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date: 11 February 2025

Alcohol and Drug Problems: Practice Interventionslocked

Alcohol and Drug Problems: Practice Interventionslocked

  • Maryann AmodeoMaryann AmodeoSchool of Social Work, Boston University
  • , and Luz Marilis LópezLuz Marilis LópezBoston University


This entry focuses on practice interventions for working with families and individuals including behavioral marital therapy, transitional family therapy, and the developmental model of recovery, as well as motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral therapy, relapse prevention training, and harm reduction therapy. A commonality in these intervention frameworks is their view of the therapeutic work in stages—from active drinking and drug use, to deciding on change, to movement toward change and recovery. We also identify skills that equip social work practitioners to make a special contribution to alcohol and other drug (AOD) interventions and highlight factors to consider in choosing interventions.

There are a range of practice interventions for clients with AOD problems based on well-controlled research.


  • Addictions and Substance Use
  • Clinical and Direct Practice
  • Health Care and Illness
  • Mental and Behavioral Health
  • Research and Evidence-Based Practice

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