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date: 07 February 2025

Mental Illness: Worldwidelocked

Mental Illness: Worldwidelocked

  • Karen M. Sowers, Karen M. SowersThe University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Catherine N. DulmusCatherine N. DulmusUniversity at Buffalo, State University of New York
  • , and Braden K. LinnBraden K. LinnUniversity at Buffalo, State University of New York


In the 2010s, mental health and related issues such as suicide have become major global issues of public health concern. The indirect costs to the global economy of mental illness—encompassing such factors as loss of productivity and the spending on mental health services and other direct costs—amount to approximately $2.5 trillion a year. Global health experts and economists project this amount will increase to approximately $6 trillion by 2030. When gone untreated, mental illnesses account for 13% of the total global burden of disease. By the year 2030 it is expected that depression alone will be the leading cause of the global disease burden. Unfortunately, many persons suffering with mental illnesses do go untreated or receive marginally effective treatments. However, recent advances in technology, evidence-based treatments, and delivery systems of care provide hope for the world’s mentally ill population.


  • Health Care and Illness
  • International and Global Issues
  • Mental and Behavioral Health

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