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date: 17 February 2025


, Roman biographer, b. c. 70 ce


, Roman biographer, b. c. 70 ce
  • Keith Bradley


Suetonius (Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus) was the son of the equestrian (see equites, Imperial period) Suetonius Laetus, tribune (see tribuni militum) of Legio XIII (see legion) at *Bedriacum in 69 ce, and originated perhaps from Pisaurum in Umbria or (see umbrians), more likely, *Hippo Regius (mod. Bône) in Numidia. From the correspondence of the younger *Pliny (2), he appears already to have attracted attention in Rome as an author and scholar by c. 97 ce, and also to have gained experience in advocacy. Perhaps intending to pursue the equestrian cursus, he secured through Pliny's patronage a military tribunate in Britain c.102, which in the event he declined to hold; c. 110 ce, however, he probably travelled with Pliny to *Bithynia as a member of the provincial governor's retinue, gaining soon after, again through Pliny's intercession, the ius trium liberorum (see ius liberorum).


  • Latin Literature
  • Roman History and Historiography

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