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date: 07 February 2025

Sexual Harassmentlocked

Sexual Harassmentlocked

  • Sondra J. FogelSondra J. FogelUniversity of South Florida
  • , and Doris A. BoatengDoris A. BoatengUniversity of Ghana


Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination as well as a complex social issue with psychological implications for both those who are harassed and those who perpetrate the harassment. Women continue to be primary targets, although men, youths, and sexual minorities are increasingly pursued. Legally prohibited in the workplace and educational institutions, sexual harassment persists in personal interactions as well as by electronic means despite prevention efforts such as education programs and zero-tolerance policies. This entry will define sexual harassment, provide an overview of its prevalence, and describe approaches for its remedy.


  • Gender and Sexuality
  • Human Behavior
  • Macro Practice
  • Social Justice and Human Rights

Updated in this version

Updated to include new research and frameworks.

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