Past Updates
July 2024
Aboriginal Religions in Australia (David Moore)
Devotional Images of the Virgin Mary in Spain (María del Mar Doval Trueba), revised
Holocaust Art (Chloë Julius)
Islamic Bioethics in Sri Lanka (Andreas Johansson)
Mohammed, Warith Deen (Zaid Adhami)
News Coverage of Islam and Muslims in North America (Ahmed Al-Rawi)
June 2024
Sufi Groups in North America: A History (Jason Idriss Sparkes), revised
The Book of Hosea (Brad E. Kelle)
The Religious Program of the Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace (Barend ter Haar)
The Status of Minorities under Islamic Law (Anver Emon)
May 2024
Athletics and Sports in North America (Steven Fink)
Conventual Visual Culture in Ecuador (Carmen Fernández-Salvador), revised
Grief, Sadness, and Depression in the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East (David A. Bosworth)
Islamic Bioethics: Codes of Medical Ethics (Aisha Malik)
Mexican Islam in the Perspective of Islam in Latin America (Sylvie Taussig)
Relics and Pilgrimage in Western Europe (Janet Ellen Snyder)
Shari’a Tribunals in North America (James T. Richardson, Bryan S. Turner)
April 2024
Islamic Bioethics: Abortion (Gilla K. Shapiro, Jonathan K. Crane)
Islamic Bioethics: Agency (Mustansir Mir), revised
Islamic Bioethics: Bioethics in Malaysia (Salilah Saidun)
Islamic Bioethics: Castration (Serena Tolino)
Islamic Bioethics: Circumcision (Zaynab El Bernoussi, Baudouin Dupret)
Islamic Relics (Richard McGregor)
Islamic Society of North America (Iqbal J. Unus)
Jewish Art in the Modern Era (Larry Silver, Samantha Baskind)
The Book of Ecclesiastes (Qohelet) (Thomas M. Bolin)
Theology in Translation: Latin American and Iranian Efforts (Ángel Horacio Molina, Luis Alberto Vittor)
March 2024
Islam, Gender, and Sexualities (Yafa Shanneik)
Muslims across Hispanic and Lusophone Geographies (Paulo Pinto), revised
Pilgrimage Centers and Relics in Catholic Spain (María del Mar Doval Trueba, Barbara von Barghahn)
Theology, Issues in North America (Candace Mixon)
February 2024
Technology and Religion in Ancient Greece and Rome (Tatiana Bur)
January 2024
Indigenous Knowledges (Paul L. Gareau, Molly Swain)
Islamic Bioethics: Bioethics in Egypt (Baudouin Dupret, Zaynab El Bernoussi), revised
Rahman, Fazlur (Ebrahim Moosa)
December 2023
Contemporary Visual Art and Religion (Dominic Colonna)
Fazlur Rahman Khan: Structural Engineer (Mahjoub Elnimeiri), revised
Fiqh Council of North America (Zainab Alwani)
Sufism in the Modern World (Marcia Hermansen)
November 2023
Iconography and Iconology (Davor Džalto)
Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kementerian Agama), Indonesia (Muhamad Ali), revised
Muslim Chaplains in North America (Harvey Stark)
Shi'i Communities and Networks in North America (Liyakat Takim)
October 2023
Bodhisattva-bhūmi (John Powers)
Islamic Women's Organizations in North America (Samaneh Oladi Ghadikolaei), revised
Muhammad, Elijah and Sr. Clara Muhammad (Rosetta E. Ross)
September 2023
Christian Sacred Architecture (David Bains)
Christian Zionism in the United States, 1930-2020 (Sean Durbin), revised
Creole and Indigenous Muslims in Venezuela (Philipp Bruckmayr)
Interfaith Marriage in North America and Abroad (Reeshma Haji)
Islamic Feminist Movement in North America (Sumit Sharma)
Palestinian Muslim Communities in Colombia (Felipe Medina Gutiérrez, Odette Yidi David)
August 2023
Buddhist Wall Paintings (Sonya S. Lee)
Hanson, Hamza Yusuf (Walaa Quisay)
History of Muslims in Canada (Jennifer A. Selby)
Indigenous Religions in Brazil (Mark Münzel)
Kabbalah in Art and Architecture (Batsheva Goldman-Ida)
Materiality and the Study of Indigenous Religions (Amy R. Whitehead)
Pioneers of Islam in North America (Earle Waugh)
Shari’a, Legal Pluralism, and Muslim Arbitration Tribunals in the West (Bryan S. Turner, James T. Richardson)
The Making of the Arab Caribbean, c.1870-1930 (Jacob Norris)
Visual Arts: Renaissance (Heidi J. Hornik)
July 2023
Bible and Film (Richard Walsh)
Intention in the Pali Suttas and Abhidharma (Karin Meyers)
Introduction to Zhentong (Extrinsic Emptiness) (Michael R. Sheehy)
Islam and Pop Culture in North America (Sophia Rose Arjana)
Islamic Bioethics: Biobanking (Mamoun Ahram, Khalid Bani Ahmad)
Mongolian Buddhism in the Yuan Dynasty (Brian Baumann)
June 2023
Assault Sorcery and Religion (Pamela Stewart, Andrew Strathern)
Caribbean, Islam in (Ken Chitwood)
Ertegun, Ahmet (Shalom Goldman)
Ethics and Buddhism (Jessica Locke)
Idol and Idolatry (Stacy Boldrick)
Islamic Bioethics: Animal Research (Magfirah Dahlan-Taylor)
Media Interactions with Muslims (Nofret Berenice Hernandez Vilchis)
