Past Updates

July 2024

Devotional Images of the Virgin Mary in Spain (María del Mar Doval Trueba), revised
Holocaust Art (Chloë Julius)
Islamic Bioethics in Sri Lanka (Andreas Johansson)
Mohammed, Warith Deen (Zaid Adhami)


June 2024

Sufi Groups in North America: A History (Jason Idriss Sparkes), revised
The Book of Hosea (Brad E. Kelle)


May 2024

Conventual Visual Culture in Ecuador (Carmen Fernández-Salvador), revised
Shari’a Tribunals in North America (James T. Richardson, Bryan S. Turner)


April 2024

Islamic Bioethics: Abortion (Gilla K. Shapiro, Jonathan K. Crane)
Islamic Bioethics: Agency (Mustansir Mir), revised
Islamic Bioethics: Circumcision (Zaynab El Bernoussi, Baudouin Dupret)
Islamic Relics (Richard McGregor)
Jewish Art in the Modern Era (Larry Silver, Samantha Baskind)
Theology in Translation: Latin American and Iranian Efforts (Ángel Horacio Molina, Luis Alberto Vittor)


March 2024

Pilgrimage Centers and Relics in Catholic Spain (María del Mar Doval Trueba, Barbara von Barghahn)


February 2024


January 2024

Indigenous Knowledges (Paul L. Gareau, Molly Swain)
Islamic Bioethics: Bioethics in Egypt (Baudouin Dupret, Zaynab El Bernoussi), revised
Rahman, Fazlur (Ebrahim Moosa)


December 2023

Fazlur Rahman Khan: Structural Engineer (Mahjoub Elnimeiri), revised
Sufism in the Modern World (Marcia Hermansen)


November 2023


October 2023

Bodhisattva-bhūmi (John Powers)
Islamic Women's Organizations in North America (Samaneh Oladi Ghadikolaei), revised

September 2023

Palestinian Muslim Communities in Colombia (Felipe Medina Gutiérrez, Odette Yidi David)

August 2023

Hanson, Hamza Yusuf (Walaa Quisay)
History of Muslims in Canada (Jennifer A. Selby)
Kabbalah in Art and Architecture (Batsheva Goldman-Ida)
Visual Arts: Renaissance (Heidi J. Hornik)

July 2023

Bible and Film (Richard Walsh)
Islamic Bioethics: Biobanking (Mamoun Ahram, Khalid Bani Ahmad)

June 2023

Assault Sorcery and Religion (Pamela Stewart, Andrew Strathern)
Caribbean, Islam in (Ken Chitwood)
Ertegun, Ahmet (Shalom Goldman)
Ethics and Buddhism (Jessica Locke)
Idol and Idolatry (Stacy Boldrick)
Islamic Bioethics: Animal Research (Magfirah Dahlan-Taylor)
Media Interactions with Muslims (Nofret Berenice Hernandez Vilchis)
Tantric Revival in China (Cody R. Bahir)

May 2023

'Ashura and Azadari (Vernon James Schubel)
Islamic Bioethics: Milk Banks (Anke Iman Bouzenita)
Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Muhammad U. Faruque)
The Book of Isaiah (Jacob Stromberg)

April 2023

Sheng Yen (Jimmy Yu)

March 2023

American Muslim Comedy (Samah Selina Choudhury)
Islamic Pilgrimage (Mounia Chekhab-Abudaya)
Jefferson, Thomas and Islam (Denise A. Spellberg)
Sheng Yen (Jimmy Yu)

February 2023

Indigenous Religion of Hawai'i (Marie Alohalani Brown)
Indigenous Religions in West Africa (Katharina Wilkens, Mariam Goshadze)
Islamic Bioethics: Enhancement (Siti Nurani Mohd. Noor)
Lone Wolf Race Warriors (Mattias Gardell)
Mohja Kahf (Danielle Haque)

January 2023

Sufi Communities in Secular Mexico (Lucía Cirianni Salazar)

December 2022

Tzu Chi (Elise Anne DeVido)

November 2022

Buddhism and Bioethics (Jens Schlieter)
Religion in the Homeric Hymns (Jenny Strauss Clay, Andrew Faulkner)
Ritual (Barry Stephenson)
Visual Arts: Christian Visual Art (Christine E. Joynes)

October 2022

Buddhaghosa (Norihisa Baba)
Practices of Protection in the Pali World (Kate Crosby, Pyi Phyo Kyaw)
Shingon (Aaron Proffitt)

September 2022


August 2022

D.T. Suzuki: A Biography (James C. Dobbins)

July 2022

Greek Myth (Greta Hawes)
Holy Books and Manuscripts (Mikeal C. Parsons)

June 2022

Gelukpa (James B. Apple)

May 2022

Islamic Finance in North America (M. Kabir Hassan, Tahsin Huq, Aishath Muneeza)
Nāgārjuna (Mark Siderits)
Western Buddhism and Race (Joseph Cheah, Sharon A. Suh)
Xuyun (Daniela Campo)

April 2022

Transnational Jihadi Movements (Mona Sheikh, Saer El-Jaichi)

