Globalization and Regionalism in Africa
Globalization and Regionalism in Africa
- Pádraig CarmodyPádraig CarmodyDepartment of Geography, Trinity College Dublin
Globalization, or increased interconnectedness between world regions, is a dialectical and recursive phenomenon that consequently tends to deepen through time as one set of flows sets off other related or counterflows. This is evident in the history of the phenomenon in Africa, where transcontinental trade, and later investment, were initially small but have grown through different rounds including slavery, colonialism, neocolonialism, and the early 21st-century era of globalization. However, globalization on the continent, as in other places, is not unilinear and has generated a variety of “regional responses” in terms of the construction of organizations such as the African Union and other more popularly based associations. The phenomenon of globalization on the continent is deepening through the information technology “revolution,” which also creates new possibilities for regional forms of association.
- Governance/Political Change
- History and Politics
- International Political Economy
- Political Economy
- Political Institutions
- World Politics