Muslims and Education in North America (May Al-Fartousi)
Muslims and Literature in North America (Adam Yaghi)
Religious Reflexivities (Sarah Shah)
Tantric Revival in China (Cody R. Bahir)
The Expansion of African American Muslim Movements beyond the USA (Philipp Bruckmayr)
May 2023
Arts and Ethics: Questions (David Fenner)
'Ashura and Azadari (Vernon James Schubel)
Islamic Bioethics: Milk Banks (Anke Iman Bouzenita)
Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Muhammad U. Faruque)
The Book of Isaiah (Jacob Stromberg)
The Revival of Animism in the 21st Century (Kocku von Stuckrad)
The Study of Indigenous Religions (Gregory D. Alles)
April 2023
History of Muslims in the United States (Yasmine Flodin-Ali)
Muslim Cinema in North America (Irum Shiekh)
Terrorism and Violence in North America (Atiya Husain)
The Violence at Jonestown (Rebecca Moore)
Media Muslims and Telenovelas: El Clon (Silvia Montenegro)
Sheng Yen (Jimmy Yu)
The Life and Works of Longchenpa (Albion M. Butters)
Wilfred Cantwell Smith and the Study of Islam (Suzanne Smith)
March 2023
American Muslim Comedy (Samah Selina Choudhury)
Islamic Bioethics: Nanotechnology (Nidhal Guessoum)
Islamic Bioethics: Secular Bioethics in Muslim Countries (Anke Iman Bouzenita)
Islamic Pilgrimage (Mounia Chekhab-Abudaya)
Jefferson, Thomas and Islam (Denise A. Spellberg)
Media Muslims and Telenovelas: El Clon (Silvia Montenegro)
Sheng Yen (Jimmy Yu)
The Life and Works of Longchenpa (Albion M. Butters)
Wilfred Cantwell Smith and the Study of Islam (Suzanne Smith)
February 2023
Indigenous Religion of Hawai'i (Marie Alohalani Brown)
Indigenous Religions in West Africa (Katharina Wilkens, Mariam Goshadze)
Islamic Bioethics: Enhancement (Siti Nurani Mohd. Noor)
Islamic Philanthropy in the United States (Esra Tunc)
Lone Wolf Race Warriors (Mattias Gardell)
Mohja Kahf (Danielle Haque)
January 2023
Ecofeminism, Religion, and the Arts in the West (Jane Caputi)
Muslims and Business in North America (Bayyinah S. Jeffries)
Sufi Communities in Secular Mexico (Lucía Cirianni Salazar)
December 2022
Liturgical and Ceremonial Art: Preaching and Visual Culture in the Early Modern World (Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby)
Material Culture and Religion (David Morgan)
Tzu Chi (Elise Anne DeVido)
November 2022
Buddhism and Bioethics (Jens Schlieter)
Humanistic Buddhism (Rensheng Fojiao 人生佛教 / Renjian Fojiao 人間佛教) (Stefania Travagnin)
Religion in the Homeric Hymns (Jenny Strauss Clay, Andrew Faulkner)
Ritual (Barry Stephenson)
Visual Arts: Christian Visual Art (Christine E. Joynes)
October 2022
Buddhaghosa (Norihisa Baba)
Decorated, Illuminated, and Illustrated Bibles (Jonathan Homrighausen)
Practices of Protection in the Pali World (Kate Crosby, Pyi Phyo Kyaw)
Shingon (Aaron Proffitt)
The Reincarnation System in Central Asian Buddhism (Ruth Gamble)
September 2022
D.T. Suzuki: Ideas and Influences (James C. Dobbins)
Muslim Youth Issues in North America: The Canadian Context (Hicham Tiflati)
The Buddhist Vidyādharas (Weikza/Weizzā) in Burma/Myanmar (Niklas Foxeus)
August 2022
Canon and Commentary in the Earliest Buddhist Manuscripts (Stefan Baums)
Council on American-Islamic Relations (Vincent F. Biondo III)
D.T. Suzuki: A Biography (James C. Dobbins)
Global Theravada: Transmission Beyond Asia (Mavis L. Fenn)
Museums and Exhibitions: Overview and History (Maia Wellington Gahtan)
Overview of Religious Art and Architecture: Native American (Karla Cavarra Britton)
Patronage of Buddhist Monasteries in Eastern India (600-1300 CE) (Suchandra Ghosh)
July 2022
Debate Traditions in Premodern Japan (Asuka Sango)
Exhibitions and Displays of Religious Art (Maia Wellington Gahtan)
Greek Myth (Greta Hawes)
Holy Books and Manuscripts (Mikeal C. Parsons)
Muslims and Social Media in North America (Rabia Kamal)
June 2022
Gelukpa (James B. Apple)
Symbolism and Construction of the Kālacakra-Maṇḍala (Vesna A. Wallace)
May 2022
Guardian/Protector Deities in Tibetan Buddhism (Cameron Bailey)
Islamic Finance in North America (M. Kabir Hassan, Tahsin Huq, Aishath Muneeza)
Nāgārjuna (Mark Siderits)
Western Buddhism and Race (Joseph Cheah, Sharon A. Suh)
Xuyun (Daniela Campo)
April 2022
Buddhism and Medicine in Premodern Japan (Andrew Macomber)
Early Modern European Encounters with Buddhism (Thomas Calobrisi)
Global Theravada Buddhism: Asian Foundations (Mavis L. Fenn)
Transnational Jihadi Movements (Mona Sheikh, Saer El-Jaichi)
March 2022
Taixu (Eric Goodell)
February 2022
‘In My Father’s House’ (John 14:2): Sacred Domiciles and Secular Residences in Iberoamerican Art as Metaphorical Architecture of Devotion (Barbara von Barghahn)