March 2022

Taixu (Eric Goodell)

February 2022

Global Buddhism (Jens Reinke)

January 2022

Buddhist Cosmology (Eric Huntington)

December 2021


November 2021

Buddhist Missionaries (Brooke Schedneck)

October 2021

Spirituality (Louise Nelstrop)

September 2021

Secular Buddhism (Richard K. Payne, Casey Alexandra Kemp)
Visual Arts: Abstraction (Paula Wisotzki)
Visual Arts: Postmodernism (Meredith Munson)

August 2021

Globalizing Tantric Buddhism (Richard K. Payne)
The Economics of Buddhism (Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg)

June 2021

Buddhism and the Environment (William Edelglass)
Engaged Buddhism (Ann Gleig)
Visual Arts: Modern Art (Jonathan A. Anderson)

May 2021

Book of Job (Brian Doak)
Huineng (John Jorgensen)
Imaging the Buddha in South Asia (Claudine Bautze-Picron)
Pilgrimage in China (Courtney Bruntz)

April 2021

Confucian Mysticism (Judson B. Murray)

March 2021

Amoghavajra (Geoffrey Goble)
Dunhuang Texts (Mélodie Doumy)
Mipam (Douglas S. Duckworth)

February 2021

Buddhism and Biography (Ben Van Overmeire)

May 2020

Israelite Religion (Richard S. Hess)
Nichiren (Jacqueline Stone)
Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma (K.L. Dhammajoti)

April 2020

Tibetan Demonology (Christopher Bell)

March 2020


February 2020

Millennialism (Eugene Gallagher)
Ryōgen (Eisho Nasu)

January 2020


December 2019

Christian Theology and Mysticism (William Thompson-Uberuaga)
Fo Guang Shan (Kendall Marchman)
Hsing Yun (Kendall Marchman)
Islam in Southeast Asia (Khairudin Aljunied)
Nazism and Religion (Eric Kurlander)

November 2019

Mysticism: An Overview (William Parsons)
Mystics, Shamans, and Visionary Arts (Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer)

October 2019

Book of Daniel (Tawny Holm)
Qohelet/Ecclesiastes (Thomas Bolin), summary
Ryogen (Eisho Nasu), revised
The Safavids (Colin Mitchell)
Theos Bernard, the “White Lama” (Paul G. Hackett), revised

July 2019

Theravāda Buddhism (Sven Bretfeld)
Tibetan Buddhist Power Objects (James Duncan Gentry)

June 2019

Daoist Mysticism (Judson B. Murray)

May 2019

Astrotheology (Ted Peters)
Ecology and Spirituality (Leslie E. Sponsel)
Ecology in Islam (Rosemary Hancock)
The Vajrakīla Tantras (Martin Boord)

April 2019

Islamophobia (Todd Green)

February 2019

Buddhism and Media (Scott A. Mitchell)
Buddhist Chaplaincy (Monica Sanford, Nathan Jishin Michon)
The Caliphate (Carool Kersten)

January 2019


December 2018

Maritime Buddhism (Andrea Acri)

September 2018

August 2018

Dunhuang Art (Michelle C. Wang)
Pilgrimage in Buddhist Tibet (Paul B. Donnelly)

July 2018

Islam in Mughal India (Michael H. Fisher)

June 2018

The Age of Revolutions (Conrad L. Donakowski)
The Pentateuch (Thomas B. Dozeman)

May 2018

Baptist Worship in Britain (Christopher J. Ellis)
Buddhism in Film (Sharon A. Suh)
The Six Nara Schools (Mikaël Bauer)

April 2018

Christian Liturgical Music (William T. Flynn)

March 2018

Jebtsundamba Khutugtus of Mongolia (Agata Bareja-Starzyńska)
Rennyo (Eisho Nasu)

February 2018

Buddhism and Shinto (Fabio Rambelli)
Buddhist Medicine in India (Vesna A. Wallace)
The Religious Right in America (Michael J. McVicar), revised
Western Christendom, c. 1000-1400 (Timothy M. Thibodeau)

January 2018

Atheism in America (Eric Chalfant)
Civil Religion in America (Raymond Haberski Jr.)
Egypt in the Old Testament (Christopher Hays)
Film and Religion in America (Eric Michael Mazur)
Freemasonry’s Sacred Space in America (Phillip Gordon Mackintosh)
Online Media and Religion in America (Adam Bajan, Heidi A. Campbell)
Popular Culture and Religion in America (Lynn Schofield Clark, Seth M. Walker)
Print Media and Religion in America (Elesha J. Coffman, Timothy D. Grundmeier)
Race and American Judaism (Samira K. Mehta)

December 2017

Chan Literature (Jeffrey L. Broughton)

November 2017

Race and Protestantism in America (Lauren Frances Turek)

October 2017

Christianity in Hawai'i (Ronald Williams Jr.)

