The Oxford Encyclopedia of Aging and Public Health

During the next few decades, older adults will comprise an ever-larger proportion of the population in almost every society around the world. At the same time, the older adult population exhibits greater variability in health status and health outcomes than any other age group. The concepts of healthy and successful aging continue to need to be redefined, and methodologies enhanced to expand our understanding of how to maximize health and functioning during late life. In addition, public health and aging will need to expand its focus on the social, behavioral, and environmental factors that contribute to healthy aging and that contribute to the inequities and disparities in health status and access to health services among older adults that exist around the globe. This collection of articles has been commissioned to draw attention to this field of study and to offer curated content for those working in this area.


Editor in Chief

Dr. Mary P. Gallant, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor, Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior, University at Albany, State University of New York

Editorial Board

Jane Banaszak-Holl, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University

Matthew Lee Smith, School of Public Health, Texas A&M University


Theoretical, Conceptual and Methodological Models and Approaches to Global Public Health and Aging

Age-related/Age-relevant Illnesses and Conditions / Physical and Mental Health among Older Adults

Social and Behavioral Determinants and Health Disparities/Inequities

Social and Physical Environment

Health Policies and Services; Public Health Infrastructure



Global Trends in Life Expectancy and Healthy Life Expectancy (Emmanuelle Cambois, Géraldine Duthé, France Meslé)
Intervention Approaches for Osteoarthritis (Susan Hughes, Cheryl Der Ananian, Andrew DeMott)
Parent-Adult Child Ties and Older Adult Health and Well-Being (J. Jill Suitor, Yifei Hou, Catherine Stepniak, Robert T. Frase, Destiny Ogle)
Productive Engagement of Older Adults (Nancy Morrow-Howell, Peter Sun)
Religion, Aging, and Public Health (Jeff Levin, Ellen Idler)