For questions not found below, please contact us at eswo@oup.com.


About the New Encyclopedia of Social Work

How to Use the Encyclopedia of Social Work

Technical and Access Questions



About the New Encyclopedia of Social Work

1. How does the online Encyclopedia of Social Work differ from the 20th edition print Encyclopedia of Social Work?
The 20th edition print reference of the Encyclopedia of Social Work was published in 2008. Since then, changes in trends and data have led us to update certain articles with outdated content. Many of these revised articles currently appear on the site. This approach to updating articles on a regular basis, to ensure timeliness and accuracy, is truly what makes ESW stand apart from print social work resources. Each month, the ESW editorial board, along with NASW Press and Oxford University Press editors, commission new articles, review current content, and publish never-before-seen entries on the site, making the online Encyclopedia a groundbreaking, “living” social work resource. For a full list of new and revised content available on ESW, visit our Recently Published and Past Updates pages.
2. How often does the Encyclopedia of Social Work update?
The site updates at the end of each month. New updates to the site may include new and revised articles and biographies and new content on our supplementary information pages.
3. How do I know an article has been recently updated or revised?
A gray box at the top of the text will summarize changes that have been made, followed by the date that the new version published and a link to the article’s previous version. For an overview of additional article features and organization, please visit Anatomy of an Article.
4. How can I see the newest articles added to the site?
Visit our Recently Published page, or browse content sorted by publication date. Visit the Forthcoming Articles page to see titles of articles expected in future updates.
5. How can I contribute articles and ideas to the Encyclopedia of Social Work?
We would love to hear from you. Contact an editor at eswo@oup.com. Current authors should refer to our For Authors page for instructions on writing and submitting articles.
6. Are Encyclopedia of Social Work articles peer reviewed?
Yes, each article goes through a rigorous external peer-review process before it is approved for online publication. For more information, contact an editor at socialwork.ore@oup.com.


How to Use the Encyclopedia of Social Work

1. Can I print text from the Encyclopedia of Social Work?
Yes.  To print any article, click the printer icon at the top right of the page, which will take you to a printer-friendly display page that you can print using your web browser.  Please note that restrictions apply – see below for guidelines on legal printing and copyright.
2. Can I save articles as PDFs from the Encyclopedia of Social Work?
Yes. You can print or save individual articles to PDF from ESW. To generate a PDF of an individual article, simply click on the “View PDF” link at the top right of the entry text, then download or print the PDF using your web browser. Please note that copyright restrictions apply.
3. How do I cite articles from the Encyclopedia of Social Work?
Click on the pencil 'cite' icon at the top-right of the article page. You may select APA, MLA 7, or Chicago to preview the article's citation on the screen, download it in MS Word, or export it in .Ris, Bib, or .Enw formats for use in citation management software.

4. What is the ORE of Encyclopedia of Social Work’s ISBN or ISSN?
The online ISBN is 9780199975839. ISBNs of print volumes in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia series can be found by searching the OUP online catalog. We do not register ISSNs for reference collections.

5. How much material can I legally print/save to PDF from the Encyclopedia of Social Work?
You are limited by copyright restrictions to the amount of information that you can print or download. Before printing or downloading anything from ESW, please take the time to read the Legal Notice, which includes information on printing and downloading PDFs, before printing or downloading anything from ESW.
6. I discovered a cross-reference link that doesn’t work.
If a cross-reference in the text isn’t working or links to the wrong article, please contact us. We cannot correct faulty cross-reference links immediately, but will load the corrections with the next monthly update.
7. I am having problems with searching.
Go to Site Help to find information about searching as well as tips on how to avoid common problems. If your searches don’t return any results, be sure to check the spelling of your search terms, or attempt your search with alternate spellings. If your search returns many results, try refining using the various options to the left of your list of results or sorting using one of the options at the top of the results list.
8. I’ve spotted an error in the text.
If you notice an error in the text, please contact us. We cannot usually correct errors in the text immediately. However,  we will load the correction with the next monthly update.
9. Is the Encyclopedia of Social Work OpenURL Compliant?
Yes. To enable this feature in your institution, please access your account information in OUP Subscriber Services. ESW also supports the selection of custom OpenURL resolver icons.
10. Does the Encyclopedia of Social Work make use of digital object identifiers (DOIs)?
Yes, digital object identifiers (DOIs) are registered for each article. A DOI consists of a unique alpha-numeric character string which is assigned to a document by the publisher upon initial electronic publication. The DOI will never change, making it the best way of citing and linking to ESW articles.
When adding links to reading lists; first locate the relevant DOI. DOIs appear at the top of article pages. The International DOI Foundation, which oversees the DOI scheme, provides a service at dx.doi.org enabling users to create a URL from a DOI simply by adding this site address and the DOI together, as with this example: dx.doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780199975839.013.285.

