Islamic World Studies in North America
Islamic World Studies in North America
- Nisa MuhammadNisa MuhammadOffice of the Dean of the Chapel, Howard University
Islamic studies as an academic discipline and its genesis in American universities is a fascinating tale of challenges and complications woven into the vagaries of geopolitics. Exploring the evolution of Islamic studies into Islamic world studies at a premier US Catholic university pays homage to Oriental, Near Eastern, and Middle Eastern studies and its direct forerunner in Islamic studies, highlighting the accomplishments of foundational Islamic scholars who blazed a trail leading to the development of an Islamic world studies program. As the name implies, Islamic world studies is a study of where Muslims live as majorities or minorities, thus exploring the religious tradition of Islam and its expressions in various cultures. The program in Islamic world studies was unique in another way—its founder was a highly trained Islamic scholar who just so happened to be an African American Muslim woman.
- Islamic Studies