Global Buddhism (Jens Reinke)
Nechung: A Tibetan Buddhist Oracle (Christopher Bell)
Nomadic Shelters, Mystical Staircases and Cosmic Chambers in Iberoamerican Art (Barbara von Barghahn)
January 2022
Buddhist Cosmology (Eric Huntington)
Devotional Art in Viceregal Latin America (Marcus Burke)
Early History of the Drukpa Kagyü School (Seiji Kumagai)
Prajñāpāramitā and Khmer Esoteric Buddhism in the 10th to 13th centuries (Swati Chemburkar)
Sacred Place and Sacred Places (Tim Gorringe)
The Study of Visual Culture in South and Southeast Asian Buddhism (Nicolas Revire)
December 2021
Relics and Reliquaries in Colonial Mexico (Gabriela Sánchez Reyes)
November 2021
Buddhist Missionaries (Brooke Schedneck)
Khoja Isma‘ilis in Canada and the United States (Karim H. Karim)
Muslims and Sexual Diversity in North America (David Rayside)
October 2021
Buddhism and Healing in China (Natalie Köhle)
Overview of Architecture and Religion Since 1500 (Thomas Barrie)
Spirituality (Louise Nelstrop)
The life of Marpa Lotsawa Chökyi Lodrö (Cécile Ducher)
September 2021
Secular Buddhism (Richard K. Payne, Casey Alexandra Kemp)
Visual Arts: Abstraction (Paula Wisotzki)
Visual Arts: Postmodernism (Meredith Munson)
Visualization/Contemplation Sutras (Guan Jing) (David Quinter)
August 2021
Candrakīrti's Middle Way Philosophy (Kevin Vose)
Christian Dominionism and Violence (James Aho)
Globalizing Tantric Buddhism (Richard K. Payne)
Health and Health Systems in the United States (Parin Dossa)
Medicine in Japanese Buddhism (Katja Triplett)
Music: Sacred Genres from the Renaissance to Modern (Christine Suzanne Getz)
Roman Catholic Art After L’Art Sacré and Vatican II (Inge Linder-Gaillard, PhD)
The Bön Tradition of Dzogchen (Jean-Luc Achard)
The Economics of Buddhism (Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg)
The Passion of Christ in the New World (Alena Robin)
June 2021
Buddhism and the Environment (William Edelglass)
Debate in the Tibetan Tradition (Jonathan Samuels)
Engaged Buddhism (Ann Gleig)
Holy Week and the Theater of Art: Sculpture, Retables, and the Spanish Baroque Aesthetic (Rafael Japón)
Magic in the Graeco-Roman World (Korshi Dosoo)
Queering Buddhist Traditions (Bee Scherer)
Śāntideva’s Introduction to the Practices of Awakening (Bodhicaryāvatāra) (Stephen E. Harris)
Visual Arts: Modern Art (Jonathan A. Anderson)
May 2021
“Have mercy on us”: Inca Heritage, Christianity and Salvation in Colonial Cuzco (Sebastian Ferrero)
Approaches to Ancient Religions (István Czachesz)
Book of Job (Brian Doak)
Dance, Religion, and the Legacy of European Colonialism (Kimerer LaMothe)
Domestic Dharma in Japan (Paula Arai)
Epigraphy and the Study of Buddhism: South Asia's Northern Corridor (Richard Salomon)
From Manuscript to Print in South and Southeast Asia (Christoph Emmrich)
Huineng (John Jorgensen)
Imaging the Buddha in South Asia (Claudine Bautze-Picron)
Monastic Education in Contemporary Asia (Thomas Borchert)
Pilgrimage in China (Courtney Bruntz)
Three Turnings of the Wheel of Doctrine (Dharma-Cakra) (John Powers)
April 2021
Art, Architecture and National Memory-Making (Maurizio Peleggi)
Confucian Mysticism (Judson B. Murray)
Faith and Devotion: Reading Ceramic Architectural Programmes from the Baroque Period (Rosário Salema Carvalho)
Religious Art and Architecture in Eighteenth-Century Europe (Sean DeLouche)
Sri Lanka’s Sinhala Buddhist Guardian Deities: Satara Varan Devi (Sree Padma, John Holt)
The Body of the Buddha (John Powers)
Visual Arts: Reformation and Counterreformation (Reforms of Trent and Catholic Art) (Richard Viladesau)
March 2021
Amoghavajra (Geoffrey Goble)
Buddhist Philosophy as Philosophy (Mark Siderits)
Chöd: A Tibetan Buddhist Practice (Sarah Harding)
Christian Feminist Theology and the Arts (Elizabeth Ursic)
Dunhuang Texts (Mélodie Doumy)
Guatemalan Churches: The Maya Legacy in Organic Façades (Carol Damian)
Islam and Art: An Overview (Wendy Shaw)
Mipam (Douglas S. Duckworth)
Neoclassicism and Religious Art in Eighteenth-Century Europe (Allison Palmer)
Pure Land Buddhism in Tibetan Contexts (Georgios Halkias)
Secularization and Sacred Space (David Bains)
Tibetan Visionary Buddhism (Chris Hatchell)
Visual Arts: Protestant (Bobbi Dykema)
February 2021
Buddhism and Biography (Ben Van Overmeire)
Buddhism and Globalization (Jørn Borup)
Religion, New Media, and Digital Culture (Giulia Evolvi)
May 2020
Israelite Religion (Richard S. Hess)
Nichiren (Jacqueline Stone)
Religion in Ancient Greece (Ivana Petrovic)
Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma (K.L. Dhammajoti)
