Africa (Munyaradzi Manyanga)
Business and Management
Coordinating Knowledge: A New Lens to Understanding the Role of Technology in Episodic Coordination (Elena Karahanna, Jennifer Claggett)
Classical Studies
Diocletian, Roman emperor, 284–313 CE (Monica Hellström), revised
metre, Latin (Llewelyn Morgan, Jonathan Powell), revised
Climate Science
Health Problems in the European Alps Under Climate Change (Lisbeth Weitensfelder, Hans-Peter Hutter, Kathrin Lemmerer, Michael Poteser, Peter Wallner, Hanns Moshammer)
Queer Sexualities in Latin America (Héctor Domínguez Ruvalcaba)
Relational Turbulence Theory (Jennifer A. Theiss)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Historical Methods in Criminology (Paul Knepper)
Economics and Finance
Economic Penalties Based on Neighborhood, and Wealth Building (Rowena Gray, Raymond Kim)
Economics and Family Structures (Thomas Baudin, Bram De Rock, Paula Gobbi)
The Early Origins of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States: An Analysis of the Growth of the NAACP (Daniel Aaronson, Jala Abner, Mark Borgschulte, Bhashkar Mazumder)
Centering Race Within Adult Education Theory in the United States (Sydney D. Richardson)
Critical Policy Analysis in Education (Kate O'Connor, Sophie Rudolph)
Education Research Beyond Cyborg Subjectivities (Annette Gough, Noel Gough)
Race and the Educational Experiences of Multicultural Families and Biracial Children in Korea (Eun-Jeong Han, Ellen Kang)
Environmental Science
Environmental Humanities and Italy (Enrico Cesaretti, Roberta Biasillo, Damiano Benvegnú)
Global Public Health
The Role of Service User Preferences and User-Centred Approaches in Adult Social Care (Helen Dickinson, Robin Miller)
International Studies
Complexity and Quantum in International Relations (Greta Fowler Snyder, Andre Hui)
International Insertion: A Non-Western Contribution to International Relations (Fabrício Chagas-Bastos)
The Sources of International Disorder (Aaron McKeil)
The Study of International Relations in Chile (Lorena Oyarzún-Serrano, Claudia Fuentes-Julio)
Agreement in Germanic (Haldór Ármann Sigurðsson)
Chinese Verbs and Lexical Distinction (Meichun Liu)
Negation in Germanic (Johan Brandtler, Anne Breitbarth)
Object Shift and Object Scrambling in Germanic (Hans Broekhuis)
Tense, Aspect, and Mood in Germanic (Thilo Weber)
Yiddish (Lea Schäfer)
Male Noble Dress in Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature (Daniel Green)
Natural Hazard Science
Intersectionality as a Forward-Thinking Approach in Disaster Research (Jamie Vickery, Cassandra Jean, Caitlin Hall)
Natural Hazards Governance in Côte d'Ivoire (Koffi Fernand Kouamé, Kan Désiré Kouassi)
Nigeria Natural Hazard Governance: Institutional Perspective (Rakiya Babamaaji, Halilu Shaba, Chiemeka Nsofor, Grace Mbaiorga, Aisha Musa, Vincent Owan, Olasunkanmi Okunola, Ege Chinyere A, Godstime Kadir)
Pain and its Modulation (Asaf Keller)
Multilateral Crisis Responders: United Nations and Its Partners in Humanitarian Crisis Management (Bok Gyo Jeong, Jungwon Yeo)
Employee Work Experiences, Feelings, and Morality (Remus Ilies, Sherry Aw)
Eyewitness Memory (John T. Wixted)
Mental Rotation and Visual Imagery (Fred W. Mast, Lilla M. Gurtner)
Peripheral Vision: A Critical Component of Many Visual Tasks (Ruth Rosenholtz)
Scene Perception and Understanding (Michelle R. Greene)
Test-Enhanced Learning (David R. Shanks, Hilary J. Don, Shaun Boustani, Chunliang Yang)
Virtual Teams and Digital Collaboration (Conny H. Antoni)
American Muslim Comedy (Samah Selina Choudhury)
Islamic Bioethics: Nanotechnology (Nidhal Guessoum)
Islamic Bioethics: Secular Bioethics in Muslim Countries (Anke Iman Bouzenita)
Islamic Pilgrimage (Mounia Chekhab-Abudaya)
Jefferson, Thomas and Islam (Denise A. Spellberg)
Media Muslims and Telenovelas: El Clon (Silvia Montenegro)
Sheng Yen (Jimmy Yu)
The Life and Works of Longchenpa (Albion M. Butters)
Wilfred Cantwell Smith and the Study of Islam (Suzanne Smith)
Social Work
Abolitionist Social Work (Noor Toraif, Justin C. Mueller)
Davis, John Eldon (Catheleen Jordan)
Home Visits and Family Engagement (Barbara Wasik, Donna Bryant)
Poverty (Mark R. Rank), revised
Sayles, Odessa (David Cory, Catheleen Jordan)
February 2023
African History
African Religions in Early America and the United States (Ras Michael Brown)
Race and Decolonization in North Africa (Muriam Haleh Davis)
Rubber Production in Africa (Reuben A. Loffman)
West Africa and the Middle East since 1900 (Oliver Coates)
Women in Zambia (Iva Peša)
Mental Illness (Bianca Brijnath, Samantha Croy, Josefine Antoniades)
The Archaeology of Hinduism (Namita Sanjay Sugandhi)
West African Iron Production in its Sub-Saharan Context (Philip L. de Barros)
Business and Management
Entrepreneurial Identity (Blake Mathias)
Moral Disengagement and Organizations (Catherine Hessick)
Classical Studies
Annaeus Seneca (2), Lucius, Seneca 'the Younger', 4 BCE – CE 65 (Christopher Trinacty), revised
Aristophanes (1), Athenian poet of Old Comedy, 2nd half of 5th cent. BCE (Mario Telò, Christopher Pelling, Kenneth Dover), revised
Griffin Warrior, grave of (Sharon R. Stocker, Jack L. Davis)
physiognomy (Maria Michela Sassi), revised
Sadducees (Eyal Regev), revised
Climate Science
Climate Change Impacts on Cities in the Baltic Sea Region (Sonja Deppisch)
Ancient Rhetoric (Susan C. Jarratt)
Media and the Management of Cultural Diversity in Cameroon: The Case of the Anglophone Crisis (Afu Isaiah Kunock)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Hot Spot Policing (Cody W. Telep)
The Harms and Crimes of Farming/Food (Ekaterina Gladkova)
The Harms and Crimes of Fracking (Jack Adam Lampkin)
Economics and Finance
Fractional Integration and Cointegration (Javier Hualde, Morten Ørregaard Nielsen)
Hedge Funds: Performance, Risk Management, and Impact on Asset Markets (Vikas Agarwal, Honglin Ren)
Career Change Teachers: Caveat and Opportunities in Workforce Planning for Schools (Babak Dadvand, Merryn Dawborn-Gundlach, Jan van Driel, Chris Speldewinde)
Coloniality, Student Mobilizations, and Higher Education (Leigh Patel)
Frantz Fanon and Education (Marlon Simmons)
Language Education of Asian Migrant Students in North America (Guofang Li, Zhongfeng Tian, Huili Hong)
Mestiza Methodology as a Hybrid Research Design (Amanda Jo Cordova)
Ontology, Epistemology, and Critical Theory in STEM Education (Shakhnoza Kayumova, Kathryn J. Strom)
Race and Institutional Effectiveness in Higher Education (Karen T. Jackson)
Restorative Justice in Education (Kristin Elaine Reimer, Crystena Parker-Shandal)
Seeding Rightful Presence and Reframing Equity in STEM Education with Historically Minoritized Communities (Edna Tan, Angela Barton Calabrese)
Social Sciences Education in New Zealand Schools (Genaro Oliveira, Bronwyn Wood)
The Destructive Long-Term Impact of Disasters on Black and Brown Schooling Communities in the United States (Cassandra R. Davis)
Global Public Health
Digital Solutions to Public Health Issues (Si Ying Tan, Jeremy Fung Yen Lim)
Using Lifestyle Interventions to Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk in African Americans (Robert L. Newton, Jr., George W. Rebok, Andrew McLeod, Owen Carmichael)
International Studies
CBRN Terrorism (Markus K. Binder, Gary A. Ackerman)
Gender Violence, Colonialism, and Coloniality (Lara Selis, Natália Maria Félix de Souza)
Paradiplomacy (Nahuel Oddone)
Latin American History
Amazonian Frontiers: Borderlines, Internal Frontiers, and Political Ecology of Amazonia (Germán Palacio)
Central America in the Age of Tyrants, ca. 1930–1960 (David Díaz-Arias)
Cochabamba's 2000 Water War in Historical Perspective (Sarah Hines)
Ancient Greek Views on Greek and Other Languages (Toon Van Hal)
Compounding and Linking Elements in Germanic (Barbara Schlücker)
Discourse Markers in Chinese: Synchronic and Diachornic Perspectives (Fangqiong Zhan)
Nominal Ellipsis in Chinese (Audrey Yen-hui Li, Ting-chi Wei)
Prefixation (Nouns and Adjectives) in Romance Languages (Claudio Iacobini)
The Early Black Atlantic Conversion Narrative (Vincent Carretta)
Natural Hazard Science
Vehicle-Related Causes of Flood Fatalities (Andrew Gissing, Kyra Hamilton, Grantley Smith, Amy E. Peden)
The Sensory World of the Naked Mole-Rat (Thomas J. Park)
Mechanobiology (Julia M. Yeomans)
Binocular Vision (Suzanne McKee, Preeti Verghese)
Evidence-based Decision-Making and Practice in Organizations (Alessandra Capezio, Patrick L'Espoir Decosta)
Intergroup Contact (Danielle L. Blaylock, Nina Briggs)
Jury Decision-Making (R. Scott Tindale, Kelsey Berryman)
Stigma and Disadvantage (Laurie T. O'Brien, Danica Kulibert, Tyler Waldon-Lee)
Visual Search (Jeremy Wolfe)
Indigenous Religion of Hawai'i (Marie Alohalani Brown)
Indigenous Religions in West Africa (Katharina Wilkens, Mariam Goshadze)
Islamic Bioethics: Enhancement (Siti Nurani Mohd. Noor)
Islamic Philanthropy in the United States (Esra Tunc)
Lone Wolf Race Warriors (Mattias Gardell)
Mohja Kahf (Danielle Haque)
Social Work
Critical Race Studies (Larry Ortiz, Susan Nakaoka)
January 2023
African History
Ceramics and Archaeology in Southern Africa (Per Ditlef Fredriksen)
Early Food Production in the Congo Basin (Dirk H. Seidensticker, Katharina V. M. Jungnickel)
Long Distance Trade in Somalia, 1st to 19th Centuries AD (Alfredo González Ruibal)
Slavery and the Slave Trade in Ethiopia and Eritrea (Giulia Bonacci, Alexander Meckelburg)
Sugar Plantation Slavery (Klas Rönnbäck)
The Kisama Sobados in West Central Africa, 16th and 17th Centuries (Flavia Maria de Carvalho)
Women in Uganda (Alicia C. Decker)
American History
Chicago (Ann Durkin Keating)
Irregular and Guerrilla Warfare during the Civil War (Matthew M. Stith)
Koreans and the Early Cold War (Susie Woo)
Latin Jazz and Salsa (Raúl A. Fernandez)
Bioarchaeology in the Nile Valley (Jenail H. Marshall, Michele Buzon)
Collaboration (Jeanne Féaux de la Croix)
Communities and Archaeology in Africa (Thabo Manetsi)
Household Archaeology in South Asia (Jaya Menon)
Asian History
Japanese Economy Since World War II (Simon Bytheway)
Business and Management
Multicultural Identities at Work (Yih-Teen Lee, Nana Yaa Gyamfi)
Pride in Organizations (Yuen Lam Wu, Prisca Brosi, Jason D. Shaw)
Classical Studies
aesthetics (Stephen Halliwell), revised
anti-Semitism, pagan (Catherine Hezser), revised
economy, Roman (Annalisa Marzano), revised
Knossos (Anthony James Whitley), revised
plague (Kyle Harper), revised
Sappho, lyric poet, c. 630-c. 570 bce (Page duBois), revised
timber (Benjamin Graham), revised
Climate Science
History and Future of Snow and Sea Ice in the Baltic Sea (Matti Leppäranta)
Securing High Levels of Sustainability in Transportation Under Future Climate Change (Christoph Matulla, Katharina Enigl)
Syukuro Manabe: Recipient of Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 (Antonio Navarra)
European Media Communications Policy, Development, and Governance (Alison Harcourt), revised
Parenting of Queer Offspring (Maria Butauski, Pamela J. Lannutti)
Race and Ethnic Stereotypes in the Media (Srividya Ramasubramanian, Emily Riewestahl, Anthony Ramirez)
Racial Culture Wars in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore (Daniel P.S. Goh)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Institutional Anomie Theory Across Nation States (Andreas Hövermann, Steven F. Messner), revised
Economics and Finance
Behavioral Development Economics (Karla Hoff, Allison Demeritt)
Black Feminism and Black Women’s Interactions with Faculty in Higher Education (Monica Allen, April Smith, Sandra Dika)
Immigrant Teachers in Israel as Newcomers and Educators (1949-1966) (Tali Tadmor-Shimony)
Systemic Supports for AntiRacist Practice in Montessori Classrooms (Whitney M. Hegseth)
Environmental Science
IWRM: Ideology or Methodology? (Larry Swatuk, Adnan Ibne Abdul Qader)
U.S. Water Policy and Planning With Respect to Climate Change (Caitlin Dyckman)
Water Resources Planning Under (Deep) Uncertainty (Riddhi Singh)
Global Public Health
Climate Change and Water-Related Diseases in the Mekong Delta Area (Nu Quy Linh Tran, Des Connell, Trung Hieu Nguyen, Dung Phung)
Indigenous Health and Connection to Country (Alister Thorpe, Aryati Yashadhana, Brett Biles, Emily Munro-Harrison, Jonathan Kingsley)
The Intersection of Disability with Substance Use and Addiction (Sharon Reif, Margaret T. Lee, Emily Ledingham)
International Studies
Great-Power Competition (Jonathan M. DiCicco, Tudor A. Onea)
Human Rights in Latin America (James C. Franklin)
International Law Developed Through the European Union (Kathie Barrett)
Nonhuman, More-Than-Human and Post-Human International Relations and International Studies (Audra Mitchell)
Relational Theories in International Relations (Emilian Kavalski)
Teaching about Gender and Sexuality in the International Relations Classroom (Laura Sjoberg, Jon Whooley)
Wartime Sexual Violence (Élise Féron)
Latin American History
Black Brotherhoods in the Portuguese Atlantic (Alicia L. Monroe)
The Paraguayan Illustrated Press during the War of the Triple Alliance (Leonardo de Oliveira Silva)
(High) German (Simon Pickl)
Chinese Syllable Structure (Jisheng Zhang)
Evaluative Adverbs in Chinese (Dingxu Shi)
Evaluative Morphology in the Romance Languages (Nicola Grandi)
Nonverbal Clauses in Wano: A Trans-New Guinea Language (Willem Burung)
The Expression of Modality in Classical Chinese: Notions, Taxonomy and Distinctive Features (Carlotta Sparvoli)
Russian Modernist Theatre (Alisa Ballard Lin)
Natural Hazard Science
Changing Disaster Vulnerability and Capability in Aging Populations (Jennifer Whytlaw, Nicole S. Hutton)
BDNF-Induced Plasticity of Spinal Circuits Underlying Pain and Learning (Sandra M. Garraway)
Neural Mechanisms for Odor-Guided Behavior (Guiliano Gaeta, Regina M. Sullivan, Donald A. Wilson)
Neural Mechanisms of Tinnitus (Adam Hockley, Susan E. Shore)
Neural Processing of Taste Information (Alfredo Fontanini, Lindsey Czarnecki)
Plasticity of Information Processing in the Auditory System (Andrew J. King)
Planetary Science
Affect and Emotions in Social Cognition: How Feelings Influence Thinking (Joseph P. Forgas)
General Coding and Analysis in Qualitative Research (Michael G. Pratt)
Ecofeminism, Religion, and the Arts in the West (Jane Caputi)
Muslims and Business in North America (Bayyinah S. Jeffries)
Sufi Communities in Secular Mexico (Lucía Cirianni Salazar)
Social Work
Kagawa, Toyohiko (Tatsuru Akimoto)
Pomeroy, Elizabeth (Diana M. DiNitto, Lori K. Holleran Steiker)
