Special Projects
In addition to its broad array of individually commissioned articles, the Oxford Research Encyclopedia includes articles from special edited collections on select subfields, which are also published as stand-alone printed volumes.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Buddhism is a diverse field of study which combines religion, philosophy, history, political science, sociology, art history, philology and textual studies, and informs a variety of comparative studies.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Martin Luther
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Martin Luther provides in-depth coverage of the cultural, political, economic and artistic contributions made by Luther.
The Encyclopedia of Islamic Bioethics
The Encyclopedia of Islamic Bioethics (EIB) promises to fill a conspicuous void in bioethical research and is poised to benefit research in Islamic law, culture, and societies. It will also be vital for comparative ethical, legal, social, and cultural studies. Most importantly, the EIB will contribute to the development of Islamic bioethics as a distinct academic discipline, informing the discourse on science, religion, and society.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Religion in America
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Religion in America brings together state-of-the-art articles on key topics in the study of religion in America.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam in North America
There is currently tremendous interest in Islam in North America, among both scholars and the general public.
The Oxford History of Christian Worship
Originally published in 2005, The Oxford History of Christian Worship will receive a new update, with revised articles as well as brand new topics to address the ongoing changes in the field.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Religion and the Arts: Renaissance to Modern
This collection will consist of approximately 120–150 essays that will explore key topics in the study of the role of arts in religion in Western modernity.