The Rise of Paganism and the Far Right in Europe (Kaarina Aitamurto)
April 2020
Psychological Interpreters of Buddhism (Ira Helderman)
Tibetan Demonology (Christopher Bell)
March 2020
American Evangelical Politics during the Cold War (Angela Lahr)
Reception History of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (Dominik Markl)
Southeast Asian Refugees in North America (Carl L. Bankston III)
Theos Bernard, the “White Lama” (Paul G. Hackett)
February 2020
Falun Gong: Origins, Growth, Conflict (James Lewis)
Millennialism (Eugene Gallagher)
Ryōgen (Eisho Nasu)
January 2020
Iconography and the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible (Ryan P. Bonfiglio)
Tibetan Medicine and its Buddhist Contexts (Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim)
Violence and New Religions (Rebecca Moore)
December 2019
Byzantine and Slavic Orthodoxy (Alexander Rentel)
Christian Theology and Mysticism (William Thompson-Uberuaga)
Fo Guang Shan (Kendall Marchman)
Hsing Yun (Kendall Marchman)
Islam in Southeast Asia (Khairudin Aljunied)
Islamic Economic Principles (Rodney Wilson)
Laws in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament (Samuel Greengus)
Nazism and Religion (Eric Kurlander)
Tantric Buddhism in Japan: Kukai and Saicho (David L. Gardiner)
November 2019
Multiverse Theories: Philosophical and Religious Perspectives (Gerald Cleaver)
Mysticism: An Overview (William Parsons)
Mystics, Shamans, and Visionary Arts (Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer)
Religion and Gender in Ancient Rome (Meghan DiLuzio)
October 2019
Vinaya Rules for Monks and Nuns (Ann Heirman)
American Evangelical Politics during the Cold War (Angela Lahr), revised
Book of Daniel (Tawny Holm)
Buddhism in Colonial Contexts (Douglas Ober)
Falun Gong: Origins, Growth, Conflict (James Lewis), revised
Psychological Interpreters of Buddhism (Ira Helderman), revised
Qohelet/Ecclesiastes (Thomas Bolin), summary
Ryogen (Eisho Nasu), revised
The Kadampa: A Formative Movement of Tibetan Buddhism (Ulrike Roesler)
The Rise of Paganism and the Far Right in Europe (Kaarina Aitamurto), revised
The Safavids (Colin Mitchell)
Theos Bernard, the “White Lama” (Paul G. Hackett), revised
July 2019
Names of God in the Hebrew Bible (Collin Cornell)
Theravāda Buddhism (Sven Bretfeld)
Tibetan Buddhist Power Objects (James Duncan Gentry)
June 2019
Daoist Mysticism (Judson B. Murray)
Gods in Ancient Greece and Rome (Matt Dillon)
Homeric Religion: The Gods and the Poet (Elizabeth Minchin)
Islam, Art, and Depictions of Prophets (Rachel Milstein)
Varieties of Spirituality: A Western Philosophical Analysis (Joseph Kirby)
May 2019
Astrotheology (Ted Peters)
Ecology and Spirituality (Leslie E. Sponsel)
Ecology in Islam (Rosemary Hancock)
Gender and Spirituality in Late Modern Western Society (Karen Pechilis)
Muslims in Russia and the Successor States (James H. Meyer)
Narratives of Buddhist Relics and Images (Stephen C. Berkwitz)
The Vajrakīla Tantras (Martin Boord)
April 2019
Buddhist Wizards (Weizzā/Weikza) of Myanmar (Thomas Patton)
Islamophobia (Todd Green)
Mongolian Buddhism in the Democratic Period (Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko)
New Spiritualities in Western Society (Adam Possamai)
February 2019
Buddhism and Media (Scott A. Mitchell)
Buddhism and Print Culture in China (T. H. Barrett)
Buddhist Chaplaincy (Monica Sanford, Nathan Jishin Michon)
History of Buddhisms in China: the Nanbeicho Period (Late 4th Century to the Sui Dynasty) (Henrik H. Sørensen)
Lived Ancient Religions (Jörg Rüpke)
The Caliphate (Carool Kersten)
The Politics of Spirituality and Secularization in Western Modernity (J. Brent Crosson)
January 2019
The Imamura Families and the Making of American Buddhism (Michihiro Ama)
December 2018
Maritime Buddhism (Andrea Acri)
September 2018
Ancient Egyptian Religion (Korshi Dosoo)
Tamil Militancy in Sri Lanka and the Role of Religion (Iselin Frydenlund)
August 2018
American Buddhism during World War II Imprisonment (Michihiro Ama)
Dunhuang Art (Michelle C. Wang)
Pilgrimage in Buddhist Tibet (Paul B. Donnelly)
Tantric Buddhism in Japan: Shingon, Tendai, and the Esotericization of Japanese Buddhisms (David L. Gardiner)
July 2018
Islam in Mughal India (Michael H. Fisher)
Women in Classical Greek Religion (Laura McClure)
June 2018
Mongolian Buddhism in the Early 20th Century (Matthew W. King)
The Age of Revolutions (Conrad L. Donakowski)
The Pentateuch (Thomas B. Dozeman)
Tourism to Sacred Places in America: A Spatial Analysis (Jeremy R. Ricketts)
May 2018
American Foreign Mission Movement, c. 1870-1920s (Tracy Neal Leavelle)
