Aging Workforce Issues from a Multilevel Approach
Aging Workforce Issues from a Multilevel Approach
- Lale M. Yaldiz, Lale M. YaldizDepartment of Psychology, Portland State University
- Franco FraccaroliFranco FraccaroliUniversity of Trento
- , and Donald M. TruxilloDonald M. TruxilloPortland State University
The proportion of older people in the industrialized workforce is increasing owing to the aging of the baby-boom generation, improved health in industrialized countries, changing retirement laws, need for additional income by older workers, and entry of fewer younger people into the workforce in some countries. This “graying” trend of the workforce raises a number of issues such as the needs, motivation, job attitudes, and behaviors of older workers; how to manage age diversity issues at work; late career issues; and preparing the worker and the organization for retirement. Specifically, older worker issues as a research topic includes work-relevant changes taking place within individuals as they age (e.g., physical, cognitive, and personality changes); how older workers are affected by their physical and social environments; the sources of age stereotyping and discrimination and how to combat them; and how these factors affect outcomes such as older workers’ well-being, health, attitudes, motivation, performance, and desire to continue working.
- Organizational and Institutional Psychology