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date: 05 October 2024

Health Care Reformlocked

Health Care Reformlocked

  • Cynthia Moniz, Cynthia MonizPlymouth State University
  • Stephen H. GorinStephen H. GorinPlymouth State University
  • , and Terry MizrahiTerry MizrahiHunter College, City University of New York


National health care reform in the United States, from its introduction into the public policy agenda at the turn of the 20th century through policy debates and legislative proposals more than a century later, has achieved limited success with universal coverage for health and mental health services. Opposition to government-sponsored health care has always been present. The extent of the opposition has depended on the type of reform proposed and the era in which it occurred. Medicare and Medicaid reform in the 1960s greatly expanded access and coverage for older adults and low income individuals and families. But, the first true effort to reach universal coverage occurred with the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010.


  • Health Care and Illness
  • Macro Practice
  • Policy and Advocacy

Updated in this version

Content and references updated for the Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work.

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