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date: 12 February 2025

Llopis Sarrió, Dolores Benitalocked

Llopis Sarrió, Dolores Benitalocked

  • Begoña Leyra, Begoña LeyraComplutense University of Madrid
  • María José Barahona, María José BarahonaComplutense University of Madrid
  • Aurora CastilloAurora CastilloComplutense University of Madrid
  • , and Maribel Martín-EstalayoMaribel Martín-EstalayoComplutense University of Madrid


Benita Llopis (1929–2005) is a clear referent for social work in Spain; her reflections and contributions throughout her career of activism were oriented to the professionalization, recognition, and visibility of social work. Until she retired in 2001, she held different positions in institutions that have been essential in promoting the profession in Spain. These were the Spanish Federation of Social Assistants Associations (FEDAAS) and Revista de Treball Social (RTS) of the Official College of Graduates in Social Work and Social Assistants of Catalonia, in addition to her being part of the social work ethics team. These positions and her leadership in different social work congresses brought up essential issues for the strengthening of social work away from paternalism and welfare.


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