For more information on these features please contact customer support through subscriber services.

11. Does the Encyclopedia of Social Work provide MARC records for subscribing institutions?
Machine Readable Cataloguing records (MARC21 records) are available for library professionals to download. These MARC21 Records are AARC2, NACO and SACO-compliant.

Please note that you will require MARC record reader software to load these files to your library system. Please visit the Subscriber Services page for more information.

12. I would like to reuse or reproduce excerpts from the OREs. Do I need to get permission?

Yes, in order to reuse, reproduce, digitize or translate any except, article and image from the Encyclopedia of Social Work, you need to fill out a permissions request form, available at the following URL:


Depending on your request, please select the appropriate link on the online form, and follow the instructions.



Technical and Access questions

1. How do I subscribe to the Encyclopedia of Social Work, or recommend it to my librarian?


Visit How to Subscribe for more information on subscriptions, perpetual access, and trials, and to access the librarian recommendation form.
2. I am a subscriber and I can’t access the Encyclopedia of Social Work.

 First, please check that you have sent us your license agreement. Unless you are in a free trial period, we cannot give you access to Encyclopedia of Social Work until we have received and checked your signed license agreement. Please see the following FAQs for other connection issues.

a) It is possible that some of your registration details are incorrect in our database.
If the IP address/es for your institution or the username and password which you use to access ESW are incorrect in our subscriber database you will not be able to access the site. Check with your librarian or account administrator, and ask them to follow the instructions below.
First, log in to OUP Subscriber Services and check that you are using the correct username and password or that the correct IP addresses have been entered for your institution.
Once you have checked whether your IP address details are correct, please contact customer support to tell us whether:
• your IP address/es need to be corrected (if so, please supply the correct address/es)
• your IP address/es are correct, but you still can’t get access to the Encyclopedia of Social Work
b) Are you seeing any error messages when you try to log in to the Encyclopedia of Social Work?
Error messages appear by the login box. These give some suggestions about why you may not be able to access the site. They may direct you to contact either your network administrator or customer support (see Subscriber Services).
c) If your institution holds a concurrent user license, it may be that your browser is not configured to accept cookies.
Cookies are required for subscribers to ESW in order to control access to the service. If you see a cookie-related error message when you try to log in to ESW, enable cookies in your web browser and try again.
Please note that all modern browsers should allow cookies from the Encyclopedia of Social Work by default with no additional user intervention.
JavaScript is required for some site features in the Encyclopedia of Social Work. Use your browser’s menu to check JavaScript settings.
d) It is possible that you are seeing an old page and need to alter your cache settings.
All modern browsers allow you to delete your browsing history, which will remove ESW pages saved to your local drive in a previous session. In most cases, however, this step should not be necessary.
3. Do you offer library card access to the Encyclopedia of Social Work?
We don’t currently offer library card access to ESW. Please contact customer support if you would like to offer library card access to your users.
 4. Our institution connects to the internet using NAT; can we access the Encyclopedia of Social Work?
 Our access control software will work fine with sites firewalled using NAT. In order to give you access, we just need to know which IP address ranges that the NAT software is masquerading as. Please contact customer support if you would like to do this.
5. Can users access the Encyclopedia of Social Work off-site?
We do not allow remote access unless it is by a secure route, for example referred URL access from an accessed-controlled page on the subscriber’s website or access via a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or Shibboleth.  Please contact customer support for more information.
 6. What is your policy on cookies?
Cookies are used in the  ESW in order to grant users access to the site and track certain usage metrics.. The default behavior will be to use cookies for authentication. However, subscribers who have unlimited access licenses for ESW may choose to disable cookies without affecting user access to the site. Note that usage statistics related to user sessions will not be available with cookies disabled.
 7. Proxy servers
 a) Will our proxy server IP address/es be enough to allow access to the Encyclopedia of Social Work?
Yes. However, if you are accessing ESW through a proxy server then you need to provide its IP address for authentication.
