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date: 14 February 2025

Islamic Bioethics: Family Planninglocked

Islamic Bioethics: Family Planninglocked

  • G. I. SerourG. I. SerourProfessor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Director of International Islamic Center for Population Studies and Research, Al-Azhar University


The basic social unit in the Islamic society is the family. Family planning (FP) involves when, how often, how many children to have, and when to stop childbirth. Islam does not forbid FP (tanẓīm al–nasl). Islamic sharia provides guidance to promote, protect, and care for women’s and children’s health. Regarding Islamic bioethics under an international context, health care providers must be aware of their patients’ ethical background to provide quality health care service in concordance with their beliefs. Informative counseling holds significance in ensuring better concordance with treatment and providing a quality health care service that is culturally sensitive.


  • Islamic Studies

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