The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of Modern Psychology
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of Modern Psychology
Contemporary psychology is characterized by complexity of ideas, multiple modes of investigation, and an incredible diversity of topics. The history of psychology provides us with the necessary foundation for understanding our current science and profession, while also revealing alternative paths and suggesting new directions. The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of Psychology addresses multiple facets of the historical development of psychology. Included are the range of theory, methods, and tools that have guided the emergence of the scientific discipline of psychology gradually as it emerged in the last third of the 19th century. The in-depth scholarly articles cover topics and are written by authors drawn from around the world, yielding insights and understanding from multiple cultural and intellectual traditions. All of the articles appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology.
Volume Editor
Wade Pickren, Independent Scholar
Associate Editors
Peter Hegarty, University of Surrey
Cheryl Logan, The University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Wahbie Long, University of Cape Town
Petteri Pietikainen, University of Oulu
Alexandra Rutherford, York University
Historiography: Metatheoretical Approaches to the History of Psychology
Diverse Cultures, Diverse Origins
Methods and Measurement in the History of Psychology
Foundations of Scientific Psychology
Selves and Subjectivities
Minds, Bodies, Brains
The Person in Psychology
Order and Disorder in Psychological Functioning
Practices of Psychology
Non-Human Animals and the History of Psychology
Spatial and Material Culture of Psychology
Histories of Indigenous and Post-Colonial Psychologies
Psychology and the Political