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date: 17 February 2025

School Social Worklocked

School Social Worklocked

  • Paula Allen-MearesPaula Allen-MearesChancellor Emerita John Corbally Presidential Professor Emerita Professor of Medicine College of Medicine and School of Public Health, University of Illinois Chicago Dean and Professor Emerita/Norma Radin Collegiate Professor, University of Michigan


In 2021, school social work celebrated 115 years as a vibrant profession. This entry details the genesis and development of this particular specialization, exploring the history of the profession, including policy and legislation that has either resulted from or affected schools on a national level. Additionally, the entry explains the knowledge base of school social work and, to some degree, examines the regulation and standards for both practice and practitioners and considers future trends for the field.


  • Children and Adolescents
  • Populations and Practice Settings

Updated in this version

New paragraphs and sources added to reflect current scholarship.

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