December 2022
African History
Tippu Tip in Late 19th-Century East and Central Africa (Stuart Laing)
Women in Muslim Northern Nigeria (Beverly B. Mack)
Women in Rwanda (Sarah E. Watkins, Erin Jessee, Emma Brunton)
American History
American Orientalism (Osamah F. Khalil)
Cultural Heritage in the United States (Alicia Ebbitt McGill)
The Chicana and Chicano Movement (Rosie Bermudez)
The Role of Women in US Foreign Relations (Molly Wood)
Anthropology and Catholicism (Christine Lee)
Anthropology of the Balkans (Ognjen Kojanic), summary
Global Health (Emily Mendenhall, Svea Closser)
Language Socialization (Shannon Ward), summary
Plant Use (Anna Maria Mercuri)
Restitution and Archaeological Collections in Africa (Didier Houénoudé, Monica Coralli, Didier N'Dah)
Senegambian Macrolithism in its West African Context (Demba Kebe)
Shifting Sedentism in West Africa (Sirio Canós-Donnay)
Techno-cultural groups of the Middle Paleolithic of West Africa (Djidere Baldé)
The Archaeology of Gandhāra (Luca Maria Olivieri)
The Fauresmith and Cultural Dynamics at the End of the Southern African Earlier Stone Age (Michael Chazan)
The Internal African Slave Trade as History and Representation (Marcos Leitão de Almeida)
Youth Social Exclusion in Latin America (Gonzalo A. Saraví)
Asian History
Commerce and Economy in Southeast Asia within the Sinosphere (Laos and Vietnam) (James A. Anderson)
Geology, Mineralogy, and Exploration (Shellen Wu)
Global Mobile Afghanistan c. 1900-present (Magnus Marsden)
Indigenous Religions in the Asian Uplands: Perspectives on Landscape in Northeast India (Claire Scheid)
Japanese economy since World War II (Simon Bytheway)
Living Standards in Southeast Asia (Anne Booth)
Classical Studies
Book of Daniel (Anathea E. Portier-Young)
Laodice (3), Seleucid queen, consort of Antiochus (3) III (Monica D'Agostini), revised
pagan, paganism (Michele Renee Salzman), revised
pastoral poetry, Latin (Yelena Baraz), revised
Philip (1) II, son of Amyntas, king of Macedon, c. 382–336 bce (Manuela Mari), revised
Phryne (Melissa Funke)
Pliny (2) the Younger, 61/62–c. 112 ce (Christopher Whitton), revised
reciprocity, Greek (Tazuko Angela van Berkel), revised
Climate Science
Parametrization in Weather and Climate Models (Hannah Christensen, Laure Zanna)
Spanish Queer Cinema (Santiago Fouz Hernández)
Transnational Queer Translations (Ahmet Atay)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (Hugo Goeury)
Calculating Crime Rates (Rémi Boivin)
Death Penalty and Capital Punishment in Comparative Perspective (Philip L. Reichel)
Police Mental Health and Wellness (Rosemary Ricciardelli, Matthew S. Johnston)
Rural and Remote Policing (Rick Ruddell)
Economics and Finance
Housing, Neighborhoods, and Education (Sarah A. Cordes, Jeehee Han, Amy Schwartz)
Animal Personhood in Sustainability Education (Helen Kopnina)
Approaches to Education for Sustainability (Robert B. Stevenson)
Documentary Genre in Environmental Education (Claire Ahn)
Experiences of Gender and Sexual Minority Students and Teachers in Catholic Schools (Tonya D. Callaghan, Jamie L. Anderson)
Freedom and Education Revisited (Pedro Tabensky)
Governance in Higher Education (Jung C. Shin, Glen A. Jones)
Institutional Dis/Continuities in Higher Education Changes during the Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods in Kazakhstan (Gulzhan Azimbayeva)
Marginalizing Palestinians in historic Palestine (Israel) through Education (Ilham Nasser, Mohammed Abu-Nimer)
Personalized Education as a Possibility to Promote Interculturality (José Jesús Trujillo Vargas)
School Tourism in Southern Africa (Kathleen Smithers, Joanne Ailwood)
Simulations in Teacher Education (Stefan Schutt, Rebecca Miles-Keogh, Dale Linegar)
Urban Inequalities in Swedish Schools (Nihad Bunar)
Environmental Science
A Century Of Evolution Of Modeling for River Basin Planning To The Next Generation Of Models, Methods, And Concepts (Caroline Rosello, Sondoss Elsawah, Joseph Guillaume, Anthony Jakeman)
Global Public Health
Experimental and Intervention Studies of Couples and Family Planning in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: A Systematic Review (Stan Becker, Dana Sarnak)
Productive Engagement of Older Adults (Nancy Morrow-Howell, Peter Sun)
The Demography of Fertility (Visseho Adjiwanou, Ben Malinga John)
International Studies
Drones in Global Security (Michael J. Boyle)
Feminist Perspectives on Foreign Policy (Anne-Marie D'Aoust, Béatrice Châteauvert-Gagnon), revised
Foreign Policy of Colombia (María Catalina Monroy)
Mill's Method of Agreement and Method of Difference as Methods of Analysis in International Relations (Payam Ghalehdar)
Natural Resource Governance in Africa (J. Andrew Grant, Evelyn N. Mayanja, Shingirai Taodzera, Dawit Tesfamichael)
Settlers and Territorial Control (Oded Haklai)
South-South cooperation in the 21st century: An Analysis from Latin America (Gladys Lechini, Carla Morasso)
Stateless Diasporas and China’s Uyghur crisis in the 21st Century (Işık Kuşçu Bonnenfant)
Terrorism and Counterterrorism Datasets: An Overview (Sara M. T. Polo, Blair Welsh)
The Right to Development (Daniel J. Whelan)
Latin American History
Conservation in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico (Ariel E. Lugo)
Digital Resources: Rubén Darío Papers 1882-1945 in the Arizona State University Digital Repository (Seonaid Valiant)
Hugo Fernández Artucio and the Language of Democracy in Uruguay During World War II (Pedro Cameselle-Pesce)
Mexico's Urban Indians (Mark Lentz)
The CIA in Guatemala (Stephen M. Streeter)
Abstract Nouns in the Romance Languages (Philipp Burdy)
Clause Types (and Clausal Complementation) in Germanic (Julia Bacskai-Atkari)
Conversion in Germanic (Martina Werner)
Discourse Analytic Approaches to Language and Identity (Dorien Van De Mieroop)
Frisian (Christoph Winter)
Iterative Meaning in Mandarin Chinese: Linguistic Factors and its Processing (Huei-ling Lai, Yao-Ying Lai)
Pop Cultural Linguistics (Valentin Werner)
Sociophonetics (Gerard Docherty)
African American Literature in the Antebellum Era (Benjamin Fagan)
Brown/Brownness/Mestizaje (Franco A. Laguna Correa)
Postcolonial Writing and the History of Revolution (Nasser Mufti)
Russian Poetry and Cold War Politics in the West (Emily Lygo)
Zapotec Literature (Gloria Elizabeth Chacón)
Natural Hazard Science
Displacement, Natural Hazards, and Health Consequences (Christelle Cazabat)
Planetary Science
Legal Issues Related to Satellite Orbits (P.J. Blount)
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as a Global Tipping Point for the Participation of Persons with Disabilities (Paul Harpur, Michael Ashley Stein), revised
Cerebral Palsy from a Developmental Psychology Perspective (Karen Lidzba)
Industrial and Organizational Psychology From a Global Perspective (Mo Wang, Chengquan Huang, Junhui Yang, Zhefan Huang)
Mirror Neurons, Empathy, and the Other (Marco Iacoboni)
Neuroimaging (Chelsea Ekstrand)
Organizational Interventions (Karina Nielsen)
The Psychology of Abusive Supervision (Katrina A. Graham, Gahyun Yoo, Emma K. Kristal)
Twin Methodology in Psychological Studies (Darya Gaysina, Ellen J. Thompson)
Worry and Rumination (Ed Watkins)
Liturgical and Ceremonial Art: Preaching and Visual Culture in the Early Modern World (Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby)
Material Culture and Religion (David Morgan)
Tzu Chi (Elise Anne DeVido)
Social Work
Kelly, Michael S. (Goutham Menon)
Moral Injury in Social Work (Frederic G. Reamer)
Program Implementation (Rosalyn M. Bertram), revised
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Catherine K. Lawrence), revised
November 2022
African History
Afro-Brazilians in West Africa (Olatunji Ojo)
Lebanese in Anglophone West Africa (Itamar Dubinsky)
The Making of the Maghrib: 1147-1500 (Allen Fromherz)
Youth in South Africa’s Bantustans (Anne Heffernan)
American History
African American Radio (Teisha Dupree-Wilson)
Asian American Youth and Mexican American Youth in Los Angeles before World War II (Isabela Seong Leong Quintana)
Jewish Experience in American Cities (Tobias Brinkmann)
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study (Susan M. Reverby)
Beyond the Formal-Informal Dichotomy (Alan Smart, Martijn Koster), summary
Musical Bows in the Rock Art of Southern Africa (Joshua Kumbani, Oliver Vogels)
Rhetoric Culture Theory (Robert Hariman, Shauna LaTosky, Michał Mokrzan, Jamin Pelkey, Ivo Strecker)
Asian History
Colonialism, Nationalism and Decolonization in Madagascar (Solofo Randrianja)
Commercial Structures of Ancient Central Asia (Xinru Liu)
Soviet Collectivization in Central Asia (Marianne Kamp)
The Appropriation of Islam in the Maldives (Boris Wille)
The Chagos Archipelago (Marina Carter)
The Imperial State and the Ruling Elite (Song Chen)
The Spice Trade in Southeast Asia (Bryan Averbuch)
Business and Management
Business Models and Usage of Technology: A New Perspective on Business Model Design (Neva Bojovic, Vincent Mangematin)
Classical Studies
Alexander Jannaeus (Katell Berthelot)
camps, Roman (Norbert Hanel), revised
disability (Jane Draycott)
Ptolemy III Euergetes (“Benefactor”) I, king of Egypt, early 246 to 221 bce (Stanley Burstein)
Samaria (Boaz Zissu, Dvir Raviv), revised
Climate Science
From Descriptive to Normative Climate Change Narratives: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges (Øyvind Gjerstad, Kjersti Fløttum)
Klaus Hasselmann: Recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 (Hans von Storch, Patrick Heimbach)
The Role of the American Meteorological Society in Climate Science (Keith L. Seitter)
Crip Theory (Jeffrey Bennett)
Multiculturalism, Ethnicity, and Prisons: Russia, Georgia, and Estonia (Costanza Curro, Judith Pallot, Olga Zeveleva)
Queer African Studies (Godfried Asante)
Queer Music Practices in the Digital Realm (Ben De Smet)
Stress and Coping in Sexual and Gender Minority Relationships (Steven Samrock, Kai Kline, Ashley K. Randall)
Transnational and Queer Diasporic Sexualities (Fatima Zahrae Chrifi Alaoui)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Crime Analysis in Policing (Eric L. Piza, Rachael A. Arietti)
Crime Control, Community Relations, and Barriers to Community-Based Reforms in Policing (Kevin Petersen, Danielle S. Rudes)
Higher Education in Law Enforcement and Racial Disparity in Arrests (Thaddeus L. Johnson, Natasha N. Johnson, Sarah Sepanik, Maria H. Lee)
Economics and Finance
Governance by Persuasion: Hedge Fund Activism and Market-Based Shareholder Influence (Alon Brav, Wei Jiang, Rongchen Li)
Housing Policy and Affordable Housing (Christian A.L. Hilber, Olivier Schöni)
International Trade and the Environment: Three Remaining Empirical Challenges (Jevan Cherniwchan, M. Scott Taylor)
Sparse Grids for Dynamic Economic Models (Johannes Brumm, Christopher Krause, Andreas Schaab, Simon Scheidegger)
The Academic Effects of United States Child Food Assistance Programs–At Home, School and In-Between (Michael D. Kurtz, Karen Smith Conway, Robert D. Mohr)
A History of African American Teachers in the United States (Rhonda Jeffries, Toni Williams)
Centering Young Black Women's and Girls' Voices in STEM Participation in the United States (Kara Mitchell, Carla Wellborn, Chezare Warren)
Dialogic Education and Jacques Rancière (Don Carter, Gregory Martin)
Dino Pacio Lindín and "The School in Apartments": a Learning-Service Program in Loisaida, New York (Xosé Manuel Malheiro-Gutiérrez)
Inclusive Education as a Human Right (Ignacio Calderón-Almendros, Gerardo Echeita-Sarrionandia)
Language Planning and Education in Asia (M. Obaidul Hamid, Md Maksud Ali)
Numeracy Across the Curriculum (Merrilyn Goos, Kathy O'Sullivan)
Slow Violence and Schooling (Leanne Higham)
Women and Education in the Middle East and North Africa (Shahrzad Mojab)
Youth Movements and Climate Change Education for Justice (Carrie Karsgaard, Lynette Shultz)
Environmental Science
Crop Rotation and Climate Change Adaptation in Argentina’s Agriculture Sector (Ariel R. Angeli, Federico E. Bert, Sandro Díez-Amigo, Yuri Soares, Jaquelina M. Chaij, Gustavo D. Martini, F. Martín Montané, Alejandro Pardo Vegezzi, Federico Schmidt)
Economic Development and Groundwater Sustainability (Cecilia Tortajada, Francisco González-Gómez)
Economics of Gender in Resource Dependent Communities (Biswajit Ray, Promita Mukherjee)
Evolution of the International Climate Change Policy and Processes: UNFCCC to Paris Agreement (Mostafa Mahmud Naser, Prafula Pearce)
From Flood Control to Flood Adaptation (Katharine J. Mach, Miyuki Hino, A.R. Siders, Steven F. Koller, Caroline M. Kraan, Jennifer Niemann, Brett F. Sanders)
Water Federalism in the United States of America (Rebecca F.A. Bernat, Sharon B. Megdal)
Global Public Health
Brasilia’s Experience with Wastewater Treatment Systems: A case study (Klaus Dieter Neder)
Changing Open Defecation Behavior (Mark Radin)
Fall Prevention and Interventions for Older People (Claudia Meyer, Lindy Clemson)
Monitoring and Evaluation of Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs (Janine Barden-O'Fallon, Erin McCallum)
International Studies
Health Security Intelligence: Intelligence, Biosecurity, and the Bioeconomy (Gaudys L. Sanclemente, Fredy Rivera-Vélez)
International Studies in China (Yih-Jye Hwang)
IR in Mexico (Arturo Santa-Cruz)
LGBTI Human Rights in Global Politics (Phillip M. Ayoub), revised
Latin American History
American Evangelicals in Guatemala (Lauren Frances Turek)
An Environmental History of Brazil in the Nineteenth Century (José Augusto Pádua)
Canada's Cultural Diplomacy toward Mexico During the NAFTA Era (Graciela Martínez-Zalce)
Chicle Gum and Popular Culture in the Americas (Jennifer P. Mathews)
Communist Parties of Central America (Iván Molina)
Foreigners Under Spanish Rule in the Río de la Plata Region (Martin Biersack)
History of the Sciences in Argentina: From Paleontologists to Psychiatrists, 1850s to 1910s (Carlos S. Dimas)
Interamerican Dialogues and Experimentations in the Spanish South American Gradual Abolitionist Process (1810-1870) (Magdalena Candioti)
José María Arguedas: Indigenismo and Andean Culture in Peru (Peter Elmore)
Regina and Roma: Women at the 1968 and 1971 Political Crossroads (Sarah Anderson)
South Asian Diaspora in the Caribbean (Lomarsh Roopnarine)
Spanish and Portuguese Commerce and Contraband in the Amazonian Borderlands (Juan Sebastián Gómez-González)
Functional Word Acquisition in Mandarin Chinese (Xiaolu Yang)
