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date: 15 February 2025

Sufism in North Americalocked

Sufism in North Americalocked

  • William Rory DicksonWilliam Rory DicksonDepartment of Religion and Culture, University of Winnipeg


Sufism in North America is exceptionally diverse, reflecting its heterogenous origins and complex transnational dynamics. It can be found as an essential, if at times subtle, element of Muslim devotional practice, with several North American Muslim networks and organizations integrating Sufism into their teachings. It manifests more explicitly in various Sufi orders, normally led by a lineage-holding shaykh or shaykha, with a spectrum of approaches to Islamic identity and practice. Sufism has further been drawn upon as a niche resource for literature and commodity within the broader spiritual marketplace, intersecting with popular culture. Sufism in North America is thus an integral aspect of Muslim devotional practice, a distinct spiritual path embodied in various lineages and orders, and a literary phenomenon and popular spiritual commodity.


  • Islamic Studies
  • Mysticism and Spirituality
  • New Religions
  • Religion in America

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