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date: 10 February 2025

Masaryková, Alicelocked

Masaryková, Alicelocked

  • Marie ŠpiláčkováMarie ŠpiláčkováUniversity of Ostrava
  • , and Nikola ŠtenclováNikola ŠtenclováUniversity of Ostrava


Alice Garrigue Masaryková (1879–1966) was a prominent figure who played a key role in the early days of social work in Czechoslovakia. She laid the foundations of social work education, maintained and developed international professional contacts, organized and attended international conferences, implemented her foreign experience in the Czechoslovak environment, emphasized the scientific foundations of social work, and developed social work associations. Her activities also included roles as a teacher and translator. She focused, in particular, on the topics of alcoholism and education. She was the President of the Czechoslovak Red Cross and also the daughter of the first President of Czechoslovakia, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk.


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