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date: 11 February 2025

Stress Effects on Healthlocked

Stress Effects on Healthlocked

  • Paula S. NuriusPaula S. NuriusSchool of Social Work, University of Washington
  • , and Charles P. Hoy-EllisCharles P. Hoy-EllisSchool of Social Work, University of Washington


Evolving understandings of stress have literally transformed how we think about health as contextualized within complex and multilevel transactions between individuals and their environment. We present core concepts of stress through the lens of life-course and life-span perspectives, emphasizing appraisal-based and biobehavioral models of stress response systems. We describe theories of allostatic load, embodiment, epigenetics, weathering processes, and accelerated aging that operationalize mechanisms through which stress affects health and contributes to health disparities. In addition to social determinant and life-span developmental perspectives on stress and health, we emphasize the value of health-promotive factors that can serve to buffer stress effects. Social work has important roles in targeting health-erosive stress from “neurons to neighborhoods”.


  • Aging and Older Adults
  • Health Care and Illness
  • Human Behavior
  • Mental and Behavioral Health

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