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date: 11 February 2025

Health in All Policies: Perspectives From the Region of the Americaslocked

Health in All Policies: Perspectives From the Region of the Americaslocked

  • Kira Fortune, Kira FortuneDepartment of Family, Health Promotion, and Life Course, Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
  • Francisco Becerra, Francisco BecerraPan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)
  • Paulo Buss, Paulo BussDepartment of Health Planning (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation), Arouca National School of Public Health
  • Orielle Solar, Orielle SolarDepartment of Work, Employment, Equity and Health, Latin American Social Sciences Institute (FLACSO)
  • Patricia RibeiroPatricia RibeiroCentro de Estudos, Políticas e Informação sobre Determinantes Sociais da Saúde, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/FIOCRUZ
  • , and Gabriela E. KeahonGabriela E. KeahonDepartment of Family, Health Promotion, and Life Course, Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO)


There is a broad consensus that the health of an individual or population is not influenced solely by the efforts of the formal health sector; rather, it is also defined by the conditions of daily life as well as the inputs, intentional or not, of various stakeholders and policies. The recognition that health outcomes and inequity in health extend beyond the health sector across many social and government sectors has led to the emergence of a comprehensive policy perspective known as Health in All Policies (HiAP). Building on earlier concepts and principles outlined in the Alma-Ata Declaration (1978) and the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986), HiAP is a collaborative approach to public policies across sectors that systematically takes into account the health implications of decisions, seeks synergies, and avoids harmful health impacts in order to improve population health and health equity. Health in All Policies has become particularly relevant in light of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as achieving the goals of the agenda requires policy coherence and collaboration across sectors. Given that local governments are ideally positioned to encourage and galvanize partnerships between a diversity of local stakeholders, the implementation of HiAP at the local level is seen as a powerful approach to advancing health and achieving the SDGs through scaled-up initiatives. As there is no single model for the development and implementation of HiAP, it is critical to examine the different experiences across countries that have garnered success in order to identify best practices. The Region of the Americas has made much progress in advancing the HiAP approach, and as such much can be learned from analyzing implementation at country level thus far. Specific initiatives of the Americas may highlight key examples of local action for HiAP and should be taken into consideration for future implementation. Moving forward, it will be important to consider bottom up approaches that directly address the wider determinants of health and health equity.


  • Global Health
  • Public Health Policy and Governance
  • Special Populations

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