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date: 16 September 2024

Framing Methodology: A Critical Reviewlocked

Framing Methodology: A Critical Reviewlocked

  • Dustin Carnahan, Dustin CarnahanDepartment of Communication, Michigan State University
  • Qi HaoQi HaoDepartment of Communication, Michigan State University
  • , and Xiaodi YanXiaodi YanDepartment of Communication, Michigan State University


Since its emergence, framing has established itself as one of the most prominent areas of study within the political communication literature. Simply defined, frames are acts of communication that present a certain interpretation of the world that can change the ways in which people understand, define and evaluate issues and events. But while scholarly understanding of framing as a concept has been refined as a consequence of many years of constructive debate, framing methodology has evolved little since the introduction of the concept several decades ago. As a consequence, the methods employed to study and understand framing effects have not kept up with more modern conceptualizations of framing and have struggled to meaningfully contribute to framing theory on the whole. Specifically, analyses of the framing literature over the past two decades suggest framing studies often fall short in properly distinguishing framing effects from broader persuasion and information effects and the current state of the literature—characterized by inconsistencies and idiosyncrasies across individual works—has made generalization difficult, hampering further theoretical development. In light of these concerns, framing scholars must utilize research approaches that allow for a more precise understanding of the mechanisms by which framing effects occur and identify strategies by which broader insights may be gleaned from both current and future work on the subject in order to enrich framing theory moving forward.


  • Political Communication
  • Political Psychology
  • Public Opinion

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