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date: 15 February 2025

Culture, Language, and Thoughtlocked

Culture, Language, and Thoughtlocked

  • Mutsumi Imai, Mutsumi ImaiKeio University, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
  • Junko KaneroJunko KaneroSabanci Universitesi, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
  • , and Takahiko MasudaTakahiko MasudaUniversity of Alberta, Department of Psychology


The relations among language, culture, and thought are complex. The empirical evidence from diverse domains suggests that culture affects language, language affects thought, and universally shared perception and cognition constrain the structure of language. Although neither language nor culture determines thought, both seem to highlight certain aspects of the world, with stronger influence when there are no clear perceptible categories. Research must delve into how language, culture, perception, and cognition interact with one another across different domains.


  • Cognitive Psychology/Neuroscience
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Social Psychology

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