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date: 06 February 2025

Well-Being and Mental Wellnesslocked

Well-Being and Mental Wellnesslocked

  • Gerard Bodeker, Gerard BodekerUniversity of Oxford, Green Templeton College and Columbia University, Department of Epidemiology
  • Sergio Pecorelli, Sergio PecorelliYale University, School of Medicine
  • Lawrence Choy, Lawrence ChoyPortola Wellness
  • Ranieri GuerraRanieri GuerraWorld Health Organization
  • , and Kishan KariippanonKishan KariippanonUniversity of Wollongong, School of Health and Society


The scientific landscape of wellbeing and mental wellness has developed significantly through interdisciplinary cross-pollination by researchers in molecular genetics, neuroscience, sociology, economics, including traditional and complementary medicine. The public health challenge lies in using this diverse body of scientific evidence to reframe wellbeing and mental wellness within a 21st-century global public health framework that incorporates evidence-based modalities alongside Western biomedical practice. Evidence on modalities, case studies, policy examples, and emerging directions in societal objectives in wellbeing and mental wellness are discussed in the context of a way forward that focuses on individual self-care, development of resilience, lifespan pathways for wellbeing, and a different economic calculus in framing public health priorities and policies.


  • Epidemiology

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