American Religious Empire and the Caribbean (Andrew R. McKee)
Baptist Worship in Britain (Christopher J. Ellis)
Buddhism in Film (Sharon A. Suh)
Ecology and Religious Environmentalism in the United States (Rebecca Kneale Gould, Laurel Kearns)
Liberalism in American Religious History (Matthew S. Hedstrom)
Liturgical Vestments, Vessels, and Objects in Christian Worship (Joanne M. Pierce)
Race and Religion in U.S. Public Life (Khyati Y. Joshi)
Revivals, Awakenings, and Conversion in American Protestantism (Kip Richardson)
Science and Religion in America (Paul J. Croce)
Secularism, Pluralism, and Publics in America (Charles McCrary)
The “Classic” Age of Christian Worship, 4th-6th Century (John F. Baldovin)
The Six Nara Schools (Mikaël Bauer)
US-Mexico Borderlands and Religion (Anne M. Martínez)
April 2018
Christian Liturgical Music (William T. Flynn)
Japanese Buddhisms in Diaspora (Elisabetta Porcu)
Naikan: A Meditation Method and Psychotherapy (Clark Chilson)
The Development of the "Apostolic Tradition" in Early Christian Worship (Maxwell E. Johnson)
The Reformed Tradition in the Netherlands (Harry Klaassens)
March 2018
Filial Piety in Chinese Buddhism (Guang Xing)
Jebtsundamba Khutugtus of Mongolia (Agata Bareja-Starzyńska)
Mainline of the Protestant Worship in Latin America (Wilhelm Wachholz)
Rennyo (Eisho Nasu)
The Anabaptist Tradition: Mennonites (John D. Rempel)
The Uniting Church in Australia (Robert W. Gribben)
February 2018
Abhisamayālaṃkāra (Ornament for Clear Realization) (James B. Apple)
Buddhism and Shinto (Fabio Rambelli)
Buddhist Art and Architecture in Tibet (Erberto Lo Bue)
Buddhist Medicine in India (Vesna A. Wallace)
Native American Religions (Sarah E. Dees)
Nature and Religion in America (Brett Grainger)
Race and Catholicism in American History (Justin D. Poché)
Religion, Charity, and Philanthropy in America (David P. King)
Settler Colonialism and U.S. Home Missions (Matthew J. Smith)
Spatial Constructions of the American Secular (Chad Seales)
The Black Atlantic and the African Diaspora (Walter C. Rucker)
The Prosperity Gospel in America (Kate Bowler)
The Religious Right in America (Michael J. McVicar), revised
Western Christendom, c. 1000-1400 (Timothy M. Thibodeau)
January 2018
American Protestant Foreign Missions after World War II (David C. Kirkpatrick)
Architecture, the Built Environment, and Religion in America (Peter W. Williams)
Atheism in America (Eric Chalfant)
Buddhist Geography and Regionalism (Megan Bryson)
Civil Religion in America (Raymond Haberski Jr.)
Denomination in American Public Life (Russell E. Richey)
Egypt in the Old Testament (Christopher Hays)
Film and Religion in America (Eric Michael Mazur)
Freemasonry’s Sacred Space in America (Phillip Gordon Mackintosh)
Gender and Public Religion in America (Stephanie Y. Mitchem)
Memorialization and Religion in America (Adam M. Ware)
Music and Religion in American Public Life (Jason C. Bivins)
Online Media and Religion in America (Adam Bajan, Heidi A. Campbell)
Popular Culture and Religion in America (Lynn Schofield Clark, Seth M. Walker)
Print Media and Religion in America (Elesha J. Coffman, Timothy D. Grundmeier)
Public Art and Religion in America (Kymberly Pinder)
Race and American Judaism (Samira K. Mehta)
Religion, Modernity, and Assimilation in America (Samira K. Mehta)
Religious Ceremonies in American Public Life (Joseph W. Williams)
The Judeo-Christian and Abrahamic Traditions in America (K. Healan Gaston)
Transmission of Buddhist Media and Texts (Daniel Veidlinger)
December 2017
American Narratives of Sin and Salvation (W. Clark Gilpin)
Chan Literature (Jeffrey L. Broughton)
Commerce, Consumerism, and Christianity in America (Dana Logan)
Governance in Classical Islamic Thought (Ovamir Anjum)
Interracialism and American Christianity (Phillip Luke Sinitiere)
Islam and the Middle East in the American Imagination (Brooke Sherrard)
Liberation Theologies in America (Craig L. Nessan)
Religious Parades and Processions in America (Rodger M. Payne)
The Idea of Black Religion (Jamil W. Drake)
The Religious History of the Roman Empire (John North)
U.S. Foreign Policy and Religion (Malcolm Magee)
War and Religion in American History (Jonathan H. Ebel)
November 2017
Film Regulation and the Church in America (William D. Romanowski)
Native Americans, Law, and Religion in America (Michael P. Guéno)
Natural Space and Religion in North America (Joseph Witt)
Race and Protestantism in America (Lauren Frances Turek)
Workplace and Religion in America (Lake Lambert)
October 2017
Christianity in Hawai'i (Ronald Williams Jr.)