b) I’ve registered my proxy server IP address/es, but I can’t access the Encyclopedia of Social Work.
If you see a login form when you are on socialwork.oxfordre.com, and have no access to full-text content, then the IP address of your proxy server is not being recognized by the ESW site. If this is the case, please contact customer support, giving us details of the problem.
c) After previously successful IP-authenticated access via a proxy server, why am I now being requested to sign in with a username and password?
If there is no obvious technical solution to the problem, please contact your Internet service provider (ISP) to check whether they have changed their configuration in a way that might have affected your IP-authenticated access to ESW.
 8. Questions relating to IP addresses
a) How do I register a large number of IP addresses?
Contact the office appropriate to your region with the list of IP addresses.
North and South America: oxfordonline@oup.com
Rest of the world: onlinesubscriptions@oup.com
Tip: remember to use the asterisk (*) wildcard character if you are registering an entire class of IP addresses, and condense IP ranges in the following way, e.g. nnn.nnn.1-30.*
b) How do I change my institution's IP addresses?
Contact the office appropriate to your region with the list of IP addresses.
North and South America: oxfordonline@oup.com
Rest of the world: onlinesubscriptions@oup.com
Tip: remember to use the asterisk (*) wildcard character if you are registering an entire class of IP addresses, and condense IP ranges in the following way, e.g. nnn.nnn.1-30.*
 9. Questions about passwords
 a) I’ve forgotten my site administrator password.
Please contact customer support and specify whether you would like to be reminded of your password, or whether you would like to change it (along with details of what you’d like to change it to) and we will send you the details as soon as possible.
b) Can I distribute my site administrator username and password to allow access for colleagues?
No, this is a restricted ID which should be kept in a safe place for use only by the librarian or site administrator. As access to ESW for institutions is IP authenticated, your colleagues will be able to access the service without a username and password. If any of your colleagues requires a username and password for off-site access to ESW, please contact us.
c) I have forgotten my username and password to access the Encyclopedia of Social Work.
Only account administrators can reset passwords. Please see your librarian or administrator for help.
 10. Can I see usage statistics for my library/institution?
Yes, but usage statistics are only available to account administrators, who will have an administrator’s username and password in order to access these pages. To see your institution’s usage statistics, log in to OUP Subscriber Services.
11. How do I use Subscriber Services?
Information about Subscriber Services is available on the ESW site from the toolbar at the top of every page. Library administrators with username and password may also access the central OUP Subscriber Services site to
• view subscription information and IP addresses
• view your institutional usage reports.
If you are a subscriber and cannot log in to  OUP Subscriber Services, please contact customer support.
 12. How do I view or update my institution’s subscription record?
To view or update your subscription information, use your administrator username and password to sign into the OUP Subscriber Services site and access your subscription.
Alternatively you can e-mail the office appropriate to your region describing what you would like us to change.
North and South America: oxfordonline@oup.com
Rest of the world: onlinesubscriptions@oup.com
We will contact you as soon as we have implemented the changes.
 13. Which browsers will the Encyclopedia of Social Work display on correctly?
The ESW is designed to display and function correctly on the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and MS Edge.
 14. Will my screen-reader software work on the Encyclopedia of Social Work? What are the site’s accessibility standards?

To help achieve our objective of excellence in research, scholarship and education and as part of our commitment to serving our customers and users, Oxford University Press is striving to make its products accessible to and inclusive of all our users, including those with visual, hearing, cognitive, or motor impairments. Visit the Accessibility page to find out more.
 15. How are the Encyclopedia of Social Work usage reports defined?

Oxford University Press provides usage statistics that are compliant with the COUNTER Code of Practice, Release 5. These reports are designed to be clear, flexible, and consistent. For more information and to access reports for your institution, please see our Usage Statistics page for librarians.
 16. Does Encyclopedia of Social Work support search/retrieval queries?

Yes, please see the SRU help pages for this site:  socialwork.oxfordre.com/sruhelp.
 17. What is your policy on third party data mining?

OUP recognizes the research benefit of Text and Data Mining (TDM) across a variety of research fields. As such, we are happy to accommodate TDM for non-commercial use. If you have any questions please e-mail Data.Mining@oup.com