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date: 15 February 2025

Islamic Bioethics: Circumcisionlocked

Islamic Bioethics: Circumcisionlocked

  • Zaynab El BernoussiZaynab El BernoussiDepartment of Social Science, NYU Abu Dhabi
  • , and Baudouin DupretBaudouin DupretCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Les Afriques dans le Monde


In both cases of male circumcision (khitan) and female circumcision (khifad), the laws and regulations in different Muslim-majority countries inform the rules of sexual morality in these societies. Moreover, the religious rationale behind circumcision is bodily purification for worship, while many medical professionals also argue for male circumcision as a way of maintaining bodily hygiene.


  • Religion and Politics

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