Culture, Entertainment, and Religion in America (Randall J. Stephens)
Cyberspace and Religion in America (Douglas E. Cowan)
Esoteric Buddhism in Southeast Asia (Nathan McGovern)
Healing and Religion in the United States (Brett Hendrickson)
National Elections and Religion in America (Frank Lambert)
Peace Movements and Religion in the United States (Sharon Erickson Nepstad)
Place and Spirituality in the Pacific Northwest (Madeline Duntley)
Social Progressivism and Religion in America (Zoe Trodd)
The Eruv as Contested Jewish Space in North America (Myer Siemiatycki)
The Marketplace and Religion in America (Daniel Silliman)
U.S. Foreign Relations and American Religious Liberalism (Cara Lea Burnidge)
September 2017
Agency, Voluntarism, and Predestination in American Religion (Peter J. Thuesen)
Bibles and Tracts in Print Culture in America (Lincoln A. Mullen)
Constitutions and Islamic Law (Christie S. Warren)
Evangelism, Mission, and Crusade in American Religion (Sarah Ruble)
Race, the Law, and Religion in America (Michael Graziano)
Religion, Anti-Catholicism, and the Mexican-American War (John C. Pinheiro)
Sacred Space in Greece and Rome (Michael Scott)
Space, Architecture, and American Religious Diversity (Jeanne Halgren Kilde)
The Sangha as an Institution (Thomas Borchert)
Tibetan Buddhism and the Gesar Epic (Solomon George FitzHerbert)
Zionism in America (Yaakov Ariel)
August 2017
Imperialism, Mission, and Global Power Relations in East Asian Religions in the United States (Connie A. Shemo)
July 2017
Asian American Religions (Tony Carnes)
Tri Songdétsen (Brandon Dotson)
Urban Space and Religion in the United States (Katie Day)
June 2017
Afterlife in American Religion (Kathryn Gin Lum)
Mormonism and Deseret (John G. Turner)
May 2017
Moderation in American Religion (Rosemary R. Corbett)
Social Christianity in America (Heath W. Carter)
Space and Church-State Controversies in America (John C. Blakeman)
Spatial Strategies of American Megachurches (Kip Richardson)
The Cold War and American Religion (Dianne Kirby)
The Revival of Yoga in Contemporary India (Suzanne Newcombe)
Visualization in Hindu Practice (Sthaneshwar Timalsina)
April 2017
Freemasonry’s Sacred Space in America (Phillip Gordon Mackintosh), summary
Pilgrimages in the United States (Juan E. Campo)
Race and Religion in the United States (Ryan P. Jordan)
Spatial Politics and American Religious Pluralism (Bret E. Carroll)
March 2017
Baptism in Martin Luther's Theology (Kirsi Stjerna)
Certainty and Security in Martin Luther's Theology (Susan E. Schreiner)
Jesus Christ in Martin Luther's Theology (Johannes Zachhuber)
Law in Doctrine and Life According to Martin Luther (Risto Saarinen, Derek R. Nelson)
Luther, Lutheranism, and Post-Christianity (Daphne Hampson)
Magic and the Occult in Martin Luther’s World (Kathryn A. Edwards)
Martin Luther and Economic Life (Philipp Robinson Rössner)
Martin Luther and John Calvin (Bruce Gordon)
Martin Luther and Lutheran Orthodoxy (Andreas Stegmann)
Martin Luther and Modernity, Capitalism, and Liberalism (Johannes Zachhuber)
Martin Luther and Preaching (Steve Paulson, Chris Croghan)
Martin Luther and Relational Thinking (Risto Saarinen)
Martin Luther and Rhetoric (Anna Vind)
Martin Luther and the Arts: Music, Poetry and Hymns (Johannes Schilling)
Martin Luther and the Holy Spirit (Lois Malcolm)
Martin Luther and the Lord's Prayer (Matthias Mikoteit)
Martin Luther and the Saxon Electors (Marjorie Elizabeth Plummer)
Martin Luther and the Trinity (Christoph Schwöbel)
Martin Luther and Visual Culture (Elke Anna Werner)
Martin Luther as a Polemicist (Thomas Kaufmann)
Martin Luther in Britain and Anglican Theology (Mark D. Chapman)
Martin Luther in Central Europe: Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia (L'ubomír Batka)
Martin Luther in Denmark (Niels Henrik Gregersen)
Martin Luther in Finland and the Baltics (Antti Raunio)
Martin Luther in Latin America (Alicia Mayer)
Martin Luther in Modern European Philosophy (Simon D. Podmore)
Martin Luther in Modern New Testament Scholarship (David Lincicum)
Martin Luther in Norway (Tarald Rasmussen)
Martin Luther in Roman Catholic German-Language Theologies (Wolfgang Thönissen)
Martin Luther in Sweden (Carl Axel Aurelius)
Martin Luther in the Age of Confessionalization (Jens Wolff)
Martin Luther in the German Enlightenment (Albrecht Beutel)
Martin Luther on Christian Hope and the Hope for Eternal Life (Jeffrey G. Silcock)
Martin Luther on Faith (Philipp Stoellger)
Martin Luther on Grace (Hans Wiersma)
Martin Luther on Prayer in Life (Mary Jane Haemig)
Martin Luther on the Church and Its Ministry (Cheryl M. Peterson)
Martin Luther, Augustinianism, and Augustine (Phillip Anderas)
Martin Luther, Bible Translation, and the German Language (Anja Lobenstein-Reichmann)
Martin Luther, History, and Its Meaning (Curtis L. Thompson)
Martin Luther, Jews, and Judaism (Dorothea Wendebourg)
Martin Luther’s Biblical Commentary: New Testament (Erik H. Herrmann)
Martin Luther’s Concept of Doctrine (Friederike Nüssel)
Martin Luther’s Disputations (David Luy)
Martin Luther’s Doctrine of Creation (Johannes Schwanke)
Martin Luther’s Life, 1526-1546 (Mickey L. Mattox)
Martin Luther’s Occasional Writings: Table Talk, Letters, and Prefaces (Wolf-Friedrich Schäufele)
Martin Luther’s Pastoral Writings (Ronald K. Rittgers)
Martin Luther’s Perspective on Political Life (Ralph Keen)
Martin Luther’s Protestant Opponents (Schwärmerei) (William R. Russell)
Martin Luther’s Reformatory Discovery (Dietrich Korsch)
Martin Luther’s Sermons and Postils (John M. Frymire)
Martin Luther’s Teaching and Practice of Charity and Social Ethics (Samuel Torvend)
Martin Luther’s Theology of Authority (Martin J. Lohrmann)
Martin Luther’s Treatises and Essays (Mark D. Tranvik)
Martin Luther’s Trinitarian Hermeneutic of Freedom (Piotr J. Małysz)
Martin Luther’s View of Atonement and Reconciliation (Sibylle Rolf)
Martin Luther's Catechisms (Ninna Jørgensen)
Martin Luther's Influence on Legal Reforms and Civil Law (John Witte Jr.)