The Language of Science and Technology in the Romance Languages (Anne Weber, Bettina Fetzer, Vahram Atayan)
Digital Posthuman Autobiography (Laurie McNeill)
Maya Literature (Rita M. Palacios)
Predictive Coding Theories of Cortical Function (Linxing Preston Jiang, Rajesh P.N. Rao)
The Neural Basis of Behavioral Sequences in Cortical and Subcortical Circuits (Katherine E. Conen, Theresa M. Desrochers)
Vision and Art (Bevil R. Conway)
Philosophical Issues In Thermal Physics (Wayne C. Myrvold)
Militaries’ Organizational Cultures in a Globalizing World (Joseph Soeters), revised
Perfectionism (Franz Mang, Joseph Chan)
Process Tracing Methods in the Social Sciences (Derek Beach), revised
Unintended Consequences of International Mediation (Lesley Terris)
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety (Michelle L. Moulds, Jessica R. Grisham, Bronwyn M. Graham)
Ethics in Work and Organizational Psychology (Joel Lefkowitz)
Gender in Organizations (Karyssa Courey, Makai Ruffin, Mikki Hebl, Dillon Stewart, Meridith Townsend, Leilani Seged, Jordyn Williams, Cedric Patterson, Sara Mei, Eden King)
Language and Social Cognition (Anne Maass, Carmen Cervone, Ilayda Ozdemir)
Liking and Loving (Margaret S. Clark, Chance Adkins, Brian Bink)
Motor Development: Biological Aspects of Brain and Behavior (Audrey van der Meer, F. R. (Ruud) van der Weel)
Quality of Working Life (David E. Guest)
The Psychology of Hearing Loss (Christopher J. Plack, Hannah H. Guest)
Williams Syndrome (Janette Atkinson)
Work Motivation (James M. Diefendorff, Megan E. Kenworthy, Faith C. Lee, Linh K. Nguyen)
Buddhism and Bioethics (Jens Schlieter)
Humanistic Buddhism (Rensheng Fojiao 人生佛教 / Renjian Fojiao 人間佛教) (Stefania Travagnin)
Religion in the Homeric Hymns (Jenny Strauss Clay, Andrew Faulkner)
Ritual (Barry Stephenson)
Visual Arts: Christian Visual Art (Christine E. Joynes)
Social Work
Black Women and Maternal Death (Valire C. Copeland, Betty Braxter)
Bogo, Marion (Faye Mishna, Cheryl Regehr)
Culturally Responsive Practice with African American Youth (Husain Lateef, Dominique Horton)
Namae, Takayuki (Kana Matsuo)
Wakabayashi, Tatsuo (Yasuhiro Kuroki)
October 2022
African History
Coptic Christianity (Lois Farag)
Cyril Ramaphosa (Anthony Butler)
Disease and Trauma in Past Southern African Communities: Archaeological Perspectives (Susan Pfeiffer)
Fulani Pastoralism in West Africa (Matthew D. Turner)
Genetics and the African Past (Mary E. Prendergast, Elizabeth A. Sawchuk, Kendra A. Sirak)
GIS Applications in Southern African Archaeology (Seke Katsamudanga)
History of the Seychelles (Richard B. Allen)
Ndau Identity in Zimbabwe (Emmanuel Sithole)
American History
Arab American Literature (Pauline Homsi Vinson)
Community-Based Organizations (Amanda I. Seligman)
Japanese American Nisei in the Military Intelligence Service during the U.S.-led Occupation of Japan (Kristine Dennehy)
Race Films (Alyssa Lopez)
Regulator Movements in the Carolina Colonies (Abby Chandler)
The Draft in U.S. History (Megan Threlkeld)
The Hindu Right in the United States (Audrey Truschke)
The Underground Railroad (Diane Miller)
Women and War in Early America (Gina M. Martino)
An Archaeology of Pastoralism and Agropastoralism in the Sudan (Michael Brass, Isabelle Vella Gregory, Ahmed Adam, Rayan Abdallah)
Anthropocene (Amy Johnson, Chris Hebdon, Paul Burow, Deepti Chatti, Michael Dove)
Faunal Exploitation Strategies During the Later Pleistocene in Southern Africa (Gerrit L. Dusseldorp, Jerome P. Reynard)
Glass beads in West Africa (Abidemi Babatunde Babalola)
Hysteria (Jocelyn Marrow), summary
Narrative in Sociocultural Studies of Language (Sabina M. Perrino), summary
New Media and Labor (Judit Kroo, Ilana Gershon)
The Archaeology of Food Production in the West African Forest Zone (Emuobosa Orijemie)
The Origins and Development of Agriculture in South Asia (Jennifer Bates)
The trade, use, and circulation of elephant ivory in sub-Saharan Africa over the longue durée (Paul J. Lane, Ashley N. Coutu)
Asian History
Sakhalin/Karafuto (Naoki Amano)
The Emergence of Marketing in 20th-Century India (Douglas E. Haynes, Tirthankar Roy)
Business and Management
A Practice-Based View of Innovation Adoption (Rangapriya Kannan, Paola Perez-Aleman)
Experience Sampling Methodology (Joel Koopman, Nikolaos Dimotakis)
The Governance Roles of Private Equity (Sophie Manigart, Miguel Meuleman, Tom Beernaert)
Classical Studies
Cornelius Sulla Felix, Lucius, dictator and consul, 138–78 bce (Alexandra Eckert), revised
John Hyrcanus (Katell Berthelot)
munus (Arjan Zuiderhoek), revised
Sophocles (1), Athenian tragic playwright (P. J. Finglass), revised
Xenophon (1), Greek historian (Christopher J. Tuplin), revised
Climate Science
Impacts of Climate Warming on Alpine Lakes (Martin T. Dokulil)
Regional Sea Level (Thomas Wahl, Soenke Dangendorf)
Diffusion of Innovations from the West and Their Influences on Medical Education in Japan (Mariko Morishita, Miho Iwakuma)
Divorce and Relational Termination (Madeleine Redlick Holland, Pamela J. Lannutti)
Gay Pornography (Joseph Brennan)
Homonationalism's Viral Travels (Hana Masri)
LGBTQ Youth Cultures and Social Media (Olu Jenzen)
Queer/ing Archives (Morgan DiCesare, Charles E. Morris III)
Speculative Fiction and Queer Theory (Wendy Gay Pearson)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Cyberpolicing (Jin R. Lee)
Policing and Missing Persons (Lorna Ferguson, Aiden Sidebottom)
Economics and Finance
Score-Driven Models: Methodology and Theory (Mariia Artemova, Francisco Blasques, Janneke van Brummelen, Siem Jan Koopman)
Critical Literacy: A Case From Argentina and Its Implications (Melina Porto, Graham V. Crookes)
Current Issues and Trends in India’s School Education (Vimala Ramachandran)
Education in British India (Deepak Kumar)
TACKLE: Supporting Learning and Identity Formation in a Native American Community (Lorraine Orosco, Olga Vásquez, Charles Underwood)
Teacher Education in Brazil (Rossano André Dal-Farra)
The Teaching of English in India (Usree Bhattacharya)
Environmental Science
Air Pollution, Science, Policy, and International Negotiations (Willemijn Tuinstra)
Ecotechnology (Astrid Schwarz)
Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Tool to Improve Water Security and Resilience (Mary-Belle Cruz-Ayala, Sharon B. Megdal)
Smart Cities and Water Infrastructure (Katherine Lieberknecht)
Social Equity, Land Use Planning, and Flood Mitigation (Malini Roy, Philip Berke)
Transboundary Water Governance and Small Basin Councils in Central Asia (Stefanos Xenarios, Murat Yakubov, Aziza Baubekova, Olzhas Alshagirov, Zhassulan Zhalgas, Eduardo Jr Araral)
Water and Economy-Wide Modeling: an Overview (William D. A. Bryant)
Global Public Health
Approaches to Contraceptive Methods for Men (Christina Wang, Ronald S. Swerdloff)
The Political Determinants of Health: A Global Panacea for Health Inequities (Daniel E. Dawes, Christian M. Amador, Nelson J. Dunlap)
Time in Health Promotion and Public Health (Lyndall Strazdins)
International Studies
Gender and Transitional Justice (Maria Martin de Almagro, Philipp Schulz)
Identity and Regional Institutions in Latin America (Germán C. Prieto, Juan Carlos Aguirre)
International Relations and Outer Space (Dimitrios Stroikos)
Simulations and Games to Teach Conflict and Political Violence (Amanda M. Rosen)
The Maghreb in International Relations (Yahia Zoubir)
Transnational Organized Crime and Terrorism (Katharine Petrich)
Latin American History
Digital Resources: Personal Archives and Historical Writing About Brazil (Pedro Telles da Silveira, Thiago Lima Nicodemo)
Disability in Guatemala (Heather Vrana)
Japanese in Peru (Patricia Palma, Pedro Iacobelli)
Manner and Result Verbs in Mandarin Chinese (Feng-hsi Liu)
Phonological Variation and Change in European Spanish (José Antonio Samper Padilla)
Resumption in Mandarin Chinese (Victor Junnan Pan)
Romance in Contact with Albanian (Walter Breu)
Natural Hazard Science
Disaster Risk Reduction and Furthering Women’s Rights (Supriya Akerkar)
Gender and Disaster in Bangladesh (Mahbuba Nasreen)
Natural Hazards Governance in Zimbabwe (Thabo Ndlovu)
Safe Water Adaptability for Water Scarcity in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh (Mohammad Golam Kibria, Md Anwarul Abedin)
Understanding the Risk Communication Puzzle for Natural Hazards and Disasters (Emma E. H. Doyle, Julia S. Becker)
Planetary Science
Martian Dust (Steven W. Ruff)
Terrestrial Analogs to Planetary Volcanic Phenomena (Peter J. Mouginis-Mark, Lionel Wilson)
Judicial Dissent in Collegial Courts: Theory and Evidence (Nuno Garoupa, Catarina Santos Botelho)
Maritime Piracy and Foreign Policy (Brandon C. Prins, Aaron Gold, Anup Phayal, Ursula Daxecker), revised
Slovenia and the European Union (Ana Bojinović Fenko, Marjan Svetličič), revised
Working Memory (Tom Hartley, Graham J. Hitch)
Buddhaghosa (Norihisa Baba)
Decorated, Illuminated, and Illustrated Bibles (Jonathan Homrighausen)
Practices of Protection in the Pali World (Kate Crosby, Pyi Phyo Kyaw)
Shingon (Aaron Proffitt)
The Reincarnation System in Central Asian Buddhism (Ruth Gamble)
Social Work
Rogers, Father Ted (Nigel Hall)
Yamamuro, Gunpei (Yasuhiro Kuroki)
September 2022
African History
Albert Luthuli (Robert Vinson)
Financing the Indian Ocean Slave Trade (Hollian Wint)
Islam and Politics in Postcolonial Mauritania (Alexander Thurston)
Slavery in Europe During the Atlantic Slave Trade (Giulia Bonazza)
Women in Late Antique North Africa (In the Writings of Augustine and Other Church Fathers) (Cassandra M. M. Casias)
American History
The British Army in Colonial America (John G. McCurdy)
The Violence of the Civil War in Comparative Perspective (Aaron Sheehan-Dean)
Ethnoarchaeology of Cattle in Zimbabwe and Surrounds (Plan Shenjere-Nyabezi)
Hafting Technology in the Stone Age of Southern Africa (Margaret-Ashley Veall)
Infrastructure (Jörg Niewöhner)
Matauranga Maori and Environmental Research: The Interface of Māori Knowledge and Anthropology (Marama Muru-Lanning)
Precarity, Care, and Popular Economy in Latin America (María Inés Fernández Álvarez, Florencia Pacifico)
The Archaeology and History of Human Diseases in the Zimbabwean Past (Pauline Chiripanhura, Ancila Katsamudanga, Justen Manasa)
The Archaeology of Natural Disasters and their Impacts on the Ancient East African Communities (Elinaza Mjema)
The Middle Stone Age of South Africa (Gregor D. Bader, Viola C. Schmid, Andrew W. Kandel)
The Pre-Columbian Inca Empire: Its Capital and Provinces (Sonia Alconini)
Asian History
Early Medieval Bengal (Ryosuke Furui)
Sex Work during the Tokugawa Era (Elizabeth D. Lublin)
Business and Management
External Enablers of Entrepreneurship (Per Davidsson, Jan Recker, Frederik von Briel)
Familization of Lone-Founder Firms: Highlights from Asian Firms (Yijie Min, Yanlong Zhang, Sun Hyun Park)
Gendered Organization Theory (Jenny K. Rodriguez, Elisabeth Anna Guenther)
International Research and Development and Knowledge Sourcing By Multinational Corporations (Kazuhiro Asakawa, Jaeyong Song)
Social Entrepreneurship (Sophie Bacq, Jill R. Kickul)
Classical Studies
barbarian (Emma Dench), revised
client kings (Julia Wilker), revised
Hypsicles, of Alexandria (1), mathematician and astronomer, fl. c. 190 bce (Clemency Montelle), revised
iambic poetry, Greek (Ralph Rosen), revised
Macedonian vaulted tombs (Olga Palagia)
mosaic, Greek (Hallie Franks), revised
A Culture-Centered Approach to Health and Risk Communication (Mohan Jyoti Dutta)
Arts-based Queer Communication Studies (Sandra L. Faulkner, Madison A. Pollino)
Asian American Media Networks (Lori Kido Lopez)
Becoming Chinese: Sinicization, Nation, and Race in Xinjiang, China (David O'Brien, Melissa Shani Brown)
Cinema, Ethnicity, and Nation-Building in the Sakha Republic (Russia) and Kazakhstan (Adelaide McGinity-Peebles)
Development and Effects of Internet Addiction in China (Qiaolei Jiang)
Education and Ethnicity in Contemporary Russia (Irina N. Trofimova, W. John Morgan)
Ethnicity, Migration, and Digital Labor: Mobile Phone Technology Use Among Uzbek Migrants (Rustamjon Urinboyev)
Film as Fieldwork (Mark Pedelty, Elja Roy)
Global Music Piracy (Neil W. Perry, Aram Sinnreich)
Hindutva and Ethnonationalism in the Indian American Diaspora (Rebecca de Souza)
Hyper-Precarious Labor: Transnational Domestic Work (Satveer Kaur-Gill, Mohan Jyoti Dutta)
Methodological and Statistical Considerations in Studying Sexual Minority and Gender Diverse Relationships (Gabriel A. León, Ashley K. Randall)
Queer Safe Spaces and Communication (Lital Pascar, Yossi David, Gilly Hartal, Brandon William Epstein)
Queer Temporalities (Dustin Goltz)
Queering the Study of U.S. Military Family Communication (Erin Sahlstein Parcell, Danielle C. Romo)
Race and Ethnicity in the South Asian American Diaspora (Archana A. Pathak, Shivani Singh)
The Body in Social Interaction (Leelo Keevallik)
The Invention of Race in Turkey (Matthew deTar)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Corporate Fraud, Corruption, and Financial Malfeasance (Harland Prechel)
Crime Mapping and Policing (Lisa Tompson)
Policing and Gender (Katharine L. Brown, Natalie Todak)
Restorative Justice in Youth and Adult Criminal Justice (William R. Wood, Masahiro Suzuki, Hennessey Hayes)
Black Literacy Education in the United States (Arlette Ingram Willis)
Dell Hymes: A Complicated Legacy (Levi Durbidge)
Empowering Policies and Practices for Teen Mothers (Crystal Machado, Wenxi Schwab)
Engineering Education and Social Justice (Jon A. Leydens, Juan C. Lucena, Donna M. Riley)
Facilitation in Informal STEM Education as a Complex Practice (Stephanie Hladik)
The Palestinian K-12 Education System: History, Structure, Challenges, and Opportunities (Anwar Hussein, Shelley Wong, Anita Bright)
Transnationalism and Education in the United States (G. Sue Kasun, Patricia Sánchez, David Martínez-Prieto)
Environmental Science
Use of Experimental Economics in Policy Design and Evaluation: An Application to Water Resources and other Environmental Domains (Simanti Banerjee)
Global Public Health
Cities, Health and Intersectorialities (Marco Akerman, Gabriela Murillo Sancho, Samuel Jorge Moysés)
The Evidence Base for Cognitive, Nutrition, and Other Benefits from Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Interventions (Jennifer Orgill-Meyer)
International Studies
Civilization and Statehood (Andrew Delatolla)
Human Dignity in International Relations (Salvador Santino F. Regilme Jr.)
