Quick Search
Quick Search
What is a quick search?
A quick search looks up your term anywhere in the text of the OREs.
Running a quick search
1. Type or paste the term you want to find in the search box.
2. Click or press enter.
3. The results of your search are displayed in the results list.
4. Click on any of the items in the list to view it.
- To search for a phrase, enclose it in inverted commas (e.g. “to be or not to be”).
- You can use the wildcards * and ? in your search.
- Padlocked books are inaccessible without institutional access or an individual subscription.
· Results list
· Only viewing full text provided by library
· Narrowing your choices
· Searching within results
· Removing search terms
· Outputting results
Results list
The results of a search are displayed in the Results list.
Each result is an entry. The matching results are listed on one or more page(s).
The number of results (and your search criteria) appears at the top of the list.
Each of the results in the list consists of the article’s publication date, the subject(s) under which it is categorized, its online publication date, and a snapshot of the search term within the article.
To open any of the articles listed, click on its title.
· Padlocked articles are inaccessible without institutional access or an individual subscription.
Moving between results pages
The number of pages of results is shown at the top and bottom of the list on the right. To move to any of the numbered pages, click on it.
Items per page
The standard number of results is 10 per page, but you can alter this up to a maximum of 100.
Sorting results
Results are listed by relevance.
You can also choose to order them by:
· Title - A to Z
· Title - Z to A
· Author/Editor - A to Z
· Author/Editor - Z to A
· Online Publication Date – Old to Recent
· Online Publication Date – Recent to Old
Narrowing your choices
You can narrow down your results using the options to the left of the Results list. To toggle between displaying and hiding these options, click the appropriate or
By subject
The subject you have chosen is added to the search terms at the top of the results list:
To revert back to the previous results list, click the .
To clear all your search terms, click .
Removing search terms
If you have added a criterion to your results list, you may have more than one search term listed at the top of the page.
Any of these search terms may be removed by clicking the next to it.
The results list is automatically updated to reflect your edited search.
To clear all your search terms, click .
Outputting results
Printing results
To print the current Results list, click . A printable version is displayed in your browser.
Saving results
To save the current Results list to a file, click , and follow the instructions given.
Sending an email link
To send an email link to the current Results list (regardless of whether the recipient has a subscription), click . Fill in the details as appropriate. The email will contain a link to the current list only, which will be valid for the next two weeks.
Social bookmarking
To share a link to the current Results list on any of over 300 sites (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Googlemail, etc.), click and choose one of the options.