Martin Luther's Life, 1517-1525 (Christopher Boyd Brown)
Martin Luther's Practice of Old Testament Commentary (John A. Maxfield)
Martin Luther's Reform of Worship (Dirk G. Lange)
Martin Luther's Theology of the Lord's Supper (R. David Nelson)
Martin Luther's Understanding of Earlier Reformers (Phillip N. Haberkern)
Martin Luther's Writings (Robert Kolb)
Nominalism and the Via Moderna in Luther's Theological Work (Pekka Kärkkäinen)
Penance, Confession, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation in Martin Luther's Context and Writings (Ronald K. Rittgers)
Portrayals of Martin Luther in Print, Stage, and Film (Derek R. Nelson)
Promise in Martin Luther's Thought and Theology (Gregory Walter)
Reason and Philosophy in Martin Luther’s Thought (Hans-Peter Grosshans)
Scholasticisms in Martin Luther's Thought (Theodor Dieter)
The Cosmological Vision of Martin Luther (Mickey L. Mattox)
The Debate between Martin Luther and Erasmus (Robert Kolb)
The German Catholic Dioceses on the Eve of the Reformation (Charlotte Methuen)
The Gift in Martin Luther's Theology (Bo Kristian Holm)
The Incarnation in Martin Luther's Theology (Anne Käfer)
The Influence of Renaissance Humanism and Skepticism on Martin Luther (William J. Wright)
The Luther Renaissance (Heinrich Assel)
The Word of God in Martin Luther's Theology (Jens Wolff)
Theological Language in Martin Luther (Joachim Ringleben)
U.S. Interactions with Islam and Judaism in North Africa (Lawrence A. Peskin)
February 2017
Christian Fundamentalism in America (Margaret Bendroth)
Mañjuśrī (Laura Harrington)
Martyrdom and Religion in North America (Adrian Chastain Weimer)
Nativism and Religion in America (Rodger M. Payne)
Race, Class, Religion, and American Citizenship (Janine Giordano Drake)
Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Religion in America (Anthony Petro)
Race, Immigration, Ethnicity, and Religion in America (Russell Jeung, Jonathan Calvillo)
Race, Sectionalism, and Religion in America (John L. Crow)
Race, the Arts, and Religion in America (Craig R. Prentiss)
State and Citizenship in Modern Arab Muslim Thought (Louay Safi)
Thought Experiments and Religion (Yiftach Fehige)
U.S. Foreign Mission Movement, c. 1800-1860 (Emily Conroy-Krutz)
January 2017
Alternative Religious Movements and Race in America (Emily Suzanne Clark)
Creation and Contingency (Dirk Evers)
Hinduism in America (Amanda Lucia)
Madhyamaka (Paul B. Donnelly)
The Comparative Study of Mysticism (Michael Stoeber), revised
The Feeling of Emptiness in American Religions (John Corrigan)
The Yazidis (Christine Allison)
December 2016
Erotic Representations of the Divine (Yudit Kornberg Greenberg)
Martin Luther and Systematic Theology (Paul R. Hinlicky)
Martin Luther in the Ecumenical Movement (Sarah Hinlicky Wilson)
Martin Luther, Islam, and the Ottoman Turks (Adam S. Francisco)
Martin Luther’s Sacramental Theology (Gordon A. Jensen)
Martin Luther's Teaching on Sin (L'ubomír Batka)
Religious Violence, Martyrdom, and Martin Luther (David M. Whitford)
November 2016
Gods in Ancient Egypt (Oskar Kaelin)
Martin Luther and Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism (Christopher Ocker)
Martin Luther and Monasticism in the Later Middle Ages (Eric Leland Saak)
Martin Luther and the Rise of World Christianities (Maria Erling)
Martin Luther in German Historiography (Zachary Purvis)
Martin Luther in Global Pentecostalism (Sarah Hinlicky Wilson)
Martin Luther in Karl Marx (Paul R. Hinlicky)
Martin Luther in North America (Mark A. Granquist)
Martin Luther's Influence on the Rise of the Natural Sciences (Duane H. Larson)
Martin Luther's Theological Aesthetics (Mark Mattes)
Moral Agency in the Hebrew Bible (Anne W. Stewart)
Perfections (Six and Ten) of Bodhisattvas in Buddhist Literature (James B. Apple)
October 2016
Emotions and Experience in Martin Luther (Pekka Kärkkäinen)
Martin Luther and Love (Antti Raunio)
Martin Luther and Ontology (Dennis Bielfeldt)
Martin Luther on Death and Dying (Susan C. Karant-Nunn)
Martin Luther’s Views on Mission and Christianization (Michal Valčo)
Martin Luther's Views on the Body, Desire, and Sexuality (Jennifer Hockenbery Dragseth)
September 2016
Martin Luther and Christian Hebraism (Stephen G. Burnett)
August 2016
Ancestral Cults in Ancient Egypt (Juan Carlos Moreno García)
Apocalypticism in U.S. History (Matthew Avery Sutton)
Archaeology of Ancient Religions (Caitlín E. Barrett)
Autobiography, Biography, and Theological Questions (John D. Barbour)
Avalokiteśvara: The Bodhisattva of Compassion (Chün-fang Yü)
Christian Spirituality and Social Transformation (Philip Sheldrake)
Dzogchen (Sam van Schaik)
Four Noble Truths (Carol S. Anderson)
God in Martin Luther (Jan-Olav Henriksen)
Homa: Tantric Fire Ritual (Richard K. Payne)
Jātaka (Naomi Appleton)
Jewish Liturgy (Ruth Langer)
Johannes von Staupitz’s Influence on Martin Luther (Franz Posset)
Law, Religion, and the U.S. Supreme Court (Derek H. Davis)
Mahāmudrā in India and Tibet (Roger R. Jackson)
Martin Luther and Justification (Olli-Pekka Vainio)
Martin Luther in 19th-Century Theology (Zachary Purvis)
Martin Luther in Dialectical Theology (Alister E. McGrath)
Martin Luther in Pietism (Carter Lindberg)
Martin Luther on the Vocations of the Christian (Robert Benne)
Martin Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Political Theologies (Michael P. DeJonge)
Martin Luther’s Christological Sources in the Church Fathers (Carl Beckwith)
Martin Luther’s Perspectival Eschatology (Vítor Westhelle)
Martin Luther's Concept of the Human Being (Ilmari Karimies)
Mysticism in Martin Luther’s Development and Thoughts (Volker Leppin)
Natural Theology and Natural Law in Martin Luther (Knut Alfsvåg)
Objects and Ancient Religions (Jay Johnston)
Primitivism in America: Restorationism, Revitalization, and Renewal (Matthew Bowman)
Religion and Civil Rights Movements in America (Paul Harvey)
Religion and Class in America (William A. Mirola)
Religion and Humanity in Mesopotamian Myth and Epic (Louise Pryke)
Rudolf Otto and the Concept of the Numinous (Stuart Sarbacker)
Salafism (Joas Wagemakers)
Sōka Gakkai (Andrew Gebert)
Spirituality and Contemporary Art (Rina Arya)
The Book of Isaiah (J. Blake Couey)
The Cross and the Theologia Crucis (Robert C. Saler)
The Evolution of Modern Jihadism (Nelly Lahoud)
The Twofold Rule of God (John R. Stumme)
The Uganda Martyrs Guild (Heike Behrend)
Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thödol) (Casey Alexandra Kemp)
William Blake and the Apocalypse (Christopher Rowland)
July 2016
Martin Luther on Marriage and the Family (Merry Wiesner-Hanks)
Martin Luther, Philip Melanchthon, and Their Wittenberg Colleagues (Timothy J. Wengert)
Martin Luther’s Life, 1483-1516 (Volker Leppin)
Modern Yoga (Andrea Jain)
The Common Core Thesis in the Study of Mysticism (Ralph W. Hood Jr.)