Migration Cooperation between Africa and Europe: Understanding the Role of International Incentives (Abu Bakarr Bah, Nikolas Emmanuel)
Nations across Borders (Katelin Knight, David Romano)
Latin American History
Indigenous Slavery in the Caribbean (Noel E. Smyth)
Monarch Butterfly Conservation (Mexico) (Will Wright)
Silver Trade and Transportation in the Spanish Atlantic (Leonardo Moreno-Álvarez)
Chinese Pragmatics (Xinren Chen)
English in the U.S. South (Kirk Hazen)
Phonological Variation and Change in Canadian and U.S. French (Edith Szlezák)
Sociolinguistics in China (Ming Liu)
The Contact History of English (Marcelle Cole, Stephen Laker)
Postcolonial Avant-Garde Fiction (Adam Spanos)
Natural Hazard Science
Disasters and the Private Sector: Impact of Extreme Events, Preparedness, and Contribution to Disaster Risk Reduction (Simon A. Andrew, Vaswati Chatterjee, Gary Webb)
Natural Hazards Governance in Ghana (Paulina Amponsah)
Natural Hazards Governance in Zambia (Mitulo Silengo)
The Role of Road Transportation in Flood Evacuation Process (Marta Borowska-Stefańska, Szymon Wiśniewski)
Volcanoes and the Human and Physical Geographies of Risk (Amy Donovan)
The Processing of Hydrodynamic Stimuli with the Fish Lateral Line System (Joachim Mogdans)
Planetary Science
Human-Robotic Cooperative Space Exploration (Anne-Sophie Martin)
Water ice permafrost on Mars and on the Moon (Maxim Litvak, Anton Sanin)
Foundations of Rivalry Research (David R. Dreyer), revised
Impartiality in Moral and Political Philosophy (Charlotte Newey)
Punishment and Social Control in Historical Perspective (Michele Pifferi)
Solidarity (Arto Laitinen)
Welfare (Guy Fletcher)
Cross-Cultural Issues in Industrial, Work, and Organizational Psychology (Sharon Glazer, Catherine Kwantes)
Ethical Leadership (Suzanne van Gils, Niels van Quaquebeke)
Formation of Attitudes: How People (Wittingly or Unwittingly) Develop Their Viewpoints (Blair T. Johnson, Lisset Martinez-Berman, Christine M. Curley)
Imaging the Infant Brain (Hao Huang)
Job Crafting (Fangfang Zhang, Sabreen Kaur, Sharon K. Parker)
Persuasive Communication: Source, message, audience (Benjamin D. Rosenberg, Alexander Marshburn, Jason T. Siegel)
Sexual Orientation (LGBTQ+) Issues in I&O Psychology (Jennica Webster, Raymond Trau)
The Social Brain (Anila D'Mello, Halie Olson)
The Sociotechnical Approach to Work Organization (David E. Guest)
D.T. Suzuki: Ideas and Influences (James C. Dobbins)
Muslim Youth Issues in North America: The Canadian Context (Hicham Tiflati)
The Buddhist Vidyādharas (Weikza/Weizzā) in Burma/Myanmar (Niklas Foxeus)
Social Work
Benn, Connie (Philip Mendes)
Jeffers, Audrey Layne (Karene-Anne Nathaniel)
Lüttichau, Manon (Helle Strauss)
Media Campaigns (Gail Woods Waller), revised
United States Social Security System (Eric R. Kingson, Nancy J. Altman), revised
Weeks, Margaret (Wendy) (Bob Pease)
August 2022
African History
Luanda: An Atlantic Port City (Vanessa Oliveira)
Nationalism and Decolonization in the Ivory Coast (Alfred Babo)
Women in Congo-Brazzaville (Catherine Porter)
American History
Middle and Final Passages in the Atlantic Slave Trade (Sean M. Kelley)
Women and American Political Parties, 1972 – 2021 (Allida Black)
Applied Anthropology and Public Health (Doug Henry, Lisa Henry)
Colonial Archaeology in South Asia: Epigraphic Research (Himanshu Prabha Ray)
Heritage, archaeology, and local communities in Sudan (Rebecca Bradshaw, Geoff Emberling)
Publics and the Public Sphere (Andrew Graan)
Social Media (Kendra Calhoun), summary
Asian History
Commercialization in Late Ming China: Seeds of Capitalism? (Pengsheng Chiu)
Deciphering the History of Modern Afghanistan (Shah Mahmoud Hanifi)
The Cowrie World (Bin Yang)
Business and Management
Artificial Intelligence and Entrepreneurship Research (Martin Obschonka, Christian Fisch)
Financial Precarity and Business in the Modern Era (Carrie Leana)
Information Technology Project Risk as a Dynamic Phenomenon (Mazen El-Masri, Suzanne Rivard)
Classical Studies
Aristaenetus (Anna Tiziana Drago)
earthquakes (Georgia L. Irby), revised
Eteocretans (Anthony James Whitley)
Gallic Wars (Kate Gilliver), revised
Iulius Agrippa (2) II, Marcus (53-94/95 ce ) (David M. Jacobson), revised
migration and mobility (Elena Isayev, George Baroud), revised
orientalizing (Gail L. Hoffman), revised
paradoxography (Kenneth W. Yu), revised
Climate Science
Carbon, Coast, and the Climate (Katja Fennel, Tyler Cyronak, Michael DeGrandpre, David T. Ho, Goulven G. Laruelle, Damien Maher, Julia Moriarty)
Climate, Coast, and Morphology (Wenyan Zhang, Peter Arlinghaus)
Chinese Pink Markets (Terrie Siang-Ting Wong)
Cultural Productions of Queer Asia (Shinsuke Eguchi)
Gay Aging and Discourses of Future (Dustin Goltz)
HIV/AIDS: The Queer Communication of HIV in the LGBTQ Community (Andrew R. Spieldenner, Bolivar X. Nieto)
Jotería Studies and/in Communication (Luis M. Andrade)
Organizational Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (Steven K. May)
Refugee and Mediated Lives (Kevin Smets, Giacomo Toffano, Silvia Almenara-Niebla)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Left Realism: “Taking Crime Seriously” (Jayne Mooney)
Economics and Finance
Score-Driven Models: Methods and Applications (Mariia Artemova, Francisco Blasques, Janneke van Brummelen, Siem Jan Koopman)
The Costs of Bankruptcy Restructuring (Wei Wang)
Black Male Pre-Service Teachers (Dawn N. Hicks Tafari, Janeva Wilson)
Computing in Pre-College Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Education (Amy Voss Farris, Gözde Tosun)
Epistemology and Learning in STEM Education (Andrew Elby)
Evangelical Christian School Movement (Vance Everett Nichols)
Improving Student Learning through Professional Learning Communities (Angelo Paletta)
Researching Conditions of Learning - Phenomenography and Variation Theory (Angelika Kullberg, Åke Ingerman)
Environmental Science
Ecotourism (Giles Jackson)
Global Public Health
Child Development, Major Disruptive Events - Public Health Implications (Tracy Vaillancourt, Peter Szatmari)
Health of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil: Inequities and the Uneven Trajectory of Public Policies (Ricardo Ventura Santos, James R. Welch, Ana Lucia Pontes, Luiza Garnelo, Andrey Moreira Cardoso, Carlos E. A Coimbra Jr.)
Migrant Health in Refugee Camps: A Neglected Public Health Issue (Manuela Valenti)
Rebooting Education: A Keystone to Ending Racial and Ethnic Minority Health Disparities (William A. Vega, Esther J. Calzada)
International Studies
Israeli Foreign Policy (Aviad Rubin)
Rogue state behavior (Nikolaos Lampas)
Transitional Justice (Marc Polizzi)
Latin American History
Settling Bariloche: Explorations, Violence, and Tourism in the Argentine Frontier (María de los Ángeles Picone)
Transitional Justice in Brazil, 1970s-2010s (Eyal Weinberg)
Women Filmmakers in Argentina (Ana Forcinito)
Critical Discourse Analysis in China: History and New Developments (Jiayu Wang, Guangyu Jin)
Indefinite Articles in the Romance Languages (Julia Pozas Loyo)
The Acquisition of Syntax in the Romance Languages (in Mono- vs. Multilingual Children) (Natascha Müller)
The History of African-American Vernacular English (Guy Bailey)
Indigenous Language Literatures of Colonial Mexico (Heather J. Allen)
The Vernacular in American Literature (J. Peter Moore)
Young Readers and Sexualized Fictions: A Review and Case Study of Young Women in Canada (Davin L. Helkenberg)
Natural Hazard Science
Masculinities and Disaster (Scott McKinnon)
The Conformal Bootstrap (Miguel Fernandes Paulos)
Constructivism (Friedrich Kratochwil, Hannes Peltonen), revised
Energy Policy (Jale Tosun), revised
Homophobic Populism (Javier Corrales, Jacob Kiryk)
Political Realism (Robert Jubb)
Social Identity Theory: Status and Identity in International Relations (Deborah Welch Larson), revised
Bilingualism: A Cognitive and Neural View of Dual Language Experience (Judith F. Kroll, Guadalupe A. Mendoza)
Conscious and Unconscious Mental States (Zoltan Dienes, Anil K. Seth)
Cultures of Honor (Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera)
Down Syndrome from a Neurodevelopmental Perspective (Eloisa Tudella, Meyene Duque Weber, Carolina Fioroni Ribeiro da Silva, Cristina Hamamura Moriyama)
The Perception of Self-Orientation (Laurence R. Harris)
Canon and Commentary in the Earliest Buddhist Manuscripts (Stefan Baums)
Council on American-Islamic Relations (Vincent F. Biondo III)
D.T. Suzuki: A Biography (James C. Dobbins)
Global Theravada: Transmission Beyond Asia (Mavis L. Fenn)
Museums and Exhibitions: Overview and History (Maia Wellington Gahtan)
Overview of Religious Art and Architecture: Native American (Karla Cavarra Britton)
Patronage of Buddhist Monasteries in Eastern India (600-1300 CE) (Suchandra Ghosh)
Social Work
Chamberlain, Edna (Carolyn Noble)
Climate Change and Macro Social Work (Kelly Smith)
Integrative Body–Mind–Spirit Social Work Practice (Salome Raheim, Sue Tebb, Mo Yee Lee, Collina D. Cooke, Chang Liu, Siu-Man Ng)
Manshardt, Clifford (Rekha Mammen, Farrukh Faheem)
Vinson, Phillipe Anthony (Tony) (Eileen Baldry)
July 2022
African History
Music in East Africa (Alex Perullo)
Precolonial Yoruba States (Ayodeji Ogunnaike)
The Groundnut Scheme and Colonial Development in Tanganyika (Matteo Rizzo)
American History
Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Americans (Gregory D. Smithers)
The Populist Movement in the 19th Century (Charles Postel)
Heritage Management in West Africa (Caleb Folorunso)
Phenomenological Arguments and Concepts for Anthropology (Bernhard Leistle)
Rock Art Conservation with a Focus on Southern Africa (Ghilraen Laue, J. Claire Dean)
Sangoan (Nicholas Taylor)
The OsteoDontoKeratic Culture (Patrick Randolph-Quinney, Anthony Sinclair)
The Stone Age of the Middle Nile Valley (Elena A.A. Garcea)
Asian History
The Soviet Legacy in Central Asian Politics and Society (Vincent Artman)
Business and Management
Corporate Ethics Codes and Practices (Tanusree Jain, Jiangtao Xie)
Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Work Motivation in Human Resource Management (Dorien Kooij, Anja Van den Broeck)
Meta-Analysis as a Business Research Method (Alexander D. Stajkovic, Kayla S. Stajkovic)
Classical Studies
Aristarchus (2) of Samothrace, librarian of Alexandria (1), c. 216–144 BCE (Francesca Schironi), revised
Iulius Agrippa (1) I, Marcus (37-43/4 ce ) (David M. Jacobson), revised
Mycenaean Pylos (Jack L. Davis, Shari R. Stocker), revised
Praisos (Anthony James Whitley)
queer theory and ancient literature (Sebastian Matzner)
Rome, history (political, military, administrative), from Augustus to the Antonines (31 BCE–192 CE) (Gwynaeth McIntyre), revised
taxation (Peter Fibiger Bang)
Black Gay Men in Television Comedy (Cameron Lynn Brown, Alfred L. Martin Jr.)
