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date: 19 January 2025

Hegemony in Foreign Policylocked

Hegemony in Foreign Policylocked

  • Richard Ned LebowRichard Ned LebowDepartment of War Studies, King's College London
  • , and Simon ReichSimon ReichDivision of Global Affairs and Department of Political Science, Rutgers Newark


American realists, liberals, journalists, and policymakers speak of American hegemony as if it were an established role, although a threatened one given the rise of China. They describe hegemony as essential to international political and economic stability, and a role that only America can perform. These claims are highly questionable, as there is no evidence that the United States is a hegemon nor that it has provided the benefits American international relations theorists attribute to a hegemon. To the extent these benefits are provided, it is the result of the collective efforts of numerous states, by no means all of them great powers. American assertions of hegemony are viewed with jaundiced, if not hostile, eyes by other states. Hegemony is a fiction, propagated by Americans to gain special privileges, justify an interventionist foreign policy, support the defense industry, and buttress national self-esteem. In practice, the quest for hegemony is a threat, not a prop, to the global order.


  • World Politics

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