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date: 09 February 2025

Self and Identitylocked

Self and Identitylocked

  • Sanaz TalaifarSanaz TalaifarDepartment of Psychology, University of Texas at Austin
  • , and William SwannWilliam SwannDepartment of Psychology, University of Texas


Active and stored mental representations of the self include both global and specific qualities as well as conscious and nonconscious qualities. Semantic and episodic memory both contribute to a self that is not a unitary construct comprising only the individual as he or she is now, but also past and possible selves. Self-knowledge may overlap more or less with others’ views of the self. Furthermore, mental representations of the self vary whether they are positive or negative, important, certain, and stable. The origins of the self are also manifold and can be considered from developmental, biological, intrapsychic, and interpersonal perspectives. The self is connected to core motives (e.g., coherence, agency, and communion) and is manifested in the form of both personal identities and social identities. Finally, just as the self is a product of proximal and distal social forces, it is also an agent that actively shapes its environment.


  • Social Psychology

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