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date: 16 February 2025

Islamic Bioethics: Abortionlocked

Islamic Bioethics: Abortionlocked

  • Gilla K. ShapiroGilla K. ShapiroThe Princess Margaret Hospital
  • , and Jonathan K. CraneJonathan K. CraneCenter for Ethics, Emory University


Religion plays a significant role in the bioethical decisions of abortion, which is the procedure for terminating a pregnancy before the fetus reaches viability. The bioethical discussion of abortion in Islam has great significance for health policy, significantly affecting how women seek out abortions and the rates of unsafe abortions and national maternal mortality. Guiding texts of Islamic religious authority, the Quran and the Sunnah, do not directly address abortion, but the Quran does include the prohibition of infanticide and mistreatment of unwanted children. It details how abortions are justified on varying grounds, such as the endangerment of the woman’s life.


  • Religion and Politics
  • Religion and Science

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