Digital Journalism and Epistemologies of News Production (Rodrigo Zamith, Oscar Westlund)
Global Branding: A Research Review (Jian Wang)
Media Literacy Education for Diverse Societies (Annamária Neag, Çiğdem Bozdağ, Koen Leurs)
Performance of Brown Sexualities (Shane Moreman)
Queer(ing) Popular Music Culture (Doris Leibetseder)
Race, Ethnicity, and Cultural Industries (John Sinclair)
Race, Ethnicity, and Cultural Racism in Soviet and Post-Soviet Ideology, Communication, and Practice (Victor Shnirelman)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Causes and Consequences of Police Self-Legitimacy (Heather Prince, Kiseong Kuen, Danielle S. Rudes)
Civilian Oversight of Police in the United States (Taryn Zastrow, Danielle S. Rudes)
Critical Perspectives on Historical Criminology (Alex Tepperman)
Organizational Factors Affecting Evidence-Based Practice Implementation in Community Supervision (CJ Appleton, Danielle S. Rudes)
Economics and Finance
Applications of Web Scraping in Economics and Finance (Piotr Śpiewanowski, Oleksandr Talavera, Linh Vi)
Gene-Environment Interplay in the Social Sciences (Rita Dias Pereira, Pietro Biroli, Titus Galama, Stephanie von Hinke, Hans van Kippersluis, Cornelius A. Rietveld, Kevin Thom)
Maternity Leave and Paternity Leave: Evidence on the Economic Impact of Legislative Chances in High Income Countries (Serena Canaan, Anne Sophie Lassen, Philip Rosenbaummat, Herdis Steingrimsdottir)
Trade Shocks and Labor-Market Adjustment (John McLaren)
Analyzing Everyday Life at School through Lenses of Feminist Ethnography (Elina Lahelma, Tarja Tolonen, Sirpa Lappalainen)
Asian American and Pacific Islander Children (Valerie Ooka Pang, Benjamin Chang, Yoon K. Pak, Audrey Hokoda, Noreen Naseem Rodríguez, Esther June Kim)
Chinese Occidentalism and Educational Tour (Kaiyi Li)
Critical ESL Education in Canada (Sunny Man Chu Lau)
Current Debates Over the Teaching of Phonics (Greg Brooks)
Girls’ Schools and Empire (1800-1950) (Hayarpi Papikyan, Rebecca Rogers)
Indigenous Education, Decolonization, and Reinvigorating the Work of Our Ancestors (Hollie A. Kulago, Angela M. Jaime)
Multiliteracies in Classrooms (Robyn Seglem, Antero Garcia)
NCPEA to ICPEL: Professional Organization of Educational Administration Leadership (Rosemary Papa, Theodore Creighton, James Berry)
Vocational Education (Stephen Billett)
Environmental Science
Radiation and the Environment (E. Jerry Jessee)
The Problem of Water Markets (Michael Hanemann)
Global Public Health
Advancements in Social Sciences Applied to Health in Latin America and the Caribbean (Aurea Maria Zöllner Ianni, Patricia Tavares Ribeiro)
Community Resilience and Earthquakes: The Role of Neighborhood—A Case Study from Christchurch, Aotearoa New Zealand (Karen Banwell)
Disparities in Healthcare Access and Outcomes Among Racial and Ethnic Minoritized People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Sandy Magaña, Nazanin Heydarian, Sandra Vanegas)
Latin American History
African Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Rio de la Plata Region (María Verónica Secreto)
Animal Perspectives: Non-human Creatures’ Roles in Modern Latin America (Stephen Neufeld)
German Assistance in Cold War Policing in Paraguay (Mónika Contreras Saiz)
Indigenous Language Literacy in Colonial Central America (Owen H. Jones)
The Green Revolution in Latin America (Timothy W. Lorek)
Allomorphy and Syncretism in the Romance Languages (Marc-Olivier Hinzelin)
Spanish-Based Creole Languages (Armin Schwegler, Bart Jacobs, Nicolas Quint)
Ángel Rama (José Eduardo González)
Literary Ethnography/Anthropology in North America and Australia (Julia Emberley)
Paley, Grace (Ellen McGrath Smith), revised
Postcolonial Fiction, Oceans, and Seas (Kritish Rajbhandari)
Roberto Bolaño Within World Literatures (Oswaldo Zavala)
Planetary Science
Impact Crater Densities as a Tool for Dating Planetary Surfaces (William K. Hartmann)
Gatekeeping, Technology, and Polarization (Stuart N. Soroka, Mia Carbone), revised
Intractable Conflict and Peacemaking from a Socio-Psychological Approach (Soli Vered, Daniel Bar-Tal), revised
Political Party Organizations (Thomas Poguntke, Susan E. Scarrow, Paul D. Webb), revised
Recognition (Timo Jütten)
The Criminal Justice System in Mexico (Hannah Baron, Matthew C. Ingram)
Effects of Early Visual Deprivation (Brigitte Röder, Ramesh Kekunnaya)
Debate Traditions in Premodern Japan (Asuka Sango)
Exhibitions and Displays of Religious Art (Maia Wellington Gahtan)
Greek Myth (Greta Hawes)
Holy Books and Manuscripts (Mikeal C. Parsons)
Muslims and Social Media in North America (Rabia Kamal)
Social Work
Agencies and Organizations in Nonprofit Settings (Jennifer E. Mosley, Jade Wong, Jan Ivery), revised
Davis, Larry E. (Shaun M. Eack, Valire C. Copeland)
Elliott, Doreen (Richard Hoefer)
Gore, Madhav Sadashiv (Purnima Mane, Shalini Bharat)
Hunter, Mary 'Ski' (Catheleen Jordan, David Cory)
Interdisciplinarity and Social Work (Terry Mizrahi, Yossi Korazim-Kőrösy), revised
Locating School Social Work in the Reconstruction Period (Samantha Guz)
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Macro Social Work (Monica Nandan, Gokul Mandayam), revised
Social Planning (Larry M. Gant, Lorraine Gutiérrez), revised
Sustainable Development (Sudershan Pasupuleti, Susheelabai R. Srinivasa, Ram Shepherd Bheenaveni), revised
June 2022
American History
Cold War in the American Working Class (Rosemary Feurer)
Guest Workers in U.S. History (David Griffith)
Labor and Unions since 1960 (Erik Loomis)
Latinx Criminality (Max Felker-Kantor)
United States Colored Troops (Holly Pinheiro)
Anthropology and Implementation Science (Elissa Z. Faro, Suzanne Heurtin-Roberts, Heather Schacht Reisinger)
Chronology of the Hominin Sites of Southern Africa (Andy I.R. Herries)
Dollarization and Crisis in Argentina (Mariano D. Perelman)
Heritage Conservation in West Africa (Ishanlosen Odiaua)
Asian History
Colonial Korea (Michael Kim)
Environment and Economy in Song China (Ruth Mostern)
Masculinities in Bangladesh: 'Sofol Purush' as Hegemonic Masculinity Model at the State Level (Sayed Saikh Imtiaz)
The Aesthetics of Decolonization in South Asia (Sanjukta Sunderason)
Business and Management
Entrepreneurial Finance and Governance (Pierluigi Martino, Greg Bell, Abdul A. Rasheed, Cristiano Bellavitis)
External Corporate Governance Mechanisms: Linking Forces to Behaviors (G. Tyge Payne, Curt Moore)
Person-Environment Fit: Theoretical Perspectives, Conceptualizations, and Outcomes (Rein De Cooman, Wouter Vleugels)
Classical Studies
Appian (Kai Brodersen), revised
inequality (John Weisweiler)
Climate Science
Meteorology in Vietnam, Pre-1850 (Hieu Phung)
Sexual Pleasure in Queer Communication Studies (Michaela Frischherz)
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Gang Desistance (Christian L. Bolden, Anna Q. Iliff)
Economics and Finance
Asset Pricing: Time Series Predictability (David E. Rapach, Guofu Zhou)
Missing Women: A Review of Underlying Causes and Policy Responses (Aparajita Dasgupta, Anisha Sharma)
Modern Swedish Economic History (Svante Prado, Jakob Molinder)
Tax Audits, Economics, and Racism (Francine J. Lipman)
The Historical Evolution of Canadian Living Standards (Vincent Geloso)
Adult Literacy and Basic Education in the United States (Thomas Sticht)
Critical Literacy for English Language Learners (Bogum Yoon)
Digital Game-Based Learning: Foundations, Applications, and Critical Issues (Earl Aguilera, Roberto de Roock)
Historical and Contemporary Impact of Joseph J. Schwab (Cheryl J. Craig)
Lifelong Learning (Stephen Billett)
Regionalization of Higher Education in Asia (Roger Y. Chao Jr.)
Environmental Science
Climate Adaptation and Public Health (Sarah E. Scales, Julia Massi, Jennifer A. Horney)
Ecology in American Literature (Hubert Zapf, Timo Müller)
Institutional Fit in the Water Sector (Cathy Rubiños, Maria Bernedo Del Carpio)
Rethinking Water Markets (Rupert Quentin Grafton, James Horne, Sarah A. Wheeler)
The Economics of Institutional Changes in the Water Sector: Methods, Evidence, and a Call for Systems Thinking (Marc Jeuland, Travis Dauwalter, Omar Hopkins)
Toward a Holistic Environmental Aesthetic (Nathalie Blanc)
Global Public Health
Disability Inclusion in Sexual and Reproductive Health in the United States (Linda Long-Bellil)
Social and Gender Norms Influencing Sexual and Reproductive Health: Conceptual Approaches, Intervention Strategies, and Evidence (Shaon Lahiri, Elizabeth Costenbader, Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer)
Surveys in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (Madeleine Short Fabic, Yoonjoung Choi, Fredrick Makumbi)
International Studies
Hizbollah in the Global Arena (Shirin Saeidi)
Women's Participation in Violent Non-State Organizations (Meredith Loken, Hilary Matfess)
Latin American History
Digital Resources: Artificial Intelligence, Computational Approaches, and Geographical Text Analysis to Investigate Early Colonial Mexico (Patricia Murrieta-Flores, Diego Jiménez-Badillo, Bruno Martins)
Pisco and Pisco Sour (Guillermo L. Toro-Lira)
The Birth Control Pill and Family Planning (Karina Felitti)
The Chinese in Peru (Patricia Palma)
The Mesoamerican Collection of the National Museum of Denmark (Jesper Nielsen)
Case Markers in Indo-Aryan (Miriam Butt)
Focus and Focus Structures in the Romance Languages (Silvio Cruschina)
The Early History of Romance Palatalizations (Marcello Barbato)
Valency in the Romance Languages (Steffen Heidinger)
Dictatorship and Global Anglophone Fiction (Peter Leman)
Humanitarianism and Global Literature (Alaina Kaus)
Podcast Studies (Hannah McGregor)
Renaissance Literature and The Environment (Todd Andrew Borlik)
Evolution, Homology, Cell Classification, and Parallel Processing for Vision (W. Martin Usrey, S. Murray Sherman)
The Philosophical Significance of Decoherence (Elise Crull)
Planetary Science
A Retrospective on Mars Polar Ice and Climate (Isaac B. Smith)
The Recognition of Meteorites and Ice Ages (Alan E. Rubin)
Critical Infrastructure Disruption and Crisis Management (Eric Stern, Brian Nussbaum)
Freedom in Political Philosophy (Andreas T. Schmidt)
Managing Critical Infrastructures in Crisis (Louise K. Comfort), revised
Negotiation in the Law Enforcement Context (Gregory M. Vecchi), revised
Public Reason and Contemporary Political Theory (Steven Wall)
Social Complexity, Crisis, and Management (Emery Roe), revised
Sweden and the European Union (Karl Magnus Johansson), revised
Early Cognitive Development: Five Lessons from Infant Learning (Sabine Hunnius)
Music Performance (Peter Pfordresher)
Spatial Vision for Action (Eli Brenner, Jeroen B. J. Smeets)
Task Performance in Groups (Christine Smith)
Gelukpa (James B. Apple)
Symbolism and Construction of the Kālacakra-Maṇḍala (Vesna A. Wallace)
Social Work
Francois, Elma (Karene-Anne Nathaniel)
Gebreselassie, Seyoum (Wassie Kebede)
Managerial Supervision (John E. Tropman)
Meeting Management and Decision-Making (John E. Tropman)
Parker, Norma Alice (Carolyn Noble)
Racial Justice (Darcey H. Merritt, Rachel D. Ludeke, Krushika Uday Patankar, Muthoni Mahachi, Morgan Buck)
May 2022
American History
Police and Crime in the American City, 1800–2020 (Simon Balto, Max Felker-Kantor)
The Bracero Program/"Guest Worker" Program (Ana Elizabeth Rosas)
A Postcolonial Approach to the Right to the City (Lucas Oliviera, Bruna Triana), summary
A Reappraisal of the Chalcolithic of Central and Deccan India (Shweta Deshpande, Esha Prasad), summary
Ancient Human DNA and African Population History (Kendra A. Sirak, Elizabeth A. Sawchuk, Mary E. Prendergast)
Anthropology and Catholicism (Christine Lee), summary
Archaeology in Sudan: A Sudanese Perspective (Ahmed Adam, Shadia Taha)
The Archaeology of Missions in Southern Africa (Natalie Swanepoel)
The Medieval Archaeology of Somaliland (Jorge de Torres Rodriguez)
West African Iron Production in its Cultural Context (Philip de Barros), summary
Asian History
History of Shanghai (Lena Scheen)
Jewish Merchants in the Indian Ocean Trade (Elizabeth Lambourn)
Business and Management
Frugal Innovation: Context, Theory, and Practice (Lukas Neumann, Oliver Gassmann)
Innovation in Family Business (Alfredo De Massis, Emanuela Rondi, Samuel Wayne Appleton)
Classical Studies
3 Maccabees (Noah Hacham)
historiography, Hellenistic (Daniel Tober), revised
Linear A (Ester Salgarella)
Oplontis (Michael Thomas), revised
Sea People (Louise Hitchcock)
Sicyon (Yannis Lolos), revised
Tacitus (1), Roman historian (Ellen O'Gorman), revised
Climate Science
LGBTQ+ Workers (Elizabeth K. Eger, Morgan L. Litrenta, Sierra R. Kane, Lace D. Senegal)
Media Literacy and Communication (Erica Scharrer, Yuxi Zhou)
Economics and Finance
Financial Frictions and International Trade: A Review (David Kohn, Fernando Leibovici, Michal Szkup)
Household Finance (Sumit Agarwal, Jian Zhang, Xin Zou)
Housing and the Labor Market (Robert R. Reed III)
Monopsony Power, Race, and Gender (Aida Farmand, Teresa Ghilarducci)
Urbanization and Emerging Cities: Infrastructure and Housing (Gilles Duranton, Anthony J. Venables)
Asian Perspectives and Approaches for Developing Assistance in Promoting Human Capital (I-Hsuan Cheng, Sheng-Ju Chan)
Changing Perspectives on Adolescence(s) (Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur, Paulo Padilla-Petry, Natalia Panina-Beard, Surita Jhangiani)
Critical Educational Psychology (Tim Corcoran)
Facets of Quality in Qualitative Research (Staffan Larsson)
Language Rights, Racisms, and Language Education Policy in Angola (Nicolau Manuel)
Trans and Gender Diverse Youth and Education (Jenny E. Kassen)
Vietnamese Education and Neoliberal Policy (Jim Albright)
Environmental Science
Water and Development: A Gender Perspective (Yoshika S. Crider, Isha Ray)
What Is Public and What Is Private in Water Provision: Insights from 19th-Century Philadelphia, Boston, and New York (Gwynneth C. Malin)
Global Public Health
Injury Prevention Methods (Samuel Forjuoh, Guohua Li)
Measuring Mortality Crises: A Tool for Studying Global Health (Stefano Mazzuco)
The Evidence Base for Time Savings Benefits in Water and Sanitation Interventions (Maya Chandrasekaran, Joseph Cook, Marc Jeuland)
International Studies
200 Years of International Relations in Brazil: Issues, Theories, and Methods (Dawisson Lopes, João Paulo Nicolini, Thales Carvalho)
Argentinian Foreign Policy (Federico Merke, Gisela Pereyra Doval)
Development Financing in Latin America (Leondard E. Stanley, Ernesto Vivares)
Latin American History
“Estos gringos no entienden nada”: Anastasio Somoza and the Regional Dimension of the 1954 Coup d’etat in Guatemala (Roberto García)
COVID-19 and Digital Archives in Latin America (Ian Kisil Marino, Thiago Lima Nicodemo)
European Antiquarianism and the Americas (Alain Schnapp)
Whaling in the South Atlantic: Hunting whales along the Brazilian coast (1760–1850) (Wellington Castelucci Junior)
Woodrow Wilson in the Caribbean (Ellen D. Tillman)
Computational Models of Morphological Learning (Jordan Kodner)
Major Isoglosses in Romània (Marcello Barbato)
The Reception of Generativism in Romance Linguistics (Diego Pescarini)
Anne Bradstreet (Wendy Martin), revised
Isaac Bashevis Singer (1902-1991): Biography and Overview of Works (James A. Lewin), revised
La Malinche, La Virgen de Guadalupe, and La Llorona: The Recuperation of Divine Supernatural Powers in Late 20th-Century Chicana Literature (Rita Cano Alcalá)