Violence in the Old Testament (Jerome F. D. Creach)
Women in Religious Art (Diane Apostolos-Cappadona)
June 2016
Contemporary Pagan, Wiccan, and Native Faith Movements (Chas S. Clifton)
Desire, Love, and Romance in the Hebrew Bible (J. Cheryl Exum)
Scientific Approaches to Mysticism (Stephen Kaplan)
May 2016
Art and Religion in Ancient Greece and Rome (Robin Osborne, Caroline Vout)
Biology and Theology: Contemporary Issues (Celia Deane-Drummond)
Byzantine Christian Worship (Peter Galadza)
Christian Marriage and Funeral Services as Rites of Passage (Ruth A. Meyers)
Cosmic War (Mark Juergensmeyer)
Festivals in Ancient Greece and Rome (Fritz Graf)
Islamic Theological Views on Darwinian Evolution (Nidhal Guessoum)
Medieval Christian Liturgy (Joanne M. Pierce)
Non-Martial and Martial Methods to an Ultimate Political Goal of the Tiger Movement in Sri Lanka (Peter Schalk)
Ordination: A Roman Catholic Ecclesiological Approach (James F. Puglisi)
Poetry, Prophecy, and Revelation (William Franke)
Prophets in the Hebrew Bible (Jack R. Lundbom)
April 2016
God and Chance: Christian Perspectives (David J. Bartholomew)
Greek and Roman Priests and Religious Personnel (Robert Garland)
Judaism and Visual Art (Melissa Raphael)
Liturgy and Music at Hagia Sophia (Bissera V. Pentcheva)
Religious Foundations of the Last Instructions of 9/11 (Hans G. Kippenberg)
Tantra and the Tantric Traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism (David B. Gray)
The Alevis (Gisela Procházka-Eisl)
The Book of Revelation: The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ (Christopher Rowland)
Women in Ancient Israel and the Hebrew Bible (Susan Ackerman)
March 2016
Hispanics and Religion in America (Kristy Nabhan-Warren)
Jihad and Martyrdom in Islamic Thought and History (Asma Afsaruddin)
Religion and Sports in America (Arthur Remillard)
The Religious Right in America (Michael J. McVicar)
January 2016
Muslim-Jewish Relations (Reuven Firestone)
The Pentateuch (Thomas B. Dozeman), summary
December 2015
Cybernetics and Religion (Noreen Herzfeld)
Modern Christian Liturgy (Bryan D. Spinks)
October 2015
Niche Construction and Religious Evolution (Agustín Fuentes)
Reformation Liturgies (Frank C. Senn)
September 2015
African American Islam (Herbert Berg)
African Americans and Religion (Sylvester A. Johnson)
Emotion in American Religions (John Corrigan)
History of Ancient Israel (H. G. M. Williamson)
Mormonism (Patrick Q. Mason)
Pain and Religious Experience: Theory and Methods (Ariel Glucklich)
Ritual Studies (Paul Post)
The Alawis (Stephan Procházka)
The History of the Modern Liturgical Movement (Keith F. Pecklers)
August 2015
July 2015
Rites of Reconciliation and Healing in Christian History (Lizette Larson-Miller)
May 2015
Eucharistic Liturgy and Theology (John Baldovin)
Mysticism in Sufi Islam (David Cook)
April 2015
March 2015
Christian Initiation (Maxwell Johnson)
Christian Worship and Gender Practices (Teresa Berger)
Early Christian Worship (Paul F. Bradshaw)
Liturgical Theology (Joris Geldhof)
Religion and Embodiment in the Study of Material Culture (David Morgan)
Religion and the Body (Robert Fuller)
Religion, Race, and Culture in the American South (Paul Harvey)
Religious Innovation in the Ancient Mediterranean (Greg Woolf)
Ugaritic and Biblical Literature (Mark S. Smith)
February 2015
Moral Agency in the Hebrew Bible (Anne W. Stewart), summary
June 2014
Thought Experiments and Religion (Yiftach Fehige), summary
March 2014
Astrotheology (Ted Peters), summary
God in the Old Testament (Brent A. Strawn), summary
Japanese Suicide (Paul S. Atkins), summary