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date: 18 February 2025

Aging: Overviewlocked

Aging: Overviewlocked

  • Lisa A. FerrettiLisa A. FerrettiTemple University
  • , and Philip McCallionPhilip McCallionTemple University


Growth in the aging population and increasing concerns in terms of health issues and financial and caregiving challenges among older adults are well established. Historically, the Older Americans Act has provided the delivery structure and services for older adults in need. Agencies within these structures have also engaged with housing and health care providers and funders. The structures and relationships are not adequate to support the desires of older adults for self-determination and aging in place and remain too treatment oriented rather than preventative and supportive in focus. Macro social work must engage in building aging structures, services, communities, and resources more fit for changing purposes.


  • Aging and Older Adults
  • Populations and Practice Settings
  • Poverty
  • Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
  • Social Justice and Human Rights
  • Social Work Profession

Updated in this version

Content and references updated for the Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work.

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