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date: 15 February 2025

Family Serviceslocked

Family Serviceslocked

  • Katharine Briar-LawsonKatharine Briar-LawsonUniversity at Albany, State University of New York
  • , and Toni NaccaratoToni NaccaratoUniversity at Albany, State University of New York


Over the decades, family services have been one of the overarching features of social work practice, education, and research. Efficacy studies help to reinforce the focus on serving individuals in the contexts of their families and to address intergenerational family systems. Families provide the bulk of services to their members but require tailored resources, effective services, and supports. The growing diversity in families compels more cross-cultural competence, responsive policies, and evidence-based practices. Family service practitioners must increasingly address the social exclusion of many families while integrating economic and employment supports with counseling, skill training, and other interventions.


  • Aging and Older Adults
  • Couples and Families
  • Clinical and Direct Practice
  • Human Behavior
  • Populations and Practice Settings

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