September 2017

Constitutions and Islamic Law (Christie S. Warren)
Tibetan Buddhism and the Gesar Epic (Solomon George FitzHerbert)
Zionism in America (Yaakov Ariel)

August 2017

July 2017

Tri Songdétsen (Brandon Dotson)

June 2017

Mormonism and Deseret (John G. Turner)

May 2017

Moderation in American Religion (Rosemary R. Corbett)
Visualization in Hindu Practice (Sthaneshwar Timalsina)

April 2017

Freemasonry’s Sacred Space in America (Phillip Gordon Mackintosh), summary

March 2017

Law in Doctrine and Life According to Martin Luther (Risto Saarinen, Derek R. Nelson)
Martin Luther and Economic Life (Philipp Robinson Rössner)
Martin Luther and Preaching (Steve Paulson, Chris Croghan)
Martin Luther and the Saxon Electors (Marjorie Elizabeth Plummer)
Martin Luther and the Trinity (Christoph Schwöbel)
Martin Luther in Denmark (Niels Henrik Gregersen)
Martin Luther in Norway (Tarald Rasmussen)
Martin Luther in Sweden (Carl Axel Aurelius)
Martin Luther on Faith (Philipp Stoellger)
Martin Luther on Grace (Hans Wiersma)
Martin Luther, Jews, and Judaism (Dorothea Wendebourg)
Martin Luther's Catechisms (Ninna Jørgensen)
Martin Luther's Life, 1517-1525 (Christopher Boyd Brown)
The Luther Renaissance (Heinrich Assel)

February 2017

Mañjuśrī (Laura Harrington)

January 2017

Hinduism in America (Amanda Lucia)
Madhyamaka (Paul B. Donnelly)
The Comparative Study of Mysticism (Michael Stoeber), revised
The Yazidis (Christine Allison)

December 2016

Erotic Representations of the Divine (Yudit Kornberg Greenberg)

November 2016

Gods in Ancient Egypt (Oskar Kaelin)
Martin Luther in Karl Marx (Paul R. Hinlicky)
Martin Luther in North America (Mark A. Granquist)

October 2016

Martin Luther and Love (Antti Raunio)
Martin Luther and Ontology (Dennis Bielfeldt)
Martin Luther on Death and Dying (Susan C. Karant-Nunn)

September 2016

August 2016

Ancestral Cults in Ancient Egypt (Juan Carlos Moreno García)
Apocalypticism in U.S. History (Matthew Avery Sutton)
Archaeology of Ancient Religions (Caitlín E. Barrett)
Dzogchen (Sam van Schaik)
Four Noble Truths (Carol S. Anderson)
God in Martin Luther (Jan-Olav Henriksen)
Homa: Tantric Fire Ritual (Richard K. Payne)
Jātaka (Naomi Appleton)
Jewish Liturgy (Ruth Langer)
Mahāmudrā in India and Tibet (Roger R. Jackson)
Martin Luther and Justification (Olli-Pekka Vainio)
Martin Luther in Pietism (Carter Lindberg)
Religion and Class in America (William A. Mirola)
Salafism (Joas Wagemakers)
Sōka Gakkai (Andrew Gebert)
The Book of Isaiah (J. Blake Couey)
The Twofold Rule of God (John R. Stumme)
The Uganda Martyrs Guild (Heike Behrend)
William Blake and the Apocalypse (Christopher Rowland)

July 2016

Modern Yoga (Andrea Jain)
Violence in the Old Testament (Jerome F. D. Creach)
Women in Religious Art (Diane Apostolos-Cappadona)

June 2016

May 2016

Art and Religion in Ancient Greece and Rome (Robin Osborne, Caroline Vout)
Cosmic War (Mark Juergensmeyer)
Medieval Christian Liturgy (Joanne M. Pierce)
Prophets in the Hebrew Bible (Jack R. Lundbom)

April 2016

Judaism and Visual Art (Melissa Raphael)
Liturgy and Music at Hagia Sophia (Bissera V. Pentcheva)
The Alevis (Gisela Procházka-Eisl)

March 2016

Hispanics and Religion in America (Kristy Nabhan-Warren)
The Religious Right in America (Michael J. McVicar)

January 2016

Muslim-Jewish Relations (Reuven Firestone)
The Pentateuch (Thomas B. Dozeman), summary

December 2015

Cybernetics and Religion (Noreen Herzfeld)
Modern Christian Liturgy (Bryan D. Spinks)

October 2015

Reformation Liturgies (Frank C. Senn)

September 2015

African American Islam (Herbert Berg)
African Americans and Religion (Sylvester A. Johnson)
History of Ancient Israel (H. G. M. Williamson)
Mormonism (Patrick Q. Mason)
Ritual Studies (Paul Post)
The Alawis (Stephan Procházka)

August 2015


July 2015


May 2015


April 2015


March 2015

Christian Initiation (Maxwell Johnson)
Early Christian Worship (Paul F. Bradshaw)
Liturgical Theology (Joris Geldhof)
Religion and the Body (Robert Fuller)

February 2015

Moral Agency in the Hebrew Bible (Anne W. Stewart), summary

June 2014

Thought Experiments and Religion (Yiftach Fehige), summary

March 2014

Astrotheology (Ted Peters), summary
God in the Old Testament (Brent A. Strawn), summary
Japanese Suicide (Paul S. Atkins), summary