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date: 14 February 2025

Toledo, Ávila, and Mysticismlocked

Toledo, Ávila, and Mysticismlocked

  • Macarena Moralejo OrtegaMacarena Moralejo OrtegaDepartment of Art History, Complutense University of Madrid


Ávila and Toledo were major centers for Modern Age (15th to 18th centuries) art and architecture, and their geographical, political, religious, and cultural contexts contributed to numerous innovations and cultural exchanges. During this period, the Inquisition and the rapid expansion of empire both repressed certain artistic expressions and provoked creative responses. Moreover, the Iberian version of Catholicism, infused with the mysticism of figures such as Teresa of Ávila, helped to inspire major works of art. In particular, the work of El Greco demonstrates the dramatic religious expression of the time in images, sculptures, and architecture.


  • Religion and Art

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