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date: 10 December 2024

Technology in Macro Social Work Practicelocked

Technology in Macro Social Work Practicelocked

  • John G. McNuttJohn G. McNuttUniversity of Delaware
  • , and Lauri GoldkindLauri GoldkindFordham University


Information and communication technology has become a major force in society, the social welfare system, and the social work profession. This entry examines the growth of technology and its application to social work and society. It looks at the role of technology and places an emphasis on administrative/organizational, community, and policy practice. It also considers the larger context of the global information society. It additionally explores the impact of technology on the profession and professional education.


  • Administration and Management
  • Macro Practice
  • Policy and Advocacy
  • Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Updated in this version

Content and references updated for the Encyclopedia of Macro Social Work.

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