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date: 18 February 2025

Multiculturalism and Cultural Assimilationlocked

Multiculturalism and Cultural Assimilationlocked

  • Ying-yi HongYing-yi HongThe Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School
  • , and Christa SchmidtChrista SchmidtUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County


Multicultural individuals need to navigate different cultural grounds and identities, and in turn fields like acculturative and cultural psychology have employed theories, frameworks, and research to capture and understand such experiences. Early articulations of such processes utilized unidimensional and bidimensional models to conceptualize experiences of being a part of more than one cultural group. However, such models have received numerous criticisms, ranging from contested definitions to inconclusive empirical evidence. These early models have been especially criticized for their inability to capture the dynamic and complex nature of cultural experiences. To address these problems, newer frameworks have been put forth that utilize multifaceted approaches to capture the inherently dynamic nature of cultural negotiating processes.


  • Social Psychology

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