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date: 18 February 2025

Queer International Relationslocked

Queer International Relationslocked

  • Melanie Richter-MontpetitMelanie Richter-MontpetitThe Department of Politics, University of Sheffield
  • , and Cynthia WeberCynthia WeberDepartment of International Relations, School of Global Studies, University of Sussex


Queer International Relations (IR) is not a new field. For more than 20 years, Queer IR scholarship has focused on how normativities and/or non-normativities associated with categories of sex, gender, and sexuality sustain and contest international formations of power in relation to institutions like heteronormativity, homonormativity, and cisnormativity as well as through queer logics of statecraft. Recently, Queer IR has gained unprecedented traction in IR, as IR scholars have come to recognize how Queer IR theory, methods, and research further IR’s core agenda of analyzing and informing the policies and politics around state and nation formation, war and peace, and international political economy. Specific Queer IR research contributions include work on sovereignty, intervention, security and securitization, torture, terrorism and counter-insurgency, militaries and militarism, human rights and LGBT activism, immigration, regional and international integration, global health, transphobia, homophobia, development and International Financial Institutions, financial crises, homocolonialism, settler colonialism and anti-Blackness, homocapitalism, political/cultural formations, norms diffusion, political protest, and time and temporalities


  • Groups and Identities
  • International Political Economy
  • Post Modern/Critical Politics
  • World Politics

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