Natural Hazard Science
Women at the Forefront of Civil Society Advocacy in Disaster Risk Reduction Governance (Zenaida Delica-Willison, Adelina Sevilla-Alvarez)
Models of Decision-Making Over Time (Paul Cisek, David Thura)
Planetary Science
Martian Paleoclimate (Robert M. Haberle)
The Atmosphere of Uranus (Leigh N. Fletcher)
Capitalist Peace Theory: A Critical Appraisal (Gerald Schneider), revised
Nationalism (Renaud-Philippe Garner)
Securitization Theory and Foreign Policy Analysis (Roxanna Sjöstedt), revised
Social and Political Power (Keith Dowding), revised
War in Political Philosophy (Helen Frowe), revised
Counterproductive Work Behaviors (Rosalind H. Searle)
Guardian/Protector Deities in Tibetan Buddhism (Cameron Bailey)
Islamic Finance in North America (M. Kabir Hassan, Tahsin Huq, Aishath Muneeza)
Nāgārjuna (Mark Siderits)
Western Buddhism and Race (Joseph Cheah, Sharon A. Suh)
Xuyun (Daniela Campo)
Social Work
Communities in Macro Practice (Mary Ohmer, Emily Underwood), revised
Cox, Frederick (Dionne V. Frank)
Gangrade, Kesharichand Dashrathsa (Sanjai Bhatt)
Generalist and Advanced Generalist Practice in Macro Social Work (Jason T. Castillo, Grafton H. Hull Jr.), revised
International Community Practice (Cindy Sousa, Tamarah Moss)
Latinas and Latinos Overview (Rocío Calvo, Victor Figuereo), revised
Medicaid and Medicare (Victoria M. Rizzo, Sojeong Lee, Rebekah Kukowski), revised
Mutual Aid Societies (Susheelabai R. Srinivasa, Sudershan Pasupuleti, Ram Shepherd Bheenaveni), revised
Queer Communities, LGBTQIA2S+ Populations, and Macro Practice (Michael P. Dentato)
Social Work and Social Policy in Namibia (Priscilla A. Gibson, Janet Ananias, Rachel Freeman, Namoonga Chilwalo)
Strategic Planning (Mark Chupp, Jennifer R. Madden, John A. Yankey), revised
Technology in Macro Social Work Practice (John G. McNutt, Lauri Goldkind), revised
The Special Commission to Advance Macro Practice (Darlyne Bailey, Terry Mizrahi, Jenay Smith)
Zucconi, Angela (Marilena Dellavalle, Carlotta Mozzone)
April 2022
African History
Chinua Achebe (Terri Ochiagha)
Education in Mozambique in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Antoinette Errante, Jessica Jorge)
Enslaved Africans in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia (Ivan Armenteros-Martinez)
Forced Labor in Portuguese Africa (Zachary Kagan Guthrie)
Ideological and Technological Exchanges in the Early Modern Atlantic (Walter C. Rucker)
Islam and Emancipation (Sean Hanretta)
Kafuxi Ambari of Kisama (Crislayne Alfagali)
Namibia since Independence (Henning Melber)
Plantation Economy and Slavery in the Mascarene Islands (Indian Ocean) (Richard B. Allen)
Red Sea Slave Trade (Jonathan Miran)
Slavery in Luanda and Benguela (Mariana P. Candido, Vanessa Oliveira)
American History
Native People and American Film and TV (Liza Black)
Anthropology of Peace and Justice Studies (Eric Montgomery, Elizabeth Drexler)
Côte d'Ivoire Shell Middens: Specificity and Evolution (Siméon Kouassi, Léon Fabrice Loba, Ettien N'Doua Etienne)
Surrogacy as Labor (Anindita Majumdar)
Asian History
‘National Races’ in Myanmar (Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung)
Demography of Qing China (Shuang Chen)
Health and Medicine in Modern China (Jia-Chen Fu)
India's Merchant Communities (Medha Kudaisya)
Language Reform in Nineteenth-Century Kerala (Ellen Ambrosone)
Monetary Flows and Currency Management in Ming-Qing China (Arturo Giráldez)
Muslim Literary Culture in Late Colonial India (Neilesh Bose)
Song China: The First Modern Economy? (Billy So, Sufumi So)
Business and Management
Innovation Indicators (Fred Gault, Luc Soete)
White Supremacy in Business Practices (Helena Liu)
Classical Studies
Pharisees (Eyal Regev), revised
Economics and Finance
Administrative Law: Governing Economic and Social Governance (Cary Coglianese)
Energy Finance (William Megginson, Herber Farnsworth, Bing (Violet) Xu)
Initial Public Offerings: Motives, Mechanisms, and Pricing (Rongbing Huang, Donghang Zhang)
International Trade with Heterogeneous Firms: Theory and Evidence (Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò, Gino Gancia)
Knowledge Spillovers, Trade, and Foreign Direct Investment (Wolfgang Keller)
Locational Networks (Fan-chin Kung)
The Implications of School Assignment Mechanisms for Efficiency and Equity (Atila Abdulkadiroğlu)
Indigenous Knowledges and Methodologies in Higher Education (Beth Leonard)
Reimagining Student Leadership Development in Urban Schools (Lawrence Scott, Donna Druery, Ashland Pingue)
Environmental Science
Catastrophic Droughts and their Economic Consequences (Farnaz Pourzand, Ilan Noy)
Multi-Objective Robust Planning Tools (Jazmin Zatarain Salazar, Andrea Castelletti, Matteo Giuliani)
Planning for Resilient and Sustainable Coastal Shorelands and Communities in the Face of Global Climate Change (Richard K. Norton)
Global Public Health
Active Global Citizens as Adolescents and Adults (Anna Jarkiewicz, Mariusz Granosik)
Health Workforce: Situations and Challenges in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Brazil (Maria Helena Machado, Renato Penha de Oliveira Santos, Pedro Miguel dos Santos Neto, Vanessa Gabrielle Diniz Santana, Francisco Eduardo de Campos)
How Primary Maternal-Child Healthcare Reduces Mortality among Mothers and Children throughout the World: A Historical and Personal Reflection on Progress and Missed Opportunities (Nicholas Cunningham)
Public Health and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Claire E. Brolan)
Public Sector Participation in the Water Sector: Opportunities and Pitfalls (Sebastian Galiani)
International Studies
Emotions and International Relations (Simon Koschut)
Fundamentalism and Globalization (Gamze Evcimen, Robert A. Denemark), revised
Legal perspectives in IR and the Role of Latin America (Juliana Peixoto Batista)
Public Perceptions of international terrorism (Nazli Avdan)
Latin American History
Comic Book Depictions of the Mexico City Earthquake of 1985 (Gabriela Buitrón Vera)
Conquest and Colonization of Panama, ca. 1509–1530 (Carmen Mena-García)
The Evolution of Transitional Justice in Uruguay (Debbie Sharnak)
The Pan American Highway (Eric Rutkow)
Arthur Abramson (Philip Rubin)
Catalan (Francisco Ordóñez)
Coordination in Syntax in the Romance Languages (Anne Abeillé)
History of the Raeto-Romance Lexicon (Matthias Grünert)
Lexical Representations in Language Processing (Gary Libben)
Negation and Polarity in the Romance Languages (Vincenzo Moscati)
Nominalizations in the Romance Languages (Antonio Fábregas, Rafael Marín)
Peculiarities of Portuguese Word-Formation (Graça Rio-Torto)
Peculiarities of Romanian Word-Formation (Maria Grossmann)
Secondary Predication in the Romance Languages (Steffen Heidinger)
Tense and Aspect in Mandarin Chinese (Jiun-Shiung Wu)
Ashbery, John (Susan M. Schultz), revised
Folk and Blues Methods in American Literature and Criticism (Taylor Black)
Forms of Realism in Dostoevsky and Céline (Max Lawton)
Geography and Early Modern English Drama (Laurence Publicover)
Remaking Charles Dickens for 21st Century Russia (Emily Finer)
Rich, Adrienne (Claire Keyes), revised
The American Essay (Jenny Spinner), revised
Vernacular Arabic Literature in Tunisia in the 19th through 21st Centuries (Benjamin Koerber)
Zombies in Print (Sarah Juliet Lauro, Christina Connor)
Natural Hazard Science
Megacity Disaster Risk Governance (James K. Mitchell)
Planetary Science
Technosignatures and Astrobiology (Jacob Haqq-Misra), summary
Advice, Decision Making, and Leadership in Security Crises (Nicole K. Drumhiller)
Amicus Curiae Briefs in the Supreme Court (Richard L. Pacelle, Jr.)
Banking Regulation in and for Crisis (Lydie Cabane, Martin Lodge)
Conservatism (Torbjörn Tännsjö)
Constructivist Perspectives in Crisis Studies (Bert Spector)
Institutional and Organizational Crisis: The CIA After 9/11 (Simon Willmetts, Constant Hijzen)
New Policy Instruments (Anthony R. Zito), revised
Power in World Politics (Stefano Guzzini)
Research Findings on the Evolution of Peacekeeping (Theodora-Ismene Gizelis, Han Dorussen, Marina Petrova), revised
Switzerland and European Integration (Clive H. Church), revised
The Crisis Cycle (Christer H. Pursiainen)
The International Political Economy of Regionalism (Tanja A. Börzel, Soo Yeon Kim), revised
Globalization and Intercultural Relations (Chi Yue Chiu, Anand Benegal, Peter Hays Gries)
History of Social Psychology (Andrew Ward)
Organization Development (W. Warner Burke)
Own-Body Perception (Dorothy Cowie)
Sociology and Psychology (Cecilia L. Ridgeway)
Buddhism and Medicine in Premodern Japan (Andrew Macomber)
Early Modern European Encounters with Buddhism (Thomas Calobrisi)
Global Theravada Buddhism: Asian Foundations (Mavis L. Fenn)
Transnational Jihadi Movements (Mona Sheikh, Saer El-Jaichi)
Social Work
Banerjee, Gauri Rani (Vimla Nadkarni)
Black Lives Matter (Mildred Delozia, Charles M. S. Birore)
Community Resilience (Cindy Sousa, Tamarah Moss)
Hagen, Gerd (Helga Johannesdottir, Michael Seltzer)
Kumarappa, Jagadisan Mohandas (Ruchi Sinha, Roshni Nair-Shaikh, Vijay Raghavan)
Leadership Development in Social Work and Military Settings (Gary M. Bess, James J. Kelly, James B. Macdonald, James J. Woolever), revised
Mental Health Policy Overview (Christine M. Rine)
Quality Assurance (Karun K. Singh), revised
Racial Disparities in the Child Welfare System (Alan J. Dettlaff)
Rural Practice in Macro Settings (Laura Trull), revised
Tarugi, Paolina (Marilena Dellavalle, Carlotta Mozzone)
Welfare Rights (David Stoesz, Catherine Born), revised
Women: Practice Interventions and Macro Practice (Cheryl A. Hyde), revised
Wood, Gertie (Dionne V. Frank)
March 2022
African History
Customary Law in Colonial East Africa (Harald Sippel)
Drug Use, Trade, and Policy in Africa (Neil Carrier, Gernot Klantschnig)
Ransoming of Captives and Redemption of Slaves in Sub-Saharan Africa (Jennifer Lofkrantz)
The International Congress of African Historians in Dar es Salaam (Esperanza Brizuela-Garcia)
Women in Sierra Leone (Sylvia Macauley)
American History
Jews in the US Armed Forces (Jessica Cooperman)
The Historic Cemeteries of New Orleans (Peter B. Dedek)
Archaeological Adhesives (Geeske Langejans, Alessandro Aleo, Sebastian Fajardo, Paul Kozowyk)
Care Beyond Repair (Heike Drotbohm)
Container Ships: Life Cycles, Chains of Value, and Labor in Maritime Logistics (Elisabeth Schober, Camelia Dewan, Johanna Markkula)
The African Middle Stone Age (Alexander F. Blackwood, Jayne Wilkins)
Water Security and Scarcity (Amber Wutich, Melissa Beresford, Teresa Montoya, Lucero Radonic, Cassandra Workman)
Asian History
African-America and Japan (Natalia Doan)
Archaeology of Northeast India (Tiatoshi Jamir)
The Shifting Commercial Economy of Post-Soviet Central Asia (Regine Spector, Aisalkyn Botoeva)
Transnational film in East Asia (William Carroll)
Business and Management
An Identity Lens to Understand Teams in International Business (Sonia Raghav, Cristina Gibson)
Effective Strategies and Psychological Mechanisms for Cooperation Induction in Social Dilemmas: A Review and Future Research (Xiao-Ping Chen)
Employee Voice: Meanings, Approaches, and Research Directions (Edoardo Della Torre, Alessia Gritti, Adrian Wilkinson)
Experiments in Organization and Management Research (Alex Bitektine, Jeff Lucas, Oliver Schilke, Brad Aeon)
Micro-Foundations of Institutional Logic Shifts: Entrepreneurial Action in Response to Crises (Trenton Alma Williams)
Qualitative Research: Foundations, Approaches, and Practices (Thomas Greckhamer, Sebnem Cilesiz)
Sampling Strategies for Quantitative and Qualitative Business Research (Vivien Lee, Richard N. Landers)
Social Network Analysis in Organizations (Jessica R. Methot, Nazifa Zaman, Hanbo Shim)
Classical Studies
body (Laurence Totelin, Helen King), revised
Cumae (Matteo D'Acunto), revised
food and drink (Erica Rowan), revised
mythology, Greek (Sarah Iles Johnston)
Economics and Finance
An Economic History of Australia (Martin Shanahan)
Making Institutions Work From the Bottom Up in Africa (Moussa P. Blimpo, Admasu Asfaw Maruta, Josephine Ofori Adofo)
The Economic History of Denmark, 1784-2019 (Niels Kærgård)
Educational Strategies for Museums (Elena Polyudova)
Schooling in Racist America (Zeus Leonardo)
Environmental Science
History of Wildlife Tracking Technologies (Kristoffer Whitney)
Global Public Health
Parent-Adult Child Ties and Older Adult Health and Well-Being (J. Jill Suitor, Yifei Hou, Catherine Stepniak, Robert T. Frase, Destiny Ogle)
Prevention of Suicide (Danuta Wasserman)
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Public Health (Paul Unschuld)
International Studies
Member-State Structures in Federations: Creation and Implications (George Anderson)
Neutrality Studies (Pascal Lottaz)
The International Politics of Memory (Lina Klymenko)
Visual Methodologies: Theorizing Disasters and the International (Marjaana Jauhola)
Latin American History
A Likely False Travel Account to Northeastern Brazil in the 16th Century (José Alexandrino de Souza Filho)
Germans in the Habsburg Empire in South America (Colonial Venezuela) (Giovanna Montenegro)
Acquisition of L1 Phonology in the Romance Languages (Yvan Rose, Laetitia Almeida, Maria João Freitas)
Central-Southern Italo-Romance (Alessandro De Angelis)
Discourse Coherence in Chinese (Saina Wuyun)
French-Based Creole Languages (Anne Zribi-Hertz)
Genericity (Ariel Cohen)
Partitive Articles in the Romance Languages (Anne Carlier, Béatrice Lamiroy)
Phonetic Transcription and the International Phonetic Alphabet (Claire Brierley, Barry Heselwood)
Psycholinguistics and Aging (Michael Ramscar)
Sign Languages in the Romance-Speaking Countries (Josep Quer)
African American Children's Literature (Brigitte Fielder)
Autofiction (Hywel Dix)
European Renaissance Archives (Angela Andreani)
Literature and Disability in the English Renaissance (Alice Equestri)
Poetry of the Latin American Avant-Garde (Justin Read)
Sexton, Anne (Ellen McGrath Smith), revised
Natural Hazard Science
Disasters, Climate Change, and Violence Against Women and Girls (Virginie Le Masson)
Economics and Disaster Risk Management (Randrianalijaona Mahefasoa, Razanakoto Thierry, Salava Julien, Randriamanampisoa Holimalala, Lazamanana Pierre)
Hurricanes and Health (Caleb Dresser, Satchit Balsari, Jennifer Leaning)
Confidence in Decision-Making (Megan A.K. Peters)
Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors and Affective Responses (Kalynn Schulz, Marcia Chavez, Arthur Castaneda)
Planetary Science
Space Law & Policy: The UK Approach to the Regulation Of Space Activities (Christopher J. Newman)
The Planets in Alchemy and Astrology (Medieval and Renaissance) (Nicholas Campion)
Avoiding Blame in Policy Crises in Different Institutional Settings (Minou De Ruiter, Sanneke Kuipers)
Crisis Development: Normal Accidents and Beyond (Jean-Christophe Le Coze)
Gender Inequality and Internal Conflict (Erika Forsberg, Louise Olsson), revised
Incrementalism and Public Policy-Making (Michael Hayes), revised
Nicaragua's Troubled Transition to Democracy (Shelley A. McConnell), revised
Parliaments in Foreign Policy (Wolfgang Wagner), revised
The Impact of Constitutional Courts in Asia (Chien-Chih Lin)
Resistance to Persuasion (Dolores Albarracín, Alexander Karan)
Temporal Aspects of Visual Perception and Cognition (Bruno Breitmeyer, Haluk Ogmen)
Work and Organizational Issues Affecting Young Workers (Belgin Okay-Somerville, Eva Selenko, Rosalind H. Searle)
Taixu (Eric Goodell)
Social Work
Age Justice (Steve Burghardt, Joseph Dibenedetto, Bobbie Sackman)
Aging: Overview (Lisa A. Ferretti, Philip McCallion), revised
Alcohol and Drug Prevention Among Youth and Young Adults (Peter J. Delany, Jane Sanville, Joseph J. Shields), revised
Arlt, Ilse (Maria Maiss)
Child Welfare: History and Policy (Christina Paddock, Debra Waters-Roman, Jessica Borja), revised
Children's Rights (Anne Blumenthal, Karen M. Staller), revised
Citizen Participation (Martha Lucia Garcia, Yossi Korazim-Kőrösy), revised
Civil Rights (Tanya Smith Brice, Denise McLane-Davison, Tyler A. Brice), revised
Community Needs Assessment (Mary Ohmer, Emily Underwood), revised
Community Violence (Muhammad M. Haj-Yahia, Neil B. Guterman, Maria João Lobo Antunes), revised
Digital Technology (Gina Griffin)
Economic Security and Family Well-Being (Robert Cosby, Janice Berry-Edwards), revised
Legal System (Robert G. Madden), revised
Outcome Measures in Human Services (Bruce Friedman, Rosario Olivera), revised
Radlińska, Helena (Andrea Schmelz)
The Juvenile Legal System (Jeffrey Shook, Sara Goodkind), revised
Volunteer Management (Eleanor L. Brilliant), revised
February 2022
African History
African Population and British Imperial Power, 1800-1970 (Karl Ittman)
African Religions in the Maghreb and the Middle East (Ismael Musa Montana)
ʿAlī Eisami Gazirmabe (Richard Anderson)
Archaeology of Christian Missions in Southern Africa (Chris Wingfield)
Early Slavery in Bantu and Nilotic-speaking Africa: The Evidence from Historical Linguistics’ (Marcos Leitão de Almeida, William FitzSimons)
Genesis of Chadic Polities (Augustin Holl)
History of Niger (Abdourahmane Idrissa)
Nehanda (Diana Jeater, Ruvimbo Rusike)
Policing, Surveillance, and Prisons in French Colonial West Africa (Kathleen Keller)
Routes to Emancipation in Egypt and the Sudan (Ahmad Alawad Sikainga)
Slavery in Decentralized Societies (David Glovsky)
Slavery in Pharaonic and Hellenistic Egypt (Antonio Loprieno)
Sources for the History of the Copperbelt (Duncan Money)
The Garamantes in North Africa in the Roman Period (David J. Mattingly)
The History of the Comoros Islands (Iain Walker)
The Horse in Southern Africa (Peter Mitchell)
The Maji-Maji War, 1905-1907 (Thaddeus Sunseri)
The Suppression of the Trans-Oceanic Slave Trade (Hideaki Suzuki)
The Tanganyika Rifles Mutiny (Timothy Parsons)
The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (Aidan Dodson)
Trans-Atlantic Trade in African Captives, Enslaved Africans in the Americas, and the Industrial Revolution in England (Joseph Inikori)
Women and Islam (Shobana Shankar)
Women in Côte d’Ivoire (Jeanne Maddox Toungara)
Women in Philosophy (African Feminist Philosophy) (Anaïs Angelo)
Women in Senegal (Donna Patterson)
Hunter-Gatherer, Farmer Interactions in Uganda (Elizabeth Kyazike)
Megalithism and Territoriality in Eastern Adamawa Plateau (Etienne Zangato)
The Early Iron Age of Botswana (Catrien van Waarden)
West African Acheulean (Djibril Thiam, Isis Mesfin)
Asian History
An Indian Trading Ecumene? On the Global Ecology of South Asian Commerce (Claude Markovits)
Commodities and Consumption in Modern China (Karl Gerth)
Domestic Commerce during the Tokugawa period (Martha Chaiklin)
European Piracy in the Indian Ocean (Kevin P. McDonald)
Malagasy Diaspora in the Indian Ocean (Jane Hooper)
Post-Soviet Koreans (Matteo Fumagalli)
The Chagos Islands and Indian Ocean Geopolitics (Steffen F. Johannessen)
Business and Management
From Decision Support to Analytics (Ciara Heavin, Frederic Adam)
Leader-Member Exchange: A Commentary on Long-Term Staying Power and Future Research Directions (Terri A. Scandura, Kim Gower)
Classical Studies
Augustus, Roman Emperor, 63 BCE –14 CE (Alison Cooley), revised
Boudica (Louise Revell), revised
Buthrotum (David R. Hernandez), revised
economy, Hellenistic (Zosia Archibald), revised
fishing (Annalisa Marzano), revised
Ilion (Charles Brian Rose)
metallurgy, Greek (Sandra Blakely), revised
palaces (Kim Shelton), revised
population, Greek, revised
Virgil (Fiachra Mac Góráin, Don P. Fowler, Peta G. Fowler), revised
Climate Science
Historical and New Insights into Atmospheric Teleconnection (Pinhas Alpert, Hadas Saaroni)
Economics and Finance
Comparative Advantage in Contemporary Trade Models (Peter M. Morrow)
Corporate Credit Derivatives (George Batta, Fan Yu)
Modern Finnish Economic History (Jari Eloranta, Jari Ojala)
Population Issues in Welfare Economics, Ethics, and Policy Evaluation (Kevin Kuruc, Mark Budolfson, Dean Spears)
Race and the Economics Professoriate in the United States (Gregory N. Price)
Racial Inequality Across Income Volatility and Employment (Michael Carr, Bradley L. Hardy)
Reduced Rank Regression Models in Economics and Finance (Gianluca Cubadda, Alain Hecq)
The Economic and Political Effects of Immigration: Evidence from the Age of Mass Migration (Marco Tabellini)
Historical Developments, Influences of International Actors and Education Reforms in India (Shivali Tukdeo)
World Scenario of Regulatory Bodies of Teacher Education Programs (Bhujendra Nath Panda, Laxmidhar Behera, Tapan Kumar Basantia)
Environmental Science
Water Resource Management: Challenges and Opportunities with Game Theory Approaches (Kim Hang Pham Do)
Global Public Health
Burn-related Injuries (Ashley van Niekerk)
Disability Inclusive Emergency Planning: Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (Michelle Villeneuve)
Inclusive Medicine and Medical Education: Increasing the Number of Clinicians with Disabilities (Kristina Petersen, Zoie Sheets, Satendra Singh, Zina Jawadi, Dawn Michael, Lisa Meeks)
Urban Water Regulation and Health: The Case of Chile (Michael Hantke-Domas, Ronaldo Bruna)
International Studies
Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (Philipp Schulz, Anne-Kathrin Kreft)
Anarchy in International Relations (Silviya Lechner), revised
Gender, Mobility, and Displacement: From the Shadows to Questioning Binaries (Deniz Sert, Fulya Felicity Turkmen)
International Relations (IR) in Colombia (Carolina Cepeda-Másmela, Arlene B. Tickner)
Mexican Foreign Policy (Jorge A. Schiavon)
The Coloniality of the Scientific Anthropocene (Vishwas Satgar)
The Strategic Model of Terrorism (Max Abrahms, Joseph Mroszczyk)
Latin American History
Black Brotherhoods in the Iberian Atlantic (Miguel A. Valerio)
Digital Resources: Digital Informal Archives in Contemporary Brazil (Ian Kisil Marino, Pedro Telles da Silveira, Thiago Lima Nicodemo)
Digital Resources: Latin American Independence (Sarah Chambers)
Nelson Rockefeller in Latin America (Darlene Rivas)
Spaniards and Spanish Music in the Mexican Movie Industry (Teresa Fraile)
The Mexican Student Movement of 1968 (Eugenia Allier-Montaño)
Contact Between Spanish and Portuguese in South America (Ana M. Carvalho)
Interrogatives in the Romance Languages (Nicola Munaro)
Morphological and Syntactical Variation and Change in Catalan (Gemma Rigau, Manuel Pérez Saldanya)
Psycholinguistic Research on Inflectional Morphology in the Romance Languages (Claudia Marzi, Vito Pirrelli)
Chinese Workers’ Literature in the 20th and 21st Centuries (Paola Iovene, Federico Picerni)
Early Modern Literature and the Occult (Rachel White)
History and Culture of the Bulgarian Book (Vasil Zagorov)
Human Rights and Activism in Theater and Performance Studies (Elizabeth W. Son)
Law and Contemporary Global Fiction (Angela Naimou)
Literature and Form in the Renaissance (Richard Danson Brown)
Literature and News in the Renaissance (Kirsty Rolfe)
Literature of the Mexican Revolution (Adela Pineda Franco)
Lives and Data (Elizabeth Rodrigues)
North American Documentary Poetry and Poetics (Sarah Ehlers, Niki Herd)
Nuns’ Writing in Colonial Mexico (Stephanie Kirk)
Race and Renaissance Literature (Dennis Austin Britton)
Natural Hazard Science
Future Lake Development in Deglaciating Mountain Ranges (Wilfried Haeberli, Fabian Drenkhan)
Gender-Based Violence and Disaster (Debra Parkinson)
Queering "Gender and Disaster" for Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction (Louise Baumann, Aditi Sharan, JC Gaillard)
Quantum Dots/Spin Qubits (Shannon P. Harvey)
Planetary Science
Formation, Composition, and Evolution of the Earth’s Core (Francis Nimmo)
Planetary Atmospheres: Chemistry and Composition (Channon Visscher)
Water Ice at Mid-Latitudes on Mars (Frances E. G. Butcher)
Afghanistan: Martial Society Without Military Rule (Amin Tarzi), revised
Austria and the European Union (Paul Luif), revised
Business Continuity and Crisis Management: Advancing an Academic Discipline to Serve a Profession (Carol Cwiak)
Crisis Communication (Matthew Seeger)
Crisis Leadership in Higher Education: Historical Overview, Organizational Considerations, and Implications (Ralph A. Gigliotti)
International Justice (Fredrik Dybfest Hjorthen)
Pro-Government Militias and Conflict (Sabine C. Carey, Neil J. Mitchell, Adam Scharpf), revised
Race, Ethnicity, and Political Behavior (Aida Just), revised
Taxation (Ryan J. Tonkin)
Vulnerabilities and Cyberspace: A New Kind of Crises (Bibi van den Berg, Sanneke Kuipers)
Women and Terrorism (Mia Bloom), revised
Disabilities at Work (Fred Zijlstra, Henny Mulders)
Eye Movements and Perception (Doris I. Braun, Alexander C. Schütz)
Psychophysical Methods (Frederick A.A. Kingdom)
Social Comparison in Organizations (Abraham P. Buunk)
Visual Guidance of Natural Behavior (Mary M. Hayhoe, Rachel A. Lerch)
‘In My Father’s House’ (John 14:2): Sacred Domiciles and Secular Residences in Iberoamerican Art as Metaphorical Architecture of Devotion (Barbara von Barghahn)
Global Buddhism (Jens Reinke)
Nechung: A Tibetan Buddhist Oracle (Christopher Bell)
Nomadic Shelters, Mystical Staircases and Cosmic Chambers in Iberoamerican Art (Barbara von Barghahn)
Social Work
Aging: Practice Interventions (Lenard W. Kaye), revised
Asian Americans: Overview (Seon Mi Kim, Pallassana R. Balgopal), revised
Community Organizing (Geoffrey W. Wilkinson, Lee Staples, Ashley Slay, Iliana Panameño), revised
Community Planning (Elisheva Sadan, Edith Blit-Cohen), revised
Community Violence and Mental Health (Selena Marshall, Michele Gordon)
Conflict Resolution and Conflict Mediation (D. Crystal Coles, Jason Sawyer), revised
Congressional Social Work Caucus (Charles E. Lewis Jr.), revised
Corporate Settings (David Stoesz, Catherine Born), revised
Disaster Preparedness for Organizations (Becky S. Corbett), revised
Financial Capability (Margaret Sherrard Sherraden, Jin Huang, David Ansong), revised
Global Health and Global Health Education (Michele Eggers-Barison, Lalit Khandare)
Grand Challenges for Social Work (Marilyn Louise Flynn, Richard P. Barth, Edwina Uehara, Michael Sherraden)
Health Care Reform (Cynthia Moniz, Stephen H. Gorin, Terry Mizrahi), revised
Holman, Robert "Bob" (Malcolm Payne)
Immigrant Communities in the United States and Macro Practice (Laura Folkwein)
Kaseke, Edwell (Rodreck Mupedziswa)
Multiculturalism (Othelia Eun-Kyoung Lee, Ruth G. McRoy), revised
Oppression (Betty Garcia, Dorothy Van Soest, Dheeshana Jayasundara), revised
Radical Social Work (Mary Bricker-Jenkins, Rosemary Barbera, Barbara Hunter-Randall Joseph), revised
Reducing "Extreme Economic Inequality": A Social Work Grand Challenge (Laura Lein, Jennifer Romich, Trina R. Williams Shanks, Dominique Crump)
Research: Overview (Denise M. Green, Samantha M. Ellis), revised
Social Justice (Janet L. Finn, Jen Molloy, Ashley Trautman), revised
Social Media (Maria Rodriguez, Jama Shelton), revised
Social Work Professional Organizations and Associations (Halaevalu F. O. Vakalahi, Michael M. Sinclair, Bradford W. Sheafor, Puafisi Tupola), revised
The Life Model of Macro Social Work Practice (Alex Gitterman, Carolyn Knight)
University-Community Partnerships (Tracy M. Soska)
Women: Overview (Ruth A. Brandwein), revised
January 2022
Economics and Finance
Econometrics for Modelling Climate Change (Jennifer L. Castle, David F. Hendry)
The 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic in Economic History (Martin Karlsson, Daniel Kühnle, Nikolaos Prodromidis)
The Economic Implications of Training for Firm Performance (Pedro S. Martins)
International Studies
De Facto States in the 21st Century (James Ker-Lindsay)
Disciplinary History of International Relations (IR) in South Asia (Rashed Uz Zaman, Lailufar Yasmin)
Modern Grand Strategic Studies: Research Advances and Controversies (Thierry Balzacq, Mark Corcoral)
The BRICS Grouping (Oliver Stuenkel)
The Ethics of Refugee Repatriation (Mollie Gerver)
December 2021
African History
Clements Musa Kadalie (Henry Dee)
Informal Economies (Ernest Aryeetey)
Nicholas Said (Mohammed Bashir Salau)
The Maghrib and the Medieval Mediterranean (Allen Fromherz)
Umkhnto we Sizwe (MK): The ANC's Armed Wing, 1961-1993 (Arianna Lissoni)
Urban Studies of Accra (Richard Grant)
American History
Atlantic History (Alison Games)
Black Nationalism (Mark Newman)
Civil War Regiments (Lesley J. Gordon)
Death and Dying in the Working Class (Michael K. Rosenow)
Epigenetics and Applied Anthropology (Charles H. Klein)
Forced Migration (Snezana Stankovic, Jonas Ecke, Elizabeth Wirtz)
Lupemban (Nicholas Taylor)
Northeastern African Stone Age (Alice Leplongeon)
Scales of Observation (Dominique Desjeux)
The Legal Frameworks of Protecting Archaeology in Africa (Ancila Katsamudanga)
Asian History
Commercial Networks connecting Southeast Asia with the Indian Ocean (Tom Hoogervorst)
Business and Management
Corporate Restructuring (Wayne F. Cascio)
Global Strategy and Multinational Corporation Capabilities (Donald R. Lessard, D. Eleanor Westney)
Leadership and Creativity in Organizational Behavior (G. James Lemoine)
Pay Transparency: Conceptualization and Implications for Employees, Employers, and Society as a Whole (Peter A. Bamberger)
Risk in Strategic Management (George M. Puia, Mark D. Potts)
Stakeholder Engagement in Management Studies: Current and Future Debates (Sybille Sachs, Johanna Kujala)
The Role of Board Leadership Structure in Firm Governance (Danuse Bement, Ryan Krause)
Work Design in the Contemporary Era (Caroline Knight, Sabreen Kaur, Sharon K. Parker)
Classical Studies
Aetna, Latin didactic poem by unknown poet, 1st half of 1st cent. CE (Liba Taub), revised
agricultural writers (Marco Formisano), revised
Archilochus, Greek iambic and elegiac poet (Laura Swift), revised
Callimachus (3), of Cyrene, “Battiades,” Greek poet and scholar (Annette Harder), revised
economy, ancient, approaches to (Neville Morley)
Elegiae in Maecenatem (Tom Geue), revised
Laus Pisonis (Tom Geue), revised
Theognis (1), elegiac poet from Megara (Andrew Ford), revised
Troy (Peter Pavúk), revised
Coming-Out Narratives in Audiovisual Culture (Paris S. Cameron-Gardos)
Difference, Intersectionality, and Organizing (Jamie McDonald)
Expert Networking and International Governance: Questions of Democracy (Andreas Eriksen)
Queer Intercultural Communication: Sexuality and Intercultural Communication (Taisha McMickens, Miranda Dottie Olzman, Bernadette Marie Calafell)
Rhetoric and Critical Affect Theory (Marnie Ritchie)
Economics and Finance
Lobbying in the Political Economy of International Trade (Devashish Mitra)
The Macroeconomics of Stratification (Stephanie Seguino)
Constructivism in Education (Charlene Tan, Connie S.L. Ng)
Cross-Case Analysis of Change in Teacher Role and Didactic Functions in Denmark, 1980-2020 (Karen Borgnakke)
Elite School Education Group Policy and Low-Performing Schools in China (Yu Zhang, Xuan Qi)
History and Microhistories of Social Education in Spain (Victoria Pérez de Guzmán, Juan Trujillo-Herrera, Encarnación Bas-Peña)
Homeschooling in the Educational Landscape of Latin America (Luciane Muniz Ribeiro Barbosa)
The Impact on French Upper Secondary Schools of Reforms Aiming to Improve Students’ Transition to Higher Education (Clement Pin, Agnès van Zanten)
Village Institutes of Turkey (Filiz Meşeci Giorgetti)
Global Public Health
Drowning: Global Burden, Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies (Aminur Rahman, Amy E. Peden, Lamisa Ashraf, Daniel Ryan, Al-Amin Bhuiyan, Stephen Beerman)
Migration, Migrants and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean (Deisy Ventura, Jameson Martins da Silva, Leticia Calderón, Itzel Eguiluz)
The Implications of Informal Settlement Upgrading Programs for Access to Water and Sanitation and Public Health (David Satterthwaite, Alice Sverdlik)
International Studies
Critical Scholarship on Terrorism (Priya Dixit)
Kurdish Politics in the Global Context (Serhun Al)
The Problem of Harm in International Relations (Alexander Hoseason)
Latin American History
Affection and Solidarity among 19th-century Black Intellectuals in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (Ana Flávia Magalhães Pinto)
Black Tribute in the Spanish Americas (Norah Gharala)
Indigenous Politics and Education in Early to Mid-20th Century Chile: Foregrounding Mapuche Women and Transnational Conversations (Joanna Crow, Allison Ramay)
Jimmy Carter and Human Rights in Latin America (Vanessa Walker)
Stature, Poverty, and Inequality in 19th- and 20th-century Mexico (Moramay López-Alonso)
The Amistad Saga: A Trans-Atlantic Dialogue (Jorge Felipe-Gonzalez, Gibril R. Cole, Benjamin N. Lawrance)
The Charro as a Humorous Rural Stereotype in Mexico in the 1920's (Daniel Efraín Navarro Granados)
The Institute of Geology of Mexico and its precedents: History and Legacy (Lucero Morelos Rodríguez)
The Strait of Magellan - a Gateway to New Worlds (Mauricio Onetto Pavez)
The Wars of the 1860s and the Atlantic (Americas and Europe) (Vitor Izecksohn)
Violeta Parra: Her Life, Work, and Legacy (Ericka Verba)
Witchcraft in Colonial Latin America (Nicole von Germeten)
Discriminative Learning and the Lexicon: NDL and LDL (Yu-Ying Chuang, R. Harald Baayen)
History of Languages for Specific Purposes (Wolfgang Pöckl)
New Computational Methods and the Study of the Romance Languages (Basilio Calderone, Vito Pirrelli)
Phrase Structure and Movement in Japanese (Mamoru Saito)
The Regulation of Sleep (Craig Heller)
Planetary Science
Presolar Grains (Nan Liu), summary
Space Law: Overview (Francis Lyall)
Trans-Neptunian Dwarf Planets (Bryan J. Holler)
Administrative Traditions: Concepts and Variables (B. Guy Peters)
Contextualism in Normative Political Theory (Sune Lægaard), revised
Disasters and the Theory of Emergency Management (David A. McEntire)
Germany: An Army in a Democracy in an Epoch of Extremes (Donald Abenheim, Carolyn Halladay)
Key Actors in the Management of Crises: International and Regional Organizations (Eva-Karin Gardell, Bertjan Verbeek)
Measuring Violations of Human Rights Standards (Mark Gibney, Linda Cornett, Peter Haschke, Reed M. Wood, Daniel Arnon), revised
Party Identification and Its Implications (Russell J. Dalton), revised
Public Opinion and Public Policy (Christopher Wlezien, Stuart N. Soroka), revised
The Politics of Fires and Haze in Southern Southeast Asia (Helena Varkkey), revised
Relics and Reliquaries in Colonial Mexico (Gabriela Sánchez Reyes)
Social Work
Arenal, Concepción (Maribel Martín-Estalayo, Aurora Castillo, María José Barahona, Begoña Leyra)
Christiansen, Kikkan Ustvedt (Tor Slettebø)
Civic Engagement (Jennifer C. Greenfield, Heather Arnold-Renicker, Amanda Moore McBride), revised
Civil Society in Macro Social Work (Jocelyn Clare R. Hermoso, Carmen Luca Sugawara)
Community Economic Development (Steven D. Soifer, Joseph B. McNeely), revised
Community Healing and Reconciliation (Joshua Kirven, George Jacinto), revised
Community Macro Practice Competencies (Tracy M. Soska), revised
de Joya, Petra (Yolanda Ealdama)
Deinstitutionalization in Macro Practice (Steven P. Segal)
Ecological Social Work (Uschi Bay), revised
Evidence-Based Macro Practice (Erick G. Guerrero, Tenie Khachikian, Murali Nair)
Financial Management (Roger A. Lohmann), revised
Fiscal Policy in the United States (Karen M. Staller)
Gilchrist-James, Gayle (Linda Kreitzer, Richard Ramsay)
Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development (David N. Jones, Rory Truell), revised
Health Policy Overview (Heather A. Walter-McCabe)
Homelessness and Macro Interventions (Eva M. Moya, Amy Joyce-Ponder, Jacquelin I. Cordero, Silvia M. Chávez-Baray, Margie Rodriguez LeSage)
Human Rights Overview (Joseph M. Wronka), revised
Indigenous and Tribal Communities (Megan G. Sage)
Indigenous Peoples (Andrea Tamburro, Paul-Rene Tamburro), revised
Integrating Macro-Micro Practice (Jason A. Ostrander, Kerry Kelly, Patricia Carl-Stannard)
Interorganizational Alliances (Kelly McNally Koney, Darlyne Bailey)
Latinos and Latinas: Practice Interventions (Griselda Villalobos), revised
Llopis Sarrió, Dolores Benita (Begoña Leyra, María José Barahona, Aurora Castillo, Maribel Martín-Estalayo)
Philpott, Florence (Kim DeJong)
Program Evaluation (Peter Gabor, Richard M. Grinnell Jr., Yvonne A. Unrau), revised
Refugee Resettlement Policy and Macro Practice (Odessa Gonzalez Benson, Karin Wachter, Cherra Mathis)
Reproductive Health Justice (Silvia M. Chávez-Baray, Eva M. Moya, Omar Martinez)
Responses to Environmental Change (Lisa Reyes Mason, Susan P. Kemp, Lawrence A. Palinkas, Amy Krings)
Smart Decarceration (Carrie Pettus)
Social Work Profession (June Gary Hopps, Tony B. Lowe), revised
Unemployment Insurance (Larry Nackerud, Lauren Ricciardelli), revised
Worker Justice Campaigns (Fred Brooks, Amanda Gutwirth)
November 2021
African History
Ahmed Bâba at-Timbuktî (Hamadou Adama)
May 1968 in Africa: Revolt in Dakar (Omar Gueye)
Medieval/Christian Nubia (Alexandros Tsakos)
The Colonial History of Burkina Faso (Patrick Royer)
Women in Mozambique (Liazzat J. K. Bonate, Jonna Katto)
Women in Southern African History (Heike Becker)
Women’s Emancipation from Slavery in Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Patricia van der Spuy)
American History
Labor and Chinese Exclusion in US History (Justin F. Jackson)
Red Summer and Early 20th Century Race Massacres (Ann V. Collins)
The Jewish Working Class in America (Daniel Walkowitz)
White Workers and the American Civil War (David A. Zonderman)
Asian History
Commerce and the Agrarian Empires: Northern India (Bhairabi Prasad Sahu)
Regional Organizations and Geopolitics in the Indian Ocean (Derek McDougall)
Business and Management
Content and Text Analysis Methods for Organizational Research (Rhonda K. Reger, Paula A. Kincaid)
Mediation: Causal Mechanisms in Business and Management (Patrick J. Rosopa, Phoebe Xoxakos, Coleton King)
Moral Emotion and Intuition in Organizations (Armin Pircher Verdorfer, Martin Fladerer, Clarissa Zwarg)
Strategic Empowerment in Human Resource Management (M. Taner Albayrak, Alper Ertürk)
The Impact of Reinsurance (Niels Viggo Haueter)
Workplace Mistreatment: A Review and Agenda for Research (Ivana Vranjes, Zhanna Lyubykh)
Classical Studies
Ara Pacis (Diane Atnally Conlin), revised
Aristeas, Letter of (Sylvie Honigman), revised
citizenship and mobility, legal aspects of (Claudia Moatti)
consul (Francisco Pina Polo), revised
Gla (Michael F. Lane), revised
Greek metrology, Bronze Age (Robert Schon)
Lucillius (Lucia Floridi), revised
neoanalysis (Christos Tsagalis)
Nestorius, bishop of Constantinople, c. 386–450/1 ce (Susan Wessel)
Paulus Silentiarius (Steven D. Smith), revised
Philon (4), 'Philo' (Maren Niehoff), revised
pyramids (Corinna Rossi)
sea power, Roman (Carsten Hjort Lange)
triumphal arch (Diane Favro), revised
Climate Science
Climate Change Communication in South Africa (Sebastian Levi)
Alternatives to Coming Out Discourses (Shuzhen Huang)
Gender in Rhetorical Theory (Joan Faber McAlister)
Queer(ing) Reproductive Justice (Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz, Shui-yin Sharon Yam)
Sex Work, Queer Economic Justice, and Communication Ethics (Carly Leilani Fabian)
Economics and Finance
Business Cycles and Apprenticeships (Samuel Muehlemann, Stefan Wolter)
Childcare and Children’s Development: Features of Effective Programs (Jo Blanden, Birgitta Rabe)
Race, Ethnicity, and Retirement Security in the United States (Dania V. Francis, Christian E. Weller)
The Role of Wage Formation in Empirical Macroeconometric Models (Ragnar Nymoen)
A Critical Appraisal of Education in the Caribbean and its Evolution from Colonial Origin to Twenty-First Century Responses (Nigel Brissett)
Ecologically Sustaining Research Partnerships (Melissa M. Jozwiak, Karen L. B. Burgard)
Education in Spain under the Franco Regime, 1936-1975 (António Canales)
Education Policies in Argentina (Myriam Feldfeber)
Gender and School Reform in India (Nandini Manjrekar, Indumathi Sundararaman)
Identity and Agency in Informal Science Education through the Lens of Equity and Social Justice (Jrène Rahm)
Inclusive Intercultural Education in Multicultural Societies (Rocío Cárdenas-Rodríguez, Teresa Terrón-Caro)
Patterns, Trends, Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities in the Internationalization of Chinese Higher Education (Xue Lan Rong, Shuguang Wang)
Positive School Leadership Behaviors (Joseph Murphy, Karen Seashore Louis, Mark Smylie)
Reading Comprehension and Culturally Diverse Schools in Aotearoa New Zealand (Stuart McNaughton, Rebecca Jesson, Aaron Wilson)
Special Education and Gender in the United States (Nickie Coomer, Chelsea Stinson)
The Interpretation of “Local” Literacy Practices through Ethnography (Kate Pahl, Zanib Rasool)
Environmental Science
Environmental Degradation: Estimating the Health Effects of Ambient PM2.5 Air Pollution in Developing Countries (Ernesto Sánchez-Triana, Bjorn Larsen, Santiago Enriquez, Andreia Costa Santos)
Global Public Health
Climate Change Impacts on Diarrheal Disease, from Epidemiological Association Research to Social Vulnerability Exploration (Junfeng Yu, Lianping Yang, Hung Chak Ho, Cunrui Huang)
Global Epidemiology of Induced Abortion (Suzanne O. Bell, Mridula Shankar, Caroline Moreau)
How Trust and Risk Perception Affect Household Water Use (Raymond Yu Wang, Xiaofeng Liu)
International Studies
Corporations, Health, and Global Politics (Nicholas Freudenberg)
Debt and International Organizations (Pablo Nemiña, María Emilia Val)
Development Theory and the Global Aid Regime (Franklin Barr Lebo), revised
Global Indigenous Rights and Resistance (Nicholas D. Natividad, Pat Lauderdale), revised
Hannah Arendt and International Relations (Shinkyu Lee)
Post-Hegemonic Regionalism (Pía Riggirozzi, Diana Tussie)
The Role of Local Actors in Peacekeeping: The Cases of Liberia and Sierra Leone (Norman Sempijja, Ekeminiabasi Eyita-Okon)
Latin American History
Contemporary Art in Brazil, 1960s and 1970s: Forging the "New" (Elena Shtromberg)
Mexico - Canada Economic Relations during the NAFTA Era (Roberto Zepeda)
War, Military Forces, and Society in Colonial Brazil (Miguel Dantas da Cruz)
Judeo-Spanish (Judezmo, Ladino) (David M. Bunis)
Numerical Expressions in Chinese: Syntax and Semantics (Chuansheng He, Min Zhang)
Onomasiology in the Romance Languages (Esme Winter-Froemel)
Phonological Variation and Change in European French (Nigel Armstrong)
The Source-Filter Theory of Speech (Isao Tokuda)
Verbal Plurality in the Romance Languages (Patricia Cabredo Hofherr)
Deixis (Mary Galbraith)
Early Modern Literature and Food in Britain (Joan Fitzpatrick)
Ethology: The Narrative Turn (Dominique Lestel)
On Writing from a Postcolonial Perspective (Sindiwe Magona)
Postcolonialism, Decoloniality, and Epistemologies of the South (Boaventura de Sousa Santos)
Wilson, Edmund (Melissa Knox), revised
Natural Hazard Science
Flood Risk Management: Analysis of Evacuation Process (Marta Borowska-Stefańska, Szymon Wiśniewski), summary
Gender Mainstreaming and Climate Change (Margaret Alston)
Autonomic Regulation of Kidney Function (Mohammed H. Abdulla, Edward J. Johns)
Neuroendocrinology of Stress and Addiction (Steven Kinsey, Olivia Vanegas, Kristen Trexler, Floyd Steele, Matthew Eckard)
Stress-Modulated Pathways (Nicolas Rohleder)
Collaboration Constructs and Institutions (Elise Boruvka, Lisa Blomgren Amsler)
Crisis Governance, Emergency Management, and the Digital Revolution (Patrick S. Roberts, Shalini Misra, Joanne Tang)
Democracy (Ludvig Beckman)
Image Repair in Crisis Communication (William L. Benoit)
Implementation Capacity and Evaluation Capacity (Adrian Kay)
Mitigation: Learning From and Anticipating Crises (Elyse Zavar, Brendan Lavy)
Qualitative Research and Case Studies in Public Administration (Jason L. Jensen, Laura C. Hand)
Rewards for Being a Senior Public Servant: Principles and Issues (B. Guy Peters)
The Meta-Leadership Model for Crisis Leadership (Eric J. McNulty, Leonard Marcus, Jennifer O. Grimes, Joseph Henderson, Richard Serino)
The Poliheuristic Theory of Crisis Decision Making and Applied Decision Analysis (Inbal Hakman, Alex Mintz, Steven B. Redd)
Typology of Media Systems (Daniel C. Hallin), revised
Inference in Social Cognition (D. Vaughn Becker, Christian Unkelbach, Klaus Fiedler)
Multistable Perception (Alexander Pastukhov)
Synesthesia (Jamie Ward)
Buddhist Missionaries (Brooke Schedneck)
Khoja Isma‘ilis in Canada and the United States (Karim H. Karim)
Muslims and Sexual Diversity in North America (David Rayside)
Social Work
Capacity Building (Karen A. Johnson, Sherron Wilkes, Tania Alameda-Lawson), revised
Community-Embedded Philanthropic Foundations (Paula Allen-Meares), revised
Complex Systems Science and Social Work (John Halloran, Fred Wulczyn), revised
Conflict Theory for Macro Practice (Susan P. Robbins, George S. Leibowitz)
Critical Pedagogy in Community Practice (Laurie A. Walker)
Economics and Social Welfare (Michael Anthony Lewis), revised
Empowerment Practices (Debora Ortega, Jessica Rodriguez-JenKins), revised
Family Services (Katharine Briar-Lawson, Toni Naccarato), revised
Food Insecurity and Nutrition Programs in the United States (Carrie L. Draper), revised
Futures Thinking (Laura Burney Nissen)
Gentrification (Amie Thurber, Amy Krings)
Labor Unions in the United States (Paul A. Kurzman)
Organizational Learning (Yekutiel Sabah, Patricia Cook-Craig), revised
Organizational Wellness (Erlene Grise-Owens, J. Jay Miller, Larry W. Owens)
Police Social Work (Rosemary Alamo, Rick Ornelas), revised
Privilege (Ovita F. Williams, Cheryl L. Franks), revised
Rahman, Mohammad Habibur (Tulshi Kumar Das)
State Fiscal Policy (Alexis P. Tsoukalas)
Treger, Harvey (George T. Patterson)
Urban Planning and Social Work (Laurie A. Walker)
Voter Participation (Lorraine C. Minnite, Frances Fox Piven), revised
White Supremacy (Tracy Whitaker, Lauren Alfrey, Alice B. Gates